3.4 Market Structures Flashcards
Perfect Competition
Many Sellers
Identical Costs
Sell same/ very similar products
No entry or exit barriers
Perfect knowledge of the market
All firms are price takers
Normal profit for all firms in the long run
Short run losses or economic profit possible
Monopolistic Competition
Imperfect competition
Large no. sellers
Selling similar/ differentiated products
Firms are price makers
Low barriers to entry and exit
Economic profit/ loss can be made in SR
Normal profits made in Long run (BE)
Productively and Allocatively inefficient
Similarities between Monopolistic and Perfect Competition
Lots of firms
Small in size
Low entry and exit barriers
Economic profit in SR
Normal Profit in LR
High levels of competition
Differences between monopolistic and perfect competition
Identical vs Differentiated products
Perf- Price determined by mkt, Mon- Price determined by firm
PC- Allocatively and productively efficient MON- NOt
Oligopolistic Competition
Dominated by no. small firms
High conc. ratio
Firms will be massively affected by how other firms set price and output
Differentiated products- similar but not identical
Dominant firms make economic profit EVERY YEAR
Try to avoid price competition
Changes in ATC doesn’t change output
Why do firms not compete by price in and oligopolistic market
They could enter price war BUT they’d see little gain in sales- whilst lowering price to follow competitors
This will lower their profit, which they will aim not to do as most firms will try for profit maximisation
Examples of non price competition
Better quality customer service
Longer opening hours for retailers
Discounts on product upgrades when they become available in the mkt
Develop brand loyalty through advertising and promotions
Variation in design, style, service, quality of product
Why may all Oligopolies not be bad?
Economies of scale
Greater innovation
Stability to the market- supply still remains if smaller businesses go bust
Offers employment
Supports public sector
Price wars in Oligopolistic mkt
Firms repeatedly cut prices over time
Predatory Pricing
When a firm deliberately tries to push prices low enough to force rivals out of the market
Limit Pricing
Set prices low and high output, indicating to outside firms they cannot make a profit at that price if they enter
Possible barriers to entry to entering a market
Econ of scale
Geographical barriers
Brand loyalty
Legal Patents
Knowledge and expertise
Tech and capital requirements
First mover
Price Discrimination
When firms charge different prices to different people based upon different characteristics
Pure Monopoly= Large firm dominating the market
Very low levels of competition
High barriers to entry
Economic profit in the long and short run
Allocatively and productively inefficient
Benefits of Monopoly
Economies of Scale due to size
Dynamically efficient
May still compete fiercely on price, quality and service
Can choose to be efficient
International Competition- UK Monopoly will need power to compete with other countries
Allocatively Efficient
Producing whats demanded at a price that reflects the marginal cost of supply
Dynamic Efficiency
Ability to earn supernormal profit in the LR and then reinvest it to further grow in LR
Productive Efficiency
Maximising production and minimising costs
Working at lowest point on ATC
X-Ineffciency/ Efficiency
Lack of competition, you have less pressure to be efficient and are inefficient as a result
Sunk costs
Costs that cannot be recovered if a business decides to leave a market e.g. Redundancy, Penalty costs on leasing, Asset write offs
Contestable market- freedom with entry and exit
No/ low sunk costs
Little regulation
Easy access to raw materials and skilled labour
Good knowledge and access to existing technology
No barriers to entry/ exit
Pool of businesses waiting to enter the market
No brand loyalty
Single buyer in the market
Can be a single buyer of labour or of a product
Significant buying power in the market
Profit maximise where MCL= MRP
Assume many sellers of the product or of labour
e.g. NHS, education, Defence
Government intervention in Monopsony
Fines from regulator
Laws/ regs
Price regulation- min pricing
Wage regulation- min wage
Block mergers or takeovers that increase monopsony power
Promote new entrants into the market
Reduce barriers to entry