3.6.4 Homeostasis Flashcards
What’s homeostasis
Maintenance of an organisms internal environment within restricted limits
What maintains homeostasis in mammals
Physiological control systems
Why is it important to maintain a stable core temp and blood pH (enzymes)
Enzymes controlling biochemical reactions in the cell
channel proteins are sensitive to changes in pH and temp,
changing these factors reduces the rate of reaction or stops them working, for example denaturing enzymes
Stages in a control mechanism
Optimum point, system operates best
Receptor, detects stimulus
Coordinator, sends instructions
Effector, muscle or gland creating change
Feedback mechanism, response to stimulus which returns system to normality (negative feedback)
What’s negative feedback
Change produced by control system,
leads to change in stimulus detected by receptor,turning the system off
What’s positive feedback
Deviation from the optimum causes changes resulting in a greater deviation from the normal
What’s beneficial about having seperate mechanism for departures in opposite directions
Greater degree of control
Eg blood glucose conc
Both mechanisms (hormones) are highly sensitive
Factors influenced blood glucose concentration
Diet, carbs like starch hydrolysed into glucose
Glycogenolysis, hydrolysis of glycogen in small intestine
Gluconeogenesis, glucose produced from amino acids and glycerol
What’s glycogenesis
Conversion of glucose into glycogen
Blood glucose conc is higher than normal, liver removes glucose from blood and converts it to glycogen
Break down of glycogen to glucose
Blood glucose conc is lower than normal, liver converts stored glycogen into glucose, glucose diffuses into blood restoring normal blood glucose conc
What’s gluconeogenesis
Glucose production from amino acids and glycerol when glycogen supply is finished
Action of insulin
Beta cells in pancreas have receptors that detect a stimulus which is the rise in blood glucose conc, response is secreting hormone insuline into blood plasma
Body cells have glycoprotein on their cell surface membrane which bind specifically with insulin molecules this
Changes the tertiary structure of glucose transport carrier proteins, they change shape and open
More carrier proteins can transport glucose, the protein used to make these channels are part of the membrane of vesicles, when insulin conc increases vesicles fuse with cell surface membrane increasing number of glucose protein carriers, more glucose moves into cell by facilitated diffusion
Activates enzymes to convert glucose to glycogen and fat
(Insulin helps to move glucose out of blood into cells) this results in
Blood glucose conc is lowered by increasing rate of absorption into muscle cell
Increasing respiratory rate if cells
Increasing the rate of conversion of glucose in glycogen (glycogenesis)
Increasing rate of conversion of glucose into fat
Glucose is therefore removed from the blood returning the glucose conc to optimum, beta cells reduce their secretion of insulin (negative feedback)
Action of glucagon
Alpha cells in pancreas detect fall in blood glucose conc, respond by secreting hormone glucagon into blood plasma
Glucagon attaches to specific protein receptors present on the livers cell surface membrane
This activated enzymes which convert glycogen to glucose
Enzymes which convert amino acids and glycerol into glucose (gluconeogenesis) are also activated
Overall glucose concentration in blood is increased until optimum conc is reached, alpha cells reduce secretion of glucagon (negative feedback)
Role of adrenaline
Increases blood glucose concentration
Produced by adrenal glands
Adrenaline attaches to protein receptors on the cell surface membrane of target cells, activates enzymes causing the breakdown of glycogen to glucose in the liver
What’s the secondary messenger model
A mechanism of hormone action for adrenaline and glucagon
Describe what happens in the second messenger model for adrenaline/glucagon
Adrenaline/glucagon binds to transmembrane protein receptor within the cell surface membrane of a liver cell, protein on the inside of the membrane changes shape, enzyme adenyl cyclase is activated, this activated enzyme converts ATP to cyclic AMP (cAMP), cAMP acts as a second messenger as it binds to protein kinase changing its shape activating it also, active protein kinase enzyme catalyses conversion of glycogen to glucose, moves out liver by facilitated diffusion and a channel protein
What’s type 1 diabetes and it’s causes
Body unable to produce insulin, due to autoimmune condition where body attacks Beta cells in the liver
What’s type 2 diabetes and it’s causes
Glycoprotein receptors lost responsiveness to insulin or due to an inadequate supply from pancreas, causes by age and obesity
How is type 1 and 2 diabetes controlled
Type 1, insulin injections depending on blood glucose concentration
Type 2, regulating intake of carbohydrates depending on exercise
What’s osmoregulation
Control of water potential in the blood
Structure of a kidney (not needed for exam but helps with nephron)
Fibrous capsule, protects kidney
Cortex, outer region, contains renal capsule convoluted tubules and blood vessels
Medulla, inner region, contains loops of henle collecting ducts and blood vessels
Renal pelvis, cavity collecting urine
Ureter, tube carrying urine to bladder
Renal artery, supplies kidney with blood from aorta
Renal vein, returns blood to heart using vena cava
What’s a nephron
Functional unit of the kidney
Many nephrons make up the kidney
Structure of nephron
Renal capsule- start of nephron, cup surrounding capillaries called glomerulus
Proximal convoluted tubule- loops surrounded by capillaries
Loop of henle- loop extending from cortex to medulla and then from medulla to cortex, surrounded by capillaries
Distal convoluted tubule- looped surrounded by blood vessels but fewer than proximal convoluted tubule
Collecting duct- distal convoluted tubules empty into pelvis
Blood vessels in the nephron
Afferent arteriole- from renal artery to renal capsule, supplies nephron with blood
Glomerulus- lots of capillaries, fluid forced out of blood
Efferent arteriole- leaves renal capsule, high pressure smaller diameter
Blood capillaries- surround proximal convoluted tubule, loop of henle, distal convoluted tubule, re absorbing mineral salts, glucose and water, merge into venules
How is glomerular filtrate produced by ultrafiltration
Blood enters through afferent arteriole which is wider it splits into capillaries forming glomerulus, causes high hydrostatic pressure as efferent arteriole is narrow
Water and small molecules (glucose, mineral ions,urea, amino acids) forced out of capillaries through podocytes and form glomerulus filtrate, ultrafiltration removes small molecules whether they are useful or not
Large proteins and blood cells are too large to fit through gaps in capillary endothelium, remain in blood, blood leaves through efferent arteriole
What are podocyte cells
Cells wrapped around capillary, filtrate passes through the spaces
How is glucose and water reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule
Na+ actively transported out of PCT epithelial cell into blood, Na+ conc in lumen of PCT is lowered
Na+ diffuses via carrier proteins from the lumen of the PCT to epithelial cells lining the PCT
There are different carrier proteins which carry Na+ with and Cl-/amino acids/glucose
Glucose is co transported into the PCT epithelial cells with Na+
Glucose diffuses into blood, glucose/water reabsorbed
Adaptations of proximal convoluted tubule for reabsorption
Microvilli, large surface area to reabsorb substances from filtrate
Infolding at the base, large surface area to transfer reabsorbed molecules into blood
Lots of mitochondria, provide ATP for active transport
How is the NA+ gradient maintained in the medulla using loop of henle
Na+ actively transported out of ascending limb using ATP
Low water potential (high ion conc) in the interstitial space, thick walls of ascending limb are impermeable
Walls of descending limb are permeable to water, water moves via osmosis to interstitial space, then into capillaries via osmosis
Less water in interstitial space, lowest water potential at the tip of hairpin
Na+ diffuse and actively pumped out of ascending limb, filtrate in interstitial space has higher water potential
Interstitial space has a water potential gradient, highest at cortex, lowest at medulla
How does the distal convoluted tubule and collecting ducts reabsorb water
Collecting duct is permeable to water, filtrate moves down it, water leaves via osmosis into blood vessel through channel proteins specific to water, the number of these channels is altered by ADH
Water potential in filtrate is lowered, water potential in interstitial space is also lowered, water continues to move out of collecting duct via osmosis as the counter current multiplier ensures water potential gradient is maintained
Filtrate left forms urine
Two regions in the loop of henle
Descending limb
Narrow thin walls highly permeable to water
Ascending limb
Wider thicker walls impermeable to water
Role of the distal convoluted tubule
Cell walls contain microvilli and lots of mitochondria for rapid reabsorption by active transport
Reabsorbed salt and water
Controls blood pH by selecting which ions are reabsorbed, permeability of walls are changed by hormones
What’s the counter current multiplier in the loop of henle
Two liquids flow in opposite directions
Filtrate in collecting duct (low water potential) meets interstitial fluid (even lower water potential), small water potential difference but occurs across whole length of collecting duct, steady flow of water into interstitial fluid, more water enters blood
How is low water potential of the blood regulated
Osmoreceptors in hypothalamus detect low water potential (osmoreceptor cells lose water and shrink), produces ADH
ADH passes to posterior pituitary gland, then secreted into capillaries
ADH passes to kidney, increases permeability to water of cell surface membrane of distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct
Specific protein receptors on the cell surface membrane bind to ADH, enzyme phosphorylase is activated
Vesicle containing water channel proteins, found within cell moves and fuses with its distal convoluted tubule cell surface membrane, increases water channels, cell surface membrane more permeable to water
ADH increases permeability of collecting duct to urea, urea passes out, water potential of fluid around duct is lowered, more water leaves collecting duct via osmosis and reenters blood
Osmoreceptors also send nerve impulses to thirst centre in the brain to encourage water consumption
Osmoreceptors in hypothalamus detect water potential rise, less impulses sent to pituitary gland, it reduces the release of ADH secreted
How is high water potential in the blood regulated
Osmoreceptors in hypothalamus detect rise in water potential, increase frequency of nerve impulses to pituitary gland to reduce ADH release
Less ADH via blood reduces permeability of collecting ducts to water and urea
Less water reabsorbed into blood from collecting duct
More dilute urine, water potential of blood falls, when it returns to normal Osmoreceptors in hypothalamus cause pituitary gland to raise ADH levels to normal
What can effect water potential of the blood
Drinking too much/little water
Lots of sweating
Lots of salt being taken in in diet or being used and not replaced