3.6 Cyber Security Flashcards
What is cyber security ?
cyber security is an approach to computer security, covering processes, practises, technology, designed to protect networks, computers, programs and data from attack, damage and unauthorised access
What are the different cyber security threats ?
- social engineering
- malicious code
- weak and default passwords
- misconfigured access rights
- removal media
- unpatches or outdated software
- pharming
Why are weak and default passwords a cyber security threat ?
- using weak and default passwords on network devices provides an easy way in for hackers
Why are misconfigured access rights a cyber security threat ?
As users change roles, access rights are often unmodified, with ‘lower’ access not removed, allowing information leakage
Why is removal media a cyber security threat ?
Removable media pose 2 main risk to network security:
- they allow users the bring malware onto the network
- they allows users to take data out of the network
They are also small and easy to lose
Why is unpatched or outdated software a cyber security threat?
- Outdated system software, can leave devices vulnerable to attack through known exploits in that software.
- antivirus software must keep up-to-date to be able to provide protection against the latest viruses and malware
Why is pharming a cyber security threat ?
Pharming is intended to redirect a websites traffic to a fake website
What is the purpose of penetration testing ?
- it is an authorised test performed against a network to test: vulnerabilities by mimicking an attack in order to identify opportunities for improving the security by implementing new polices, practises and technologies
What are the 2 types of penetration testing ?
Black box penetration testing:
- simulates an external attack
- no information is given to the hacker about the organisation
- this tests for a way in
White box penetration testing:
- determines what data and systems are accessible to malicious insiders e.g spy or member of staff
- the hacker has knowledge of systems, including login credentials, Wi-Fi passwords
What is social engineering ?
Social engineering - the art of manipulating people so that they divulge confidential information, often no matter how sophisticated technical protection is, people are the weak points.
What are the different types of social engineering ?
- Blagging(pretexting)
- phishing
- pharming
- shouldering
What is blagging(pretexting)
- using an invented scenario to engage a targeted victim in a manner that increases the chance the victim will divulge information that would be unlikely in ordinary circumstances.
- basically creating believable circumstances that leads to someone giving away confidential information
What is phishing ?
- phishing is the technique of fraudulently obtaining private information, often via email or sms
- involves attempts to convince people to divulge their private information e.g bank details by clicking links which take them to fake versions of websites
- they may threaten negative consequences if victims fail to act, or claim the victims account is at risk to make them panic and increase the likelihood of them clicking links
What is shouldering ?
- shouldering is the means of obtaining someone’s private information (such as their bank cards PIN number) by looking over their shoulder
- shouldering requires close proximity to the victim and cannot be carried out remotely
What are some way to protect against social engineering ?
1) educate people about the risks and methods of hackers
2) implement effective user access levels
3) use 2 FA
4) don’t reuse the same password and use password managers
What is malware ?
Malware - is an umbrella term used to refer to a variety of forms of hostile or intrusive software
How can malware be protected against ?
- using antivirus and anti malware software
- keeping operating systems up to date
- educate users about the risk of following linking in phishing emails
What are the different types of malware ?
- computer viruses
- trojan
- spyware
What is a computer virus ?
viruses are small computer programs, often hidden inside other computer programs (the host program)
- they often cause damage to the host system like deleting files and opening backdoors to allow remote access
- viruses spread when users copy infected files to other devices
- worms are when viruses are written to self-replicate across all devices on a network
What is a trojan ?
- Trajan’s are any from of malware disguised as useful software, which users willingly install on their computers
- pretending to be an update to a web browser plug-in is a classic example of a Trojan
What is spyware ?
Spyware - gathers information about users and devices without the users knowledge
- this can include: tracking the users location, recording the users screen, activating their webcam
- key logging the process of recording every key press in order to capture login details
What are biometric systems ?
biometric systems authenticate or verify an individual’s identity using biophysical data unique to that individual, e.g fingerprint or by recognising their face
What are the benefits of biometric systems ?
- no extra devices
- quick to enter
- not vulnerable to shoulder surfing
- difficult to fake
- not able to forget it
What are CAPTCHA systems ?
CAPTCHA - stands for: completely automated public turning to tell computers humans apart
- They were designed to protect against automated sign-ups by bots
- Confirms the system is being access by a person not a robot