3.7 Controlled Drugs Flashcards
Examples of schedule 1 (CD Liz POM) drugs
Raw opium
Example of schedule 2 drugs (CD POM)
Opiates (diamorphine, morphine, methadone, oxycodone, pethidine)
Major stimulants (amfetamines)
Examples of schedule 3 CDs (CD no register POM)
Minor stimulants and other drugs (buprenorphine, temazepam, tramadol, midazolam, phenobarbital)
Schedule 4 CDs are split into two classes what are they?
1) CD Benz POM (BZ e.g diazepam,non-BZ e.g zopiclone, and sativex (a cannabinoid oromucosal mouth spray)
2) CD Anab POM (anabolic and androgenic steroids, together with clenuterol (an androcepter stimulant) and growth hormones
Example of schedule 5 CDs
CD INV POM or CD INV P- contain preparations of CDs such as codeine, pholcodine and morphine
Do schedule 3 drugs require a register
How long are schedule 1-4 CD prescriptions valid for
28 days from appropriate date
How long are schedule 5 CDs valid for
6 months
Which schedule CDs require the address of the prescriber to be within the UK
2 + 3
True or false- EEA and Swiss prescribers can legally prescribe all CD schedules
False they cannot prescribe 2 + 3
Which schedule CDs can be repeatable prescriptions
4 + 5
NICE advises that organisations should consider retaining all CD invoices for how long
6 years
Two exemptions for pharmacists to possess schedule 1 CDs
Removal from a patient for destruction
Removal from a patient to give to police
Schedule 1 CDs can only be administered or prescribed under what
A home office license
Name the 6 legal requirements for a controlled drug requisition
1) signature of recipient
2) name of recipient
3) address of recipient
4) profession/occupation
5) totally quantity of drug
6) purpose of requisition