36-20903 Flashcards
First Sergeant Role?
Advises commanders and supervisor to ensure all Airmen are in compliance. Sets the example and enforces dress and appearance standards.
Supervisor Role?
Supervisors must ensure subordinate Airmen comply with this instruction and take appropriate corrective action when they do not meet acceptable standards.
Airmen/Individual Responsibilities?
- procure and maintain all mandatory clothing
- must adhere to this instruction and supplement(s) at all times
- ensure uniform items and civilian clothing (in official capacity) are maintained, clean, and in serviceable condition
- meet personal grooming standards
- not engage in public displays of affection including: holding hands, walking arm-in-arm, embracing, caressing, and kissing.
actions prohibited while walking or in a formation?
- hand(s) in pocket
- smoke in other than designated areas.
- consume food and/or beverage while walking in uniform.
- While walking in uniform use of personal electronic media devices, including ear pieces.
Hair-male and female Standards?
- Will not contain excessive amounts of gel, mousse.
- not appear lopsided
- not appear lopsided.
- not touch eyeborws.
- end below an imaginary line across the forehead at the top of the eyebrows
Hair dye dolor Standards?
dyes, tints, bleaches and frostings must result in natural, human hair colors.
Wigs/Hairpieces/Extensions Standards?
same standard required for natural hair and will be of good quality, fit properly, and comply with safety
Hair-Nets Standards?
- Worn as required for health or safety reasons
- solid color similar to the member’s hair color.
- only authorized when performing related duties.
Hair-Male appearance?
Tapered appearance
Hair-Male block-cut permitted?
YES, with tapered appearance
Hair-Male bulk permitted?
not exceed 1¼ inch in bulk
Hair-Male termination point?
1/4” inch at natural termination point
Hair-Male- permited to touch the collar?
only closely cut or shaved hair on the back of the neck to touch the collar
Hair-Male- permited to touch the ears?
will not touch the ears
Hair-Male- permited to protrude under headgear?
Hair-Male-shaven heads authorized?
Hair-Male-flat-top hair cuts authorized?
Hair-Male- high-and-tight hair cuts authorized?
Hair-Male- Sideburn Standards?
- straight and even width
- cut at horizontal line
- will not extend below the bottom of the orifice of the ear opening
Mustache Standards?
- conservative.
- not extend downward beyond the upper lip line
- NOT extend sideways beyond a vertical line from corners of the mouth
Beards Authorized?
NOT authorized
Except: when authorized by a commander.
Standards when Beards Authorized?
- keep trimmed not to exceed ¼ inch in length
2. NOT sculptured
Hair-Female Minimum length?
Hair-Female maximum bulk?
3” from scalp
Hair-Female - where to end?
end above the bottom edge of collar parallel to the ground
Hair-Female bangs?
Bangs will not touch either eyebrow
Hair-Female accessories/aids colors?
hairpins, headbands, elastic bands must match the hair color
Hair-Female -Ornaments not authorized?
ribbons, beads, jeweled pins, Scrunches
Hair-Female ponytails authorized?
ONLY While wearing the PTU
Hair-Female- are Braids/cornrows authorized?
YES, must be a natural looking color and not faddish
Hair-Female- not authorized hairstyles?
Dreadlocks, shaved head, flat-tops, high-and-tight cuts
Hair-Female - Hair color authorized?
YES, not be faddish and will be natural looking
Hair-Female - highlights authorized?
YES, not be faddish and will be natural looking
Hair-Female - frosting authorized?
YES, not be faddish and will be natural looking
Hair-Female leg hair?
will remove hair that is visibly protruding beyond hosiery or is uneven texture under hoisery
Fingernail polish standard?
polish will be a single color, NOT purple, gold, blue, black, bright red, florescent colors
Fingernail polish designs?
Not Authorized
Fingernail length?
not exceed ¼ “ in length beyond the tip of the finger
Are Cosmetics Authorized?
NOT by males
LIpstick color?
conservative in color, NOT purple, gold, blue, black, bright red, florescent
Tattoos Unauthorized content?
obscene, associated with gangs, extremist, supremacist organizations, or advocate sexual, racial, ethnic, or religious discrimination
Tattoos visible Standard?
exposed or visible while wearing any/all uniform combination(s) except the PTU
Tattoos Excessive Standard?
markings that exceed 25% of the exposed body part
Tattoos - define exposed “body part” Standard?
total area, to include front, sides,back of a limb protruding from a uniform item
Are tattoos/brands above the collarbone Authorized?
is Dental ornamentation Authorized?
teeth will not be ornamented with designs, jewels, initials, etc
formal dress, saluting required? (white tie affairs).
Men’s Dress-Coat?
Blue, Single Breasted, straight back. 2 buttons, sleeves 1/4 -1/2” below the wrist.
Men’s Dress-Accoutrements?
NO name tag
ONLY miniature medals.
Men’s Mess Dress- when worn?
social functions of a formal, official nature
Men’s Mess Dress- Alternative?
Enlisted may wear the semiformal service dress uniform