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Chemistry A level ocr a
> 3.3 - Moles and volumes > Flashcards
3.3 - Moles and volumes Flashcards
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Chemistry A level ocr a
(52 decks)
2.1 - Atomic structure and isotopes
2.2 - Relative mass
2.3 - Formulae and equations
3.1 - Amount of substance and the mole
3.2 - Determination of formulae
3.3 - Moles and volumes
3.4 - Reacting quantities
4.1 - Acids, bases, and neutralisation
4.2 - Acid-base titrations
4.3 - Redox
5.1 - Electron structure
5.2 - Ionic bonding and structure
5.3 - Covalent bonding
6.1 - Shapes of molecules and ions
6.2 - Electronegativity and polarity
6.3 - Intermolecular forces
6.4 - Hydrogen bonding
7.1 - The periodic table
7.2 - Ionisation energies
7.3 - Periodic trends in bonding and structure
8.1 - Group 2
8.2 - The halogens
8.3 - Qualitative analysis
9.1 - Enthalpy changes
9.2 - Measuring enthalpy changes
9.3 - Bond enthalpies
9.4 - Hess' law and enthalpy cycles
10.1 - Reactions rates
10.2 - Catalysts
10.3 - The Boltzmann distribution
10.4 - Dynamic equilibrium and le Chatelier's principle
10.5 - The equilibrium constant Kc
11.1 - Organic chemistry
11.2 - Nomenclature of organic compounds
11.3 - Representing the formulae of organic compounds
11.4 - Isomerism
11.5 - Introduction to reaction mechanisms
12.1 - Properties of alkanes
12.2 - Chemical reactions of alkanes
13.1 - Properties of alkenes
13.2 - Stereoisomerism
13.3 - Reactions of alkenes
13.4 - Electrophilic addition in alkenes
13.5 - Polymerisation in alkenes
14.1 - Properties of alcohols
14.2 - Reactions of alcohols
15.1 - The chemistry of the haloalkanes
15.2 - Organohalide compounds in the environment
16.1 - Practical techniques in organic chemistry
16,2 - Synthesis routes
17.1 - Mass spectrometry
17.2 - Infrared spectroscopy