3.5 System Shutdown Flashcards
What happens when you run init 0 at the shell?
The system shuts down immediately.
How would you send a message to all users on the system without shutting down the system?
Use the shutdown -k message command.
Which commands shut the system down immediately?
The commands shutdown -h now, init 0, and halt all shut the system down immediately.
What command will reboot the system after 15 minutes?
The comand shutdown -r +15 will reboot the system after 15 minutes.
What is the purpose of the /etc/shutdown.allow?
The /etc/shutdown.allow command determines who is allowed to shut the system down when using the shutdown -a command.
How can you terminate the shutdown process after it is already running?
The keyboard sequence Ctrl-C and the command shutdown -c both terminate the shutdown process.
What does the command shutdown -h now do?
Shuts the system down immediately.
- -h specifies that the system halt or poweroff after shutdown.
- now forces the system to shut down without a delay.
What does the command halt do?
Shuts the system down immediately.
What does the command init 0 do?
Shuts the system down immediately.
What does the command shutdown -r now do?
Shuts the system down immediately and reboots.
What does the command reboot do?
Shuts the system down immediately and reboots.
What does the command init 6 do?
Shuts the system down immediately and reboots.
What does the command shutdown -h time message do?
Sends the specified message to all logged-in users and shuts the system down at the specified time.
What does the command shutdown -r time message do?
Sends the specified message to all logged-in users and reboots the system at the specified time and sends the specified message to users.
What does the command shutdown -h +5 System is going down do?
Sends the specified message to all logged-in users and shuts the system down in 5 minutes.
What does the command shutdown -h 22:00 do?
Shuts the system down at 10:00 pm.
What does the command shutdown -r +15 do?
Reboots the system in 15 minutes.
What does the command shutdown -r 24:00 System is going down at Midnight do?
Sends the specified message to all logged-in users and reboots the system at midnight.
What does the command shutdown -c do?
Terminates the shutdown process from any console.
What does the keyboard sequence Ctrl+C do with regard to system shutdown?
Terminates the shutdown process in the constole from which the shutdown command was issued.
What does the keyboard sequence shutdown -rf time do?
Reboots the system at the specified time and skips the fsck utility on reboot. The -f parameter stands for reboot fast.
What does the command shutdown -rf do?
Reboots the system and skips fsck utility on reboot.
What does the command shutdown -k message do?
Sends the specified message to all logged-in users but does not shut down the system down. If used in combination with -h or -r, it will terminate the shutdown process after the message is sent.
What does the command shutdown -k Please log out of the system do?
Sends the specified message to all logged-in users but does not shut the system down.
What does the command shutdown -a do?
Causes the system to consult the /etc/shutdown.allow prior to shutting down the system to determine whether or not the user is authorized to shutdown the system. This is typically used in the Ctrl-Alt-Delete section of the /etc/inittab file to control who can shutdown the system with this keyboard sequence.
How is the file /etc/shutdown.allow used by the shutdown -a command?
- If a listed user or root is logged into the system, the system shuts down.
- If a listed user or root is not logged into the system, shutdown is not allowed.
- If the /etc/shutdown.allow file does not exist, there are no restrictions on who can shut down the system.