3.7.6 Analysing the external environment to assess opportunities and threats: social and technological Flashcards
What are key features of demographic information?
- Population growth
- Age of population
- Migration
- Gender
- Household composition
- Race
State examples of new tech that has come out since the growth of technology
Software robotics
Wearable technology
Gaming industry
Audio visual technology
State social problems plaguing the world today.
Lack of education
Climate change
Public health
Water and food security
High morbidity (rate of disease in a population)
State how the government combats social problems
- Investing money into public services
- Tax and regulate products and the amount of pollution
- Nationalisation to reduce unemployment
- Regional grants and aid to encourage business startup
- Minimum wage
Explain ways that businesses solve social problems.
- Businesses are more aware of problems and introduce many policies to help solve them and create more social awareness amongst the public
- Many believe NGOs have the solutions for these social problems (true that these organisations have had a growth through the years) – but this growth is too slow, thus, the solutions that they are achieving and their impact are small because of lack of resources
- Business generate the resources to make a large scale impact because of the amount of revenue they receive due to making products/services to meet the needs and demands of customers
- Profits allow for solutions to become self-sustaining
- Firms should analyse social problems that can be related with their business activities and make changes relating to this
- Creating shared value – a business strategy designed to solve social issues profitably. It does this by leveraging the resources and innovation of the private sector to create new solutions to some of society’s most pressing issues
What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?
the duties a business has towards its stakeholders
What are the advantages of upholding CSR?
- Improved financial performance
- Reduced operating costs
- Enhanced brand image and reputation
- Increased sales and customer loyalty
- Attracts and retains employees
- Access to capital
What are the disadvantages of upholding CSR?
- May decrease efficiency
- Can be costly
- Stakeholders tend to have differing views/opinions
- Goes to the back of the queue in terms of priority when the economy is struggling
- Not legally binding
- May only be done to meet changing consumer tastes instead of real commitment
What is Carroll’s CSR Pyramid?
a simple framework that helps argue how and why organisations should meet their social responsibilities
What does the CSR Pyramid look like?
What are the key features of the CSR pyramid?
- CSR is built on the foundation of profit – profit must come first
- Then comes the need for a business to ensure it complies with all laws & regulations
- Before a business considers its philanthropic options, it also needs to meet its ethical duties
What are the advantages of the CSR pyramid?
- The model is easy to understand and so evaluation can be simple
- Simple message – CSR has more than one element
- Emphasises importance of profit
What are the disadvantages of the CSR pyramid?
- Too simplistic so evaluation isn’t in depth and can’t be done extensively
- Weak/no relationship between each stage of the CSR activities involves and so it is have to link and therefore make a valid evaluation
- Businesses don’t always do what they claim when it comes to CSR