3.4 Flashcards
Evidence based decision making
Approach to decision making that involves gathering information and using a systematic and rational approach to reach a conclusion
Subjective decision making
More holistic approach to business strategy , incorporating aspects such as CSR and ethical behaviour
Long termism
Time period where decisions have an impact on the vision , mission and objectives of a business typically longer than five years
Short termism
Businesses and managers are focussed on quick financial rewards such as quarterly profit or sales figures , often at the expense of investment in important areas
Corporate culture
Unwritten code of conduct within a business organisation that reflects its values and embodies the shared beliefs and assumptions that underpin the decision making processes
Shared attitudes , values , customs , expectations
Person culture
Where there are a number of individuals in the business who have expertise but they don’t always work together
Power culture
Central source of power responsible for decision making
Role culture
Decisions are made through well established rules and procedures
Task culture
Business allows teams to focus on a particular task within the overall aim of the business
Strong culture
Culture where values ,beliefs and ways of working are deeply embedded within the business and its employees
Weak culture
Needs of the business are put before the needs of the customer , communication is weak , staff turnover high
People or groups who have an key interest in the activities of a business
External stakeholders
Groups outside a business with interest in activities
Internal stakeholders
Includes employees , managers , board of directors and the owner of the business