3.4- Evaluate the effectiveness of agencies in achieving social control Flashcards
what are the police’s social control responsibilities?
main agency for detection, investigation and prevention of crime. Their work results in large number of cases being brought to trial, along with many out of court disposals by the police using their powers to issue fixed penalty notices, cautions and reprimands. They have specialist departments etc dealing with serious cases such as terrorism
other agencies than the police responsible for dealing with crime such as:
HM revenue and Customs deals with deals with tax evasion, Department if Work and Pensions etc.
5 problems police face in seeking their aims:
-offenses of public concern rates
-current trends statistics: madre crimes but fewer sold
-dropped cases
-financial circumstances
offenses of public concern:
+police have made progress in prioritizing cases of public concern such as domestic abuse cases being reported and recorded e.g. survey showed 2/3 of domestic abuse practitioners who work closely with victims felt the police’s approach had improved in the previous years
-same report however also shows: arrest rate falling, police not using bail conditions to protect victims, staff shortages are causing delays in responding to incidents putting victims at risk, body worn videos cameras are not always being used to gather evidence.
These illustrated that the fact the police are not always successful in achieving social control.
inefficiency of police:
numerous complaints about police’s inefficiency when investigating an offense. E.g. Macpherson report notes failure of Metropolitan police to gather evidence and investigate leads in the murder of Stephen Lawrence that could have lead to a successful prosecution of the five leading suspects
Current trends in police
-crime is increasing:rose from 4.5m in 2016 to 5.8m in 2020
-knife and gun crime: rose from 24000 to 35800 between 2014 and 2020. Firearms rose from 4900 to 9800. Police clear up rates have also been falling: 2015- 15% of cases resulted in someone being changed for an offense has fallen to 7%. Penalty notices and cautions issued have also
dropped cases in police
2018- Metropolitan police service dropped 2.9 times as many cases on the day they were reported as they had done in 2013. 2013-18 screened a total of 525000 the same day they were reported
Financial circumstances in police
Adequate funding is a major factor in police maintaining social control. 2010- government made major cuts to the police budgets and this has caused police decisions to drop investigations. with limited budgets and officers, some cases have to be prioritized over others.
Accuracy of statistical evidence:
-improved recording procedures
-Counter evidence from the CSEW
Improved recording procedures:
one reason for increase in crimes could be due to police being better are recording them. in 2014 police recorded statistics were deemed not to meet standards required by Office for national statistics, and since then police have made efforts to improve them. e.g. Domestic abuse reports
Counter evidence from CSEW
Over all crimes may not be increasing, as crime survey for England and Wales rates are falling e.g. 2020 by 9%
However this could be due to three reasons.
Reasons CSEW data suggests crime rate is falling when it might not be?
- does not include crime against business or crimes against children under 10
-only a sample of the population so underrepresents some less common but more serious crimes such as weapon offenses.
-Police statistics tend to pick up more serious crimes and ones where a police crime number is needed for insurance claims
Other criticisms of police performance include:
racism and bias
Media reports
Racism and bias of police
Macpherson report in 1999 into murders of Stephen Lawrence found police to be institutionally racist. Other concern with:
-Recruitment: Officers of minority backgrounds has increased however they are still underrepresented in forces and senior ranks.
-stops and searches: Still disproportionate against Black people or minorities
-tasers: Disproportionately used against Black people and minorities
Lack of trust due to this creates failure to suffieienctly investigate crimes
Media reports in issues of policing
Accusations of police playing to media to portray crime busters, such as police inviting BBC to film their raid on house of Sir Clifford Richard in history of child abuse allegations No charges were brought up and police and BBC had to pay damages
also accused it overreacting to media driven moral panics, drawing away police resources from other cases
Evidence of success in CPS
-typical 3 month period: Prosecutes around 80000 cases in Crown court and 450000 in magistrates.
-around 80% that it prosecutes are convicted
Three main topics for lack of success in Crown prosecution service
Media reports
Budget cuts
Failure to build cases
Other smaller criticisms such as being too close to the police
Media reports in lack of success for CPS
-Handling of rape cases: Guardian revealed in 2018 that CPS specialist rape prosecutes had been advised to drop a number of ‘weak’ cases to make their over all performance better with successful prosecutions. They were told if they took 350 out the system rates would go up to 61%
-criticized by campaigners and experts who explained they were not getting justice
-e.g. Would spread the message more vulnerable people such as younger people are able to be attacked as their abuser will, not get prosecuted.
Media reports resulting to less success in CPS: Realistic prospect of conviction
Full code test includes evidential test- prosecutes must be happy there is a realistic prospect for conviction. however people argue they should be less focused on trial outcomes and more focused on bringing more cases to justice. number of rapes rose by 1/3 from 2016 to 2020, number of prosecutions fell by 60%.
Budget cuts reason for less success for CPS
CPS has suffered budget cuts of 25% in recent years and has lost a third of its staff. Digital tech is imposing heavy additional workloads on staff so they cannot afford this budget cut. E.g. In one case it took 600 hours to analyse a phone.
Budget cuts less success for CPS- evidence disclosure
number of rape and other prosecutions have collapsed due to polices failure to discover or disclose evidence on phones. After collapse of case Liam Allan in 2018, 30 other cases that were due to court were reviewed and some halted
Failure to build the case- less success for CPS
in some cases they have failed to build an adequate case e.g. Damiola Taylor- rested its case on an lying witness when proper checks could have been conducted
Other criticisms of CPS:
-too close to police
-too bureaucratic inefficient and slow in proceeding with cases
-failure to communicate with relevant parties- some people have learnt their case has been dropped through the media not officials
what is the main suspicion of judges?
that they are bias, due to their mostly white old male appearance