3.6-3.8 & 3.10 - Asian Hornet, Tropilaelaps and SHB Flashcards
SHB Facts
Latin Name
Aethina tumida
SHB Facts
Several generations per year (1-6) depending on environmental conditions
Adult bees can survive up to 9 days without food/water
Females can lay 1000-2000 eggs in lifetime
Larvae eat brood, pollen and honey and take 10-16 days to mature
Mature larvae crawl out of hive to pupate
Pupation usually occurs in soil within 20m of hive at depth of 10cm (in rare instances can crawl up to 200m!) and takes 3-4 weeks but can be between 8-84 days depending on temp
Temp above 17-25° required for completion of lifecycle
Pupation rates vary from 92%-98% in a range of soil types provided the soil is moist
Soil moisture is major limiting factor in beetle reproduction and thus population build up
Adults start to look for honey bee colonies as soon as they emerge and females generally mate and begin laying eggs about a week after emergence.
Adults can fly around 16km to infest new hives
SHB Facts
Indigenous to Africa
First found in USA in 1998 - now very widespread in all states
First found in Australia in 2002 - now well established and endemic in NSW, Queensland and Victoria. Detected in Western Aus
Detected in Canada in 2002 and confirmed in Quebec in 2008 (not well established)
Confirmed in Jamaica in 2005 and Mexico in 2007. Reported present in Egypt in 2000 but unsubstantiated
Intercepted and eradicated in Portugal in 2004
Confirmed in Cuba (2012)
Presence confirmed in the region o Calabria, Italy in 2014 and thought to have been eradicated in Sicily
Not currently present in UK (Notifiable pest status
SHB Facts
Methods of spread
Spread by movement of package bees, honeybee colonies, swarms, honeycomb, beeswax, beekeeping equipment, soil and fruit.
Or movement of alternative hosts (bumblebees)
SHB Facts
Damage caused to beekeeping
Indigenous African bees have natural defences to SHB that European honeybees don’t have.
Beetles multiply to huge numbers
Larvae tunnel through comb to eat brood
Either destroy infested colonies or cause them to abscond
They defecate in honey and thereby discolour it. The activity of the larvae causes the honey to ferment; it becomes frothy and develops a characteristic odour of decaying oranges. Damage and fermentation cause honey to run out of combs.
Can be up to 30 larvae per cell
Infested combs have a slimy appearance (no webbing as with wax moth)
SHB Facts
Control methods
Cannot be eradicated once well established
Control by IPM (integrated pest management), pesticides in hive and surrounding soil
Also control with improved bee husbandry and changes to honey handling procedures in equipment storage and extraction rooms
SHB Facts
Belongs in order Coleoptera to a family of scavenger beetles known as the Nitidulidae
Many are pests of fruit and stored food and some have a close association with Hymenoptera (bees, wasps and ants)
SHB Facts
• Club shaped antennae
• Shortened wing case over the abdomen (elytra) covered in fine hairs
• Oval shape 5-7mm long by 3-4.5 mm wide. Dark brown to black.
• Rows of spines along the back
• 3 pairs of legs near the head
(Eggs are white, 2⁄3 size of honey bee egg laid in massive numbers in crevices.)
SHB Facts
Larval Development
After 2-6 days beetle eggs hatch and larvae start feeding
Prefer to eat bee eggs and brood but will also eat honey/pollen
Burrow through brood combs
Characteristic rows of spines on the back and 3 pairs of legs near head
Completed growth of 10-11mm after 10-14 days
SHB Facts
Methods of detection
Using corrugated hive floor inserts:
Place plastic coated corrugated cardboard corrugated side down on bottom board towards rear of hive
Regularly examine debris under inserts for evidence of beetles or eggs
Immediately upon removal put the trap in clear plastic bag when examining it otherwise beetles will escape
Using beetle traps:
Better Beetle Blaster or Beetle Jail - disposable plastic trap inserted between frames, placed between two top bars of brood chamber. Half filled with vegetable oil and checked during each inspection
SHB Facts
What actions should be taken by the beekeeper?
• Immediately report the presence to the NBU. Use Statutory Notifiable Pest form.
• Collect a sample. Place in a stiff container (match box).
• Kill the beetles by freezing for 24hrs. Place in Jiffy bag and post to NBU in York with a
completed sampling form from BeeBase.
• Impose a standstill order on the apiary. No movement of bees, equipment or hive products in or
out of the apiary.
• Standstill in force until cleared by the Bee Inspector.
SHB Facts
What device can be used to detect the adult?
Corrugated card insert
Beetle trap
SHB Facts
What could be the consequences to the beekeeper if it was discovered?
- Beetles multiply in large numbers. Thousands of beetles in a single hive, 30 larvae per cell.
- This generates heat and causes comb to collapse. Defecation in honeycomb causes honey to ferment and drip out of cells.
- Cells become slimy and smell of ‘rotten oranges’.
- Larvae tunnel through cells to eat brood and ruin stored honey.
- Depending on level of infection queens stop laying and colonies quickly collapse or abscond
- Beekeeper needs to adopt new IPM measures accepting pesticides in the hive and surrounding soil and changing handling practices.
Tropilaelaps Facts
The life cycle of Tropilaelaps is similar to that of Varroa although there are slight differences. Tropilaelaps has a higher reproductive rate than Varroa as it has a shorter life cycle - consequently, when both types of mite are present in the same colony Tropilaelaps populations build up far more rapidly (a factor of approximately 25:1).
Tropilaelaps Facts
In order to reproduce adult mites enter cells containing larvae and start reproduction once the cell is sealed. As with Varroa, they prefer to populate drone cells.
Typically, three to four eggs are laid on mature bee larvae 48 hours after cell capping, about one day apart.
The eggs hatch after around twelve hours.
The larva goes through two nymphal stages (protonymph, deutonymph) before reaching the adult stage.
Once hatched, all stages of both female and male mites feed on the haemolymph (blood) of the developing bee.