33 be going to Flashcards
1.I am going to meet him in front of the station this noon.
2.What time is his flight going to arrive in London?
3.Who is going to pick her up in front of the airport?
4.What are you going to do college?
5.あなたはどこに泊まるつもりですか? - 丘の上のホテルに泊まるつもりです。
5.Where are you going to stay? - I’m going to stay at a hotel on the hill.
6.あなたはいつアメリカを出発する予定ですか? - 来週発つ予定です。
6.When are you going to leave America? - I’m going to leave next week.
7.彼女はいくつの国を訪れる予定ですか? - 6カ国の予定です。
7.How many countries is she going to visit? - She is going to visit six countries.
8.He was going to finish the work in the evening.
9.彼らは何を食べるつもりでしたか? - イタリア料理を食べるつもりでした
9.What were they going to eat? - They were going to eat Italian food.
10.I’m going to travel around the country during the summer vacation.