3.2 Alkanes Flashcards
What are Alkanes?
Compounds of carbon and hydrogen with only single bonds between them
The Process of Fractional Distillation of Crude Oil:
Why are shorter chain Hydrocarbons in higher demand?
They are more useful as fuels
What happens during Cracking?
- In cracking these large, less useful hydrocarbon molecules found in crude oil are broken down into smaller, more useful molecules
- The large hydrocarbon molecules are fed into a steel chamber and heated to a high temperature and then passed over an aluminium oxide (Al2O3) catalyst
- The chamber does not contain any oxygen to prevent combustion of the hydrocarbon to water and carbon dioxide
- When a large hydrocarbon is cracked, a smaller alkane and one (or more) alkene molecules are formed
E.g. octane and ethene from decane
Long hydrocarbons are cracked by heating them and using aluminium oxide catalyst into a smaller alkane and an alkene
What are the two types of Cracking?
- Thermal Cracking
- Catalytic Cracking
What are the conditions required for Thermal Cracking?
- requires high temperatures (up to 1000 C)
- and high pressure (up to 70 atmospheres) and produces alkanes and a lot of alkenes
Remember that cracking is an endothermic reaction.
What are the conditions required for Catalytic Cracking?
- uses a lower temperature (around 450 C)
- and slight pressure in the presence of a catalyst such as a zeolite or aluminium oxide to produce mainly aromatic hydrocarbons
Remember that cracking is an endothermic reaction.
What is the Word Equation for Complete Combustion?
What conditions are necessary for Complete Combustion to occur?
Excess (plenty of) oxygen
What are the products of Incomplete combustion?
- Carbon Monoxide
- Carbon (Soot)
Why is Carbon Monoxide Harmful to Humans?
- CO is a toxic, colourless and odourless gas which can cause dizziness, loss of consciousness and eventually death
- The CO binds well to haemoglobin which therefore cannot bind oxygen and carbon dioxide
- Oxygen is transported to organs
- Carbon dioxide is removed as waste material from organs
How are Oxides of Nitrogen Formed?
In a car engine, high temperatures and pressures are reached causing the oxidation of nitrogen to take place:
What are the Harmful effects of Oxides of Nitrogen?
- In air, the nitrogen oxides can react with these VOCs (volatile organic compounds) to form peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) which is the main pollutant found in photochemical smog
- PAN is also harmful to the lungs, eyes and plant-life
- Nitrogen oxides can also dissolve and react in water with oxygen to form nitric acid which is a cause of acid rain
What are the Harmful effects of Acid Rain?
Acid rain can cause corrosion of buildings/statues, endangers plant and aquatic life (as lakes and rivers become too acidic) as well as directly damaging human health
What is the purpose of Catalytic Converters?
To reduce the amount of pollutants released in car exhaust fumes
What metal is a catalytic converter made from?
The reactions that take place in the catalytic converter include:
- Oxidation of CO to CO2:
- Reduction of NO to N2:
- Oxidation of unburnt hydrocarbons:
Pollutants, their Effect & Removal Table:
How do we reduce sulfur dioxide emissions?
- The main way to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions is to treat the waste gases from coal fired power stations
- The waste gases are passed into a scrubbing chamber which sprays a wet slurry of calcium oxide and calcium carbonate into the gases
- This process is also known as sulfur scrubbing or flue gas desulfurisation
How can Calcium oxide be used to reduce Sulfur Dioxide Emissions?
- Calcium oxide and water reacts with sulfur dioxide to initially produce calcium sulfiite, which is then further oxidised to calcium sulfate or gypsum:
- Calcium carbonate can also be used
The scrubber sprays a lime slurry over the waste gases to remove 90 - 95% of the sulfur dioxide
What is a Free Radical?
Any species with a free, unpaired electron
How can Alkanes undergo Free Radical Substitution?
Alkanes can undergo free-radical substitution in which a hydrogen atom gets substituted by a halogen (chlorine/bromine)
Why do Alkanes need UV light for Free Radical Substitution?
Alkanes are very unreactive
What are the Three steps of Free Radical Substitution?
- Initiation
- Propagation
- Termination
Free Radical Substitution
What happens during the Initiation Step?
- In the initiation step the Cl-Cl or Br-Br is broken by energy from the UV light
- Each atom takes one electron from the covalent bond
- This produces two radicals in a homolytic fission reaction
Free Radical Substitution
What happens during the Propagation Step? (P1)
- This refers to the progression (growing) of the substitution reaction in a chain reaction
- Free radicals are very reactive and will attack the unreactive alkanes
- A C-H bond breaks homolytically
- Remember: Homolytic fissions is where each atom gets one electron from the covalent bond
- An alkyl free radical is produced
Free Radical Substitution
What happens during the Propagation Step? (P2)
- … This can attack another chlorine / bromine molecule to form a halogenoalkane and regenerate the chlorine / bromine free radical
- The regenerated chlorine / bromine free radical can then repeat the cycle
Free Radical Substitution
Why is Free Radical Substitution not suitable for preparing specific haolgenoalkanes?
A mixture of substitution products are formed
Free Radical Substitution
What happens during the Termination Step?
- This is when the chain reaction terminates (stops) due to two free radicals reacting together and forming a single unreactive molecule
- Two radicals → one product
- Multiple products are possible, dependent on the radicals involved
- For example, in the single substitution of ethane with chlorine:
- Exam Tip - *If you are asked to give an equation for the termination step of a free radical reaction / mechanism, you should not give the equation reforming the original halogen as this is often marked as “ignore” on mark schemes *
Halogenoalkane Bond Energy Table:
- The halogenoalkanes have different rates of substitution reactions
- Since substitution reactions involve breaking the carbon-halogen bond the bond energies can be used to explain their different reactivities
The table above shows that the C-I bond requires the least energy to break, and is therefore the weakest carbon-halogen bond
During substitution reactions the C-I bond will therefore heterolytically break as follows:
R3C-I + OH- → R3C-OH + I-
The C-F bond, on the other hand, requires the most energy to break and is, therefore, the strongest carbon-halogen bond
Fluoroalkanes will therefore be less likely to undergo substitution reactions
What happens when we react halogenoalkanes with aqueous silver nitrate solution?
This will result in the formation of a precipitate
The rate of formation of these precipitates can also be used to determine the reactivity of the halogenoalkanes
What is the trend in reactivity of halogenoalkanes?
C-F Has the strongest bond
What are the most common halogenoalkanes?
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
- These compounds contain carbon atoms with chlorine and fluorine atoms attached to them
- E.g. CCl3F and CCl2F2
Why are CFCs Useful?
CFCs have many uses due to their chemical inertness as they are non-flammable and non-toxic