3.3 Algorithms Flashcards
What is a recursive algorithm?
An algorithm that calls upon itself until a base case is met.
What is a general and base case?
General case is a smaller instance of the same problem
Base case is what causes the algorithm to stop
Benefits and drawbacks to recursion
+ Natural way to process data
+ fewer lines of code, easier to read
- utilises stacks, which have limited size and stack overflows can occur
- takes longer to process due to stacking
divide and conquer sorting algorithm. very efficient and fast and often considered better than merge sort due to using less memory but this isn’t really the case as it depends on other factors
Quicksort Pseudocode
FUNCTION quick_sort(items, start, end)
IF start >= end THEN RETURN ELSE pivot_value = items[start] low_mark = start + 1 high_end = end finished = False WHILE finished = False WHILE low_mark <= high_mark AND items[low_mark] <= pivot_value low_mark = low_mark +1 ENDWHILE WHILE low_mark <= high_mark AND items[high_mark] >= pivot_value high_mark = high_mark - 1 ENDWHILE IF low_mark < high_mark THEN temp = items[low_mark] items[low_mark] = items[high_mark] items[high_mark] = temp ELSE finished = TRUE ENDIF ENDWHILE temp = items[start] items[start] = items[high_mark] items[high_mark] = temp quick_sort(items, start, high_mark - 1) quick_sort(items, high_mark + 1, end) ENDIF RETURN items
Compare sorting algorithms and their time complexity
bubble sort - simple and easy to implement but only ideal for small data sets
best case (items in order) - O(n)
worst case (reverse order) - O(n^2)
average case - O(n^2)
Insertion sort - efficient for small or nearly sorted datasets
best case (items in order) - O(n)
worst case (reverse order) - O(n^2)
merge sort- very fast and efficient
but uses additional memory for merging
best case/average case/worst case is O(n log n) as always splits array and merges regardless of list size
quick sort - fast efficient and ideal for large data sets but can use memory (varies on factors like pivot placement)
best case (list is partioned into two equal sizes) - O(n log n)
worst case (unbalanced partion) - O(n^2)
average case - varies on factors but generally is O(n log n)
space complexities of algorithm
Bubble sort/Insertion sort - O(1) as sorting is done in same space as original data
Quick sort - sorting done in same space however since its a recursive algorithm it has stack processing which at its most efficieint makes it O(log n)
An unambigous set of instructions to solve a problem. Example being flowchart or psuedocode
Repeating a set of instructions until a condtion is met
+easier to look at and debug
+ generally uses less memory than recursive too.