37. NEVER AND EVER Flashcards
Yo nunca estuve contigo
I was never with you (el never va después)
I wasn´t ever with you
Yo siempre estuve contigo, incluso en los momentos más difíciles
I was ever with you, even in the hardest moments
instead of “always” use “ever”, aunque ambos están bien
Marko nunca compró su tablet, incluso cuando el tenía el dinero para comprarlo
Marko never bought his iPad, even when he had money to buy it.
Jamás voy a domir temprano, porque me quedo despierto hasta muy tarde. Por ello, amanezco cansado en las mañanas.
I never go to bed early, because I stay up very late. That´s why I wake up tired in the mornings.
¿Acaso tú nuncas vas a la cama temprano?
Do you never go to bed early?
Don´t you ever go to bed early?
Ella jamás te amó, solo jugó contigo. Fuiste su juguete
She never loved you, she just played with you. You were hir toy.
Yo jamás comería pescado con pellejo.
I would never eat fish with skin
the “never” is in the middle
ella nunca bailaría contigo, ni aunque le pagues, ni aunque le pagues
She would never dance with you, not even you pay her
Nunca estudiarías conmigo, aunque yo sea el más inteligente del salón?
Would you never study with me, even if I was the smartest in the classroom?