3.2.2 Discourses-water Management Flashcards
Water in Victoria
As it stands, our dams are currently at around 70% full, this is much better in 2009 when they were at 27 % capacity and Melbourne’s main dam (The Thomson near Mt Baw Baw) was at 17% and unusable.
Water management will always be a problem as Australia is the driest inhabited continent on the planet.
Water saving techniques
There are three main techniques for managing water. They focus on three key areas
- Capturing water.
- Recycling water.
- Saving water.
Many techniques have been developed and refined to capture water in and around Melbourne.
These include
1. Water tanks (with government rebate)
2. The construction of the desalination plant at Wonthaggi.
3. The north-south pipeline. We pipe water from northern Victoria.
Desalination plant
- Desalination myths and misconceptions.
- Extraordinary story of the Victorian desal plant.
- Australia biggest desalination white elephant.
- Learn about desal plant for Victoria.
- We don’t need a desal plant in Victoria.
- Bob Brown Desalination plant is a big mistake.
- Water wise
- Popular Wonthaggi & Victorian desal plant videos
Includes the use of grey water (water from showers/washing machines that gets re-used).
Use of car washes which recycle water.
Use of drains to capture run off (farming).
Treatment of wastewater for a range of non drinking purposes (eg agriculture, public parks/gardens).
Water saving
This is the big one and the one we can all do on an everyday basis. Water saving techniques include the following ……………..
- Home and garden rebates from the department of E’ment and Primary industries when you buy water saving devices, eg tanks
- Water efficient/saving appliances such as washing machines and dual flush toilets.
- Water efficient shower heads.
- Shorter (3 minute showers), don’t leave taps running etc.
- Water restrictions
- Identify a technique for achieving each of the following (3 marks)
* Capture of water
* Water recycling
* Water saving - Describe a technique that can be used to provide water from a new source (2 marks)
- Provide an argument that supports this technique and one that is against this technique (4 marks)
- water tanks
- recycled water car wash
- water efficient shower heads
The construction of the desalination plant at Wonthaggi.
The north-south pipeline. We pipe water from northern Victoria.