3.4 Ischaemic Heart Disease Flashcards
What is ischemia?
Insufficient supply of blood tissue due to narrowing of the vascular wall OR reduction of vascular number relative to tissue size
What are the risk factors for ischemia?
- Hyperlipidema
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Smoking
- Genetics
What are 3 possible consequences of ischemic heart disease?
- Stable angina
- Unstable angina
- Myocardial infartion (heart attack +/- sudden death)
What are the signs + symptoms of stable angina?
- Coronary artery narrowing
- > 70% blockage
- O2 demad greater than supply
- Chest pain ON EXERTION (<15 mins + releif with rest)
- ECG = ST depression when experiencing chest pain
What are the signs + symptoms of unstable angina?
- More severe coronary artery narrowing
- > 90% blockage + unstable plaque
- Significantly decreased O2 supply
- Chest pain ANYTIME (<15 mins + may not relieve with rest)
- ECG = ST depression when experiencing chest pain
What are the signs + symptoms of myocardial infarction?
- Total blockage of coronary artery (100%)
- O2 supply stopped
- Crushing chest pain + radiation left arm and jaw
- Not responsive no nitrate
- ECG = ST elevation + arrhythmia
- Troponin + creatine kinase elevation
- Ventricular fibrillation
How can ischemic heart disease be diagnosed before infarction?
- Patient history (chest pain, smoking etc)
- Physical examination (BMI etc)
- Lab tests (LDL, HDL, triglyceride levels + blood sugar level)
- Angiography
In basic emergency management for angina or MI during a dental appointment, what steps should be taken before treatment?
- Take patient history
- Ask patient if they have their medications on hand (if previous chest pain history)
In basic emergency management for angina or MI during a dental appointment, what steps should be taken at initial flare up?
- Stop and reassure patient
- Give glyceryl trinitrate (tablet or spray form, remember spray form has short half-life)
- Monitor + call 000 if not relieved after 10 mins
In basic emergency management for angina or MI during a dental appointment, what steps should be taken before a called ambulance arrives?
- Give oxygen + aspirin (300mg)
- Give pain killer as required (morphine)
- Defibrillate as required
- If syncope, CPR
In basic emergency management for angina or MI during a dental appointment, what steps should be taken after patient’s arrival at hospital?
- Angioplasty - stents
- Bypass
When is it safe to treat patients with MI?
< 3 months = high risk of reinfarcation
Delay elevtive treatment to > 6 months
Consult medical practitioners for patient heart function
Medication present at next appointment + monitor closely
How can ischaemic heart disease be managed?
Lifestyle changes (exercise, quit smoking)
Control of hyperlipidemia via lipid control drugs (statins) = single most effective way of reducing cardiac disease
Control high blood pressure (beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors)
Control diabetes
What is the role of dental professionals in heart disease management?
Periodontitis + heart disease have shared common risk factors
Preventing periodontitis can help prevent heart disease
Dental professional can help diagnose atherosclerosis via OPG