3.1.4 Aggression- Evolution & Natural Selection Flashcards
Define ‘evolution’.
The change of a species overtime due to inherited characteristics being passed on from generation to generation due to their advantage of aiding survival in a particular environment.
Define ‘natural selection’
The process in which organisms better adapted to their environment due to genes that aid their survival survive to a reproductive age and so pass on these genes to their offspring through survival of the fittest and those who do not have genes that aid survival in the environment die.
Why would an aggressive gene be passed on to its offspring?
It aids survival by allowing the species to fight for a mate and resources.
What are humans competing for in life and what can this lead to?
Competing for a mate, can lead to jealousy
What can a woman be certain of that a man can’t?
That a child is biologically the woman’s.
Why might a woman get jealous if a man is with another woman?
If she sees her man with another woman she may get jealous as she will fear that his resources arent focused on her and her offspring, putting their survival at risk.
What does female aggression caused by jealousy evolve from?
The woman would get jealous if she suspects her male partner is providing for another female.
What does male aggression caused by jealousy evolve from?
A man not wanting to give his resources to another man’s child
What therefore would make a male aggressive?
If he suspects the woman is unfaithful.
How does limited resources suggest a reason for aggression?
When fighting over resources (such as food) those who successfully defend the food would live longer to a reproductive age and so that aggressive gene would be passed on.
How does being seen as stronger suggest a reason for aggression?
Humans who were aggressive and so seen as stronger in a social group would be the ones more likely to survive as they would not be attacked due to this position, allowing them to survive to reproduce these behaviours.
How does the ‘Mate Deprivation Hypothesis’ suggest a reason for aggression?
Males who have low success in attracting females and are resource poor are jealous of their sexual rivals and their response to that is directed to women. Rape as an aggressive assault would be a last resort for the rapist if they want to reproduce.
P - Daly and Watson’s (1988) research supports
E - Found that over time men have developed mate retention to keep hold of their partners (e.g. abuse)
E - Supporting the idea that men use aggression if they get jealous when suspecting their female partner is being unfaithful
P - Lorenz’s (1963) research supports
E - Found that male animals used aggression to fight off other males to protect offspring
E - Supporting the idea of aggression as an innate response to protect offspring ensuring survival
P - Yes
E - It implies that some behaviour is innate such as aggression due to ancestors who were good at surviving due to this attribute
E - This therefore means individuals predisposed to such behaviour may not have control over their actions and so if they were to commit something like a violent crime, they are less accountable due to lack of free will
P - Cannot account for all relationships
E - Suggests aggression comes as a result of protecting offspring and ensuring genes are passed on
E - Therefore can’t account for same sex relationships and their genetics leading to aggression
P - Deterministic
E - Fails to consider the role of free will by assuming that behaviours of aggression due to evolution, natural selection and infidelity are innate
E - This is unlikely as humans have choices over our behaviours
P - High inter-rater reliability
E - Darwin took careful observations of behaviour which was confirmed by other researchers
E - Therefore Darwin’s findings are objective and scientific
P - Low generalisability
E - Lorenz used animals in his research
E - Humans are more complex and so more factors play into aggression