37 days Flashcards
What is discourse?
A stretch of language considered in its context of use
What is a genre?
A type of text defined by its purpose/ features/ type of content
What is intertextuality?
The way in which one text echoes/ refers to another
What is lexis?
The vocabulary of a language
What are phonetics/ phonology?
The study of how words sound
What are prosodics/ prosody?
Prosody = The melody that our voices create
Prosodics = Rhythm and intonation
What are semantics?
The meanings of words/ expressions
What is grammar?
The structural aspects of language that tie items together
What is graphology?
The visual aspects of textual design, including colour, typeface, layout, images, and logos
What is morphology?
The aspect of grammar that refers to grammatical markings
What is the phonemic alphabet?
An alphabet for transcribing general sounds
What are pragmatics?
Assumptions made about what is meant through speech or writing
What is a paralanguage?
Aspects of an individual’s vocal expression, such as whispering and laughing
What is the phonological system?
The system of sounds within any language variety
What is a repertoire?
The range of language forms or styles used by a speaker