3.5 LABOUR MARKET Flashcards
- define labour market
- define the 2 types of labour
- define folowing terms monsopsony, bilateral monopoly, trade union
- whare are the demand and supply side in LM
- what is demand& QD of labour
- explain derived demand of labour
link demand of labour and unemployment during recession
what is the MRP therory
whare are the assumptions of MRP theory
formula of mrpl
what is the mfcl
explain the conditions of fimrs and household in a perfect labour market
draw market and firm diagram of perfect labour market
what is the condition for profit max level of employment
illustrate that on a diagram
draw a diagram to show how the market mrpl is derived from firms
EVAL: MRP theory
what is an extenstion/contraction in demand for labour
explain rise/fall in demand of laobur
explain wage affect on demand of labour
explain non wage factors affect on demand for labour
define wage elasticity of demand for labour
explain factors influencing elasticity of demand for labour
define supply of laobur