3.8. Ethical Investment Flashcards
What is ethical investment?
When a person, company or group only invests in areas that are considered socially responsible
What are generally avoided by ethical investors?
Companies that cause environmental or humanitarian harm
What has happened to ethical investment since the 1990s?
Amount of ethical investment by US companies almost tripled between 2005 and 2016
Why don’t governments want to invest in tobacco, firearms or polluting energy companies?
Governments don’t want to be associated with promoting or being seen to be ok with these products
Why do investors make a choice based on a company’s activities?
Governments are more likely to invest in more environmental companies that are more green, transparent companies
Why do companies change their products to suit more people?
- More sustainable = more ethical investment
- Companies are aware of social and environmental concerns -> companies are more likely to invest in companies that are more ethical as they want to be associated with their values
How do socially responsible choices/ personal principles and beliefs contribute to ethical investments?
Consumers change choices companies make so if consumers stop buying, companies will change the product - mat make it more sustainable/ ethical
What is greenwashing?
Unjustified and misleading claims from brands that their products are more environmentally friendly than they really are