3.3 Roman Society Flashcards
Who was given full citizenship
Men over 18 whom were not slaves
How was full citizenship represented
3 names
Benfits of being a citizen
- Free entry to public games
- Free use of public baths
- Free corn out of public funds
Who were the senators
Highest public officials who sat in the Senate
How many senators were there
How could you become a senator
- Born into senetorial class (father had to be a senator)
- Been elevated to the senetorial class by the emperor
How could you become a senator
- Born into senetorial class (father had to be a senator)
- Been elevated to the senetorial class by the emperor
What must you of had to qualify to be a senator
Property worth over one million sesterces
Privilages of a senator
- Not allowed to engage in trade
- Not paid
- Only citizens who oculd stand for election as a magistrate (elected politician)
- Reserved seating at public games
- Right to wear a broad purple stripe on the border of their toga
Two types of political office and their responsabilities
- Consl (most important) - 2 elected anually
- Praetors - 12 elected each year and respobible for the legal system and imperial administration
How could you become an equite
Have property over 400,000 sesterces
Could equites engage in trade
How could an equite show their rank
A thin pruple stripe on their toga, and a gold finger ring
How could someone become a slave
- Born into slavery
- Captives of war
- Exposure
- Kidnapping
- Criminals
How many equites were there
How were slaves sold
Put on platforms with placards around their necks, advertising their qualaties and characteristics like age, place of origin, level of education and state of health
Types of slave
- Domestic - private households
- Industrial - Mines, factories (dangerous)
- Public
What couldn’t a slave do
Marry or own property
Why might a slave be freed
- If the slave had served well or done a very desireable act
- In order to marry them - maybe if they’d bore a child
- Cheaper to free elderly slaves that were too weak to work than look after them
What were freedmen allowed to wear
A felt cap
What restraints were put on freedmen
Not allowed to run for office, or become members of the senetorial or equites class
What political rank could freedmen become
Augustales - preserve the honour of the emperor and may perform religious duties
What were on the sides and front of the tomb of Naevoleia Tyche
An image of a ship, then a seat and footstall, and on the front there was a carved detail of a public ceremony
Where is the tomb of Naevoleia Tyche
Pompeii (outside the Herculaneum Gate)
How was the tomb of Naevoleia Tyche named
A wealthy freedwoman who buit it for herself and husband
Why is the tomb of Naevoleia Tyche significant
Freedmen and freedwomen could become succesful in Roma society
What is this: ‘Ceratus, freedman, asks for Publius Vedius Numm[ianus] as aedile’
An inscription in Pompeii of a decleration of suppot by a freedman for an election candidate, who may have been a former master
What is this: ‘Naevoleia Tyche, freedwoman of Lucius, for herself and for Gaius Munatius Faustus, Augustalis and country District Dweller, to whom the councillors with the consent of the poeple decreed an honorific char for his merits. Naevoleia Tyche had this monument in her lifetime for her own freedmen and freedwomen and for those of Gaius Munatius Faustus;
Naevoleia was the one who built the tomb and draws attention to her own wealth and status in the city. Found on the front of the tomb
What is this
The tomb of Naevoleia Tyche today
What is this
An inscription on the tomb, showing intelegence to read and write