33 try/ni tsurete/more,more. ++ Flashcards
The children try to memorize the words of the play
子供たち は げき で いう ことば を 覚えよう と して います
子供たち kodomo tachi
When I tried to speak on the phone, my kids interrupt
Denwa de hanasoo to shita toki,
Kodomo wa interrupt shimashita
The obachan is trying to cross the street, but there are too many cars crossing
Obachan が みち を watarouとして います が,くるまが おおくてわたれません
て. Te is for ‘bc’
As much as possible, I try not to be late, but sometimes I am late
Dekiru dake, chikoku shinai yoo ni shite iru kedo, toki doki okuremas
Okurenai yooni
According to the weather forecast, it looks ok.
Tenki youhou ni yoruto, daijoubu da soo des
According to (things, not people)
Ni Yoruto
I heard
Kiita koto ga arimas
Momentarily come
Mamo naku kimas
Thoughtlessly ate
Tsui tabesugi chai des
Sometime in the near future
Sono uchi
In the future
In the distant future
___ no mirai
(In the middle of) coming
Ki tsutsu
Every 2 mins
2 pun goto ni
Small chance/ perhaps
Except that…
___. Ta da …
Guilty feeling
Yari ppanashi dekake chatta
Maybe the reason
Medical products
Reference (advice)
So to speak
In other words
____. Tsumari…
In conclusion/in short
___. You suru ni…
As for (subj feeling) (like wari ni)
The more I understand Japanese, …
The bigger the children get,
Try to forget, try to sleep…
Asobou to shitari, tabeyou to shitari
I could not find the books at maruzen bookstore, so I will try to find them at a different bookstore
Kono hon o maruzen de mitsukerarenakata
Dakedo, hokano honya de kono hon o mitsukeyoo to shita
I try to take except use every day, can’t eat a variety of foods
Mai nichi undo suru yooni shite iru shi,
Iro iro na tabemono o taberu yooni shimas
Recently I’ve become able to dance the tango
Saikin tango no dance suru yooni narimashita
I carry it so that i can check it when I hear an unfamiliar word.
Yoku shiranai kotoba o kita toki, suguni check suru yooni motte imas
I mark it so that I don’t forget it
Wasurenai yooni ‘mark’ shimashita
I try not to eat sweets as much as possible
Dekiru dake amaimono o taberu yooni shimasen
I carry it so that i can check it when I hear an unfamiliar word.
Yoku shiranai kotoba o kita toki, suguni check suru yooni motte imas
I mark it so that I don’t forget it
Wasurenai yooni ‘mark’ shimashita
I will try to study today
Kyou benkyoo shioo
to omou