3.27 STROM Hematologic Malignancies II: B cells Flashcards
Tingible Bodies
Macrophages that are located in the lymph node that take up apoptosed B cells in the germinal center reaction
-Tend to take up hematoxyin
B Cell Markers
- TdT: Expressed during early B cell development
- CD10: Early dev and when B cell is in Germinal center
- CD19, CD20: B cell marker throughout (can target with Rituximab)
CD20 Immunohistostaining
Stains B-cells, in germinal centers and in the mantle zones
CD10 Immunohistostain
Some B cells, mostly ones in the germinal center
CD5 or 3 Immunohistostain
T-cell Stain, mostly in the paracortex
Translocations and Oncogenesis
Common motif is for an prooncogene to translocate next to an Ig promoter to form an oncogene
-Common Ig Promoters: IgH (14q32)**, Ig lambda (22q11) and Ig kappa (2p12)
Common Oncogene Associations in B cells
Cyclin-D and Myc: over expressed in malignancies of naive B cells (worse)
- Bcl-2 and Bcl-6: B cells derived from germinal centers
- C-Maf, Cyclin D3 and Pax-5: B memory cells/myelomas
Typical Organ Distribution of CLL
-Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
See mostly in the PB and some in the BM and lymph nodes
- If blood is primary site use: leukemia
- If not use lymphoma
- If there is more lymph node involvement it could be called a SLL (small lymphocytic LYMPHOMA)
CLL Facts/Presentation
- Presentation: lymphocytosis in older males (high familial incidence)
- Malignancy of Memory B-cells, see more PB (CLL) involvment and see small lymphocytes with little cytoplasm and “SMUDGE CELLS”
- Cells have already been through a germinal center rxn/class switching and express IgG
- Pseudofollicular: looks like germinal center (reactive) in germinal center, but is actually a proliferative center, Ki67 should be over expressed in these
CLL: Genetics and Markers
Genetics: 80%: del13q14.3>trisomay 12>del11q (MLL gene), del17p (p53)
Immunophenotype: Light chain restricted (kappa or lambda) CD20-weak, CD5+ and CD23+
Key clinical predictors: immunopheno; ZAP-70+ (bad), CD38+ (bad), markers of somatic hypermutation state (means more or les differ)
Genetics: 17p deletion (p53/bad) and 13q deletion (good)
Mantle Cell Lymphoma
- Mantle cells: reserve of naive cells that encirlcle the germinal center
- Often misdiagnosed as CLL (less common than CLL)
- Differ in morphology of lymph node do not have proliferative centers, have a starry sky from macros w/ cll remnents
- all have t(11;14) (IgH;Cyclin D1) is ALWAYS present (FISH)
- More aggressive than CLL
Immunopheno markers: CD5+ (t cell marker), CD20 strong, CD23-
- Also have light chain restriction
- can also stain with Ki-67
Follicular Lymphoma
Presents mainly in the Lymph nodes, also found in BM and PB, finding outside of normal distribution usually means an increase in aggressiveness
Burkitt’s Lymphoma
Found Mainly in GI tract and Lymph nodes, also found some in PB
Genetics: t(2;8), t(8;14) or t(8;22) rearrangement of c-MYC
Immunology: Surface IgM+, CD10, 19, 20, 22, 79a all pos and Ki67 (85%)
-Occurs more often in children
Plasma Cell Neoplasms, Types
Monoclonal gammaopathy of uncertain significant (MGUS), mild form, usally asymptomatic can progress to myeloma
-Myeloma: more severe form associated with multiple lytic bone lesions
Involved sites: BM>>>PB
- See Rouleaux (row of coins) on peripheral smear from protein production
- Almost always presents in elderly (aquired mutations)
Diagnosis of Plasma Cell Neoplasms
Serum Protein Electrophoresis (SPEP): can show abundence of Igs (not light chain only)
-Immunofixation electrophoresis (IFE): can determine if monoclonal and will show light chain restrictive