3.1.3 - Physical training Flashcards
What is ‘health’?
A state of complete physical, mental, social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
What does the term ‘fitness’ mean?
The ability to meet/cope with the demands of the environment.
Explain the relationship between health and fitness.
Can be summarised by any of the points below:
- Ill health can negatively affect fitness as the individual may be too unwell to train - thus lowering their fitness.
- Ill health may not affect fitness if the person is still well enough to train.
- Increases in fitness can positively affect health and well-being, e.g. you may feel content/happy within yourself and you may have enhanced your social well-being through taking part in activities.
- However, increased fitness cannot prevent you from contracting some illnesses and diseases and subsequently your health may suffer. (Over training can in fact lower your immune system and make you more susceptible to illness and disease!)
What does the term ‘agility’ mean?
The ability to move and change direction quickly (at speed) whilst maintaining control.
What does the term ‘balance’ mean?
The maintenance of the centre of mass over the base of support.
What does the term ‘cardiovascular endurance’ mean?
The ability of the heart and lungs to supply oxygen to the working muscles.
What does the term ‘coordination’ mean?
The ability to use different (two or more) parts of the body together smoothly and efficiently.
What does the term ‘flexibility’ mean?
The range of movement possible at a joint.
What does the term ‘muscular endurance’ mean?
The ability of a muscle or muscle group to undergo repeated contractions, avoiding fatigue. The repeated contractions cause a limb to carry out repeated movement.
The ability of a muscle/ muscle group to move a limb repeatedly is needed for activities such as middle-distance running, rowing or swimming.
What does the term ‘power’ mean?
Power, also known as explosive strength or anaerobic power is the product of strength and speed, i.e. strength x speed.
What does the term ‘reaction time’ mean?
Reaction time is the time taken to initate a response to a stimulus.
What does the term ‘strength’ (maximal, static, dynamic and explosive) mean?
Strength is the ability to overcome a resistance. It relates to the force that can be produced by a muscle or group of muscles. This can be maximal, explosive, static or dynamic.
What does the term ‘speed’ mean?
Speed is the maximum rate at which an individual is able to perform a movement or cover a distance in a period of time.
It is also defined as ‘putting the body parts through actions as quickly as possible’.
Speed can be calculated as ‘distance divided by time’.
What is ‘maximal strength’?
The largest force possible in a single maximal contraction.
What is ‘dynamic strength’?
Similar to musclular endurance.
The ability of a muscle or muscle group to undergo repeated contractions, avoiding fatigue. The repeated contractions cause a limb to carry out repeated movement.
What is ‘explosive strength’?
Similar to power.
Power, also known as explosive strength or anaerobic power is the product of strength and speed, i.e. strength x speed.
What is ‘static strength’?
The ability to hold a body part (limb) in a static position. Muscle length stays the same/ maximum force that can be applied to an immovable object.
Can you provide reasons/ justifications why agility is needed by different sports performers?
Answers should provide a reasoned conclusion which links the ability to change direction at speed to the demands of the sports chosen, for example in football where players need to outmanoeuvre opponents, or tennis, where players may need agility to react to their opponent’s shot.
Name two different types of balance.
Two types of balance: Static and dynamic.
Explain why balance is needed for certain sporting activities.
Balance is the maintainence of centre of mass over the base of support. For example, in rugby when making a tackle the defender needs a stable base.
Suggest reasons why cardiovascular endurance is needed by performers in different sports.
Cardiovascular is the ability of the heart and lungs to supply oxygen to the working muscles. Therefore, it is important to maintain a good level of cardiovascular endurance so you can run for long periods of time.
Suggest reasons why co-ordination is needed by performers in different sports.
Co-ordination is the abiliy to use two or more body parts together smoothly and efficiently. Therefore when playing a badminton net shot, the player gets into the right position and coordinates their arms to hit the shuttle.
Suggest reasons why flexibility is needed by performers in different sports.
Flexibility is the range of movement possible at a joint. Therefore to be successful the performers good flexibility for the range of movement occuring at the movement (hip and knee: flexion / extension when kicking a football)
Suggest reasons why muscular endurance is needed by performers in different sports.
Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to undergo repeated contractions avoiding fatigue. Therefore by having a the ability to contract your muscles for a long period of time, you are going to fatigue at a slower rate in comparison to others.
Suggest reasons why power is needed by performers in different sports.
Power is strength x speed. Therefore by having good power a 100m sprinter can accelerate at the start of their sprint to get ahead of the other sprinters.
Suggest reasons why speed is needed by performers in different sports.
Speed is the maximum rate at which an individual is able to perform a movement or cover a distance. By having good speed the performer is able sprint ahead of the other athletes, or run through gaps in the oppositions defensive line in rugby.
Suggest reasons why strength is needed by performers in different sports.
Strength is the ability to overcome a resistance.
Identify three reasons why fitness tests are carried out.
- To identify strengths and/or weaknesses in a performance.
- To inform training requirements.
- To show a starting level of fitness.
- To monitor improvement.
- To gauge the success of a training programme.
- To compare against norms of the group / national averages.
- To motivate/set goals.
- To provide variety in a training programme.
What fitness test would be used to measure ‘agility’?
The ‘Illinois agility test’
Describe the ‘Illinois agility test’ protocol.
The illinois agility test requires 8 cones, a measuring tape and a stopwatch. The cones should be arranged in a 10 m x 5 m rectangle with 4 cones down the middle. The performers starts face down on the floor, then the performer sprints forward around the left edge cone runs back and slaloms in and out up and back of the middle cones, then sprints up to the right edge cone to then sprint down to the finish line.
The test is measured in seconds and invovles the participant to run/sprint maximally as fast as possible.
What fitness test would be used to measure ‘balance’?
The ‘stork balance’ test
Describe the ‘stork balance test’ protocol.
This test involves a stopwatch. The individual starts balanced on two flat feet, with hands placed on their hips. One leg is lifted so that the toes of the lifted leg touch the inside of the knee of the planted leg.
The timekeeper tells the individual to raise the heel on the planted leg (and the stopwatch should start).
The individual balances on one leg for as long as possible until they lose balance or have to more the toes attached to the inside of the knee.
The time is recorded in minutes/seconds.
What fitness test would be used to measure ‘cardio-vascular endurance’ (aerobic) test?
The multi-stage fitness test
Describe the ‘multi-stage fitness test’ protocol.
The equipment needed are: cones, tape measure (20m or more), tape/CD with test, sheet to record scores.
It is run over 20m, i.e. cones/line 20m apart. The individual runs 20m in time with the bleeps. The time between bleeps gets shorter as the levels increase. The individual keeps running until they cannot keep up with the bleeps (maximal test). If they do not get to the line in time, they are given two more attempts to catch up. The score is recorded as a level and bleep.
The score is a provide a prediction of an individual’s VO2 max (the maximum amount of oxygen that can be consumed per minute).
What fitness test would be used to measure ‘co-ordination’?
Wall toss test (Anderson ball catch test).
Describe the ‘wall toss test’ protocol.
The equipment needed for the test: a ball (usually tennis ball), a flat wall, a stopwatch, an observer (timekeeper and scorer). The ball starts in one hand, with both feet together, 2m from the wall. Upon the command ‘go’, the time starts (30 seconds). The individual throws the ball against the wall and catches the ball with the opposite hand. This is repeated as many times as possible - counting 1, 2,3,4 etc. Two attempts are allowed. If the ball is dropped the time continues.
What fitness test would be used to measure ‘flexibility’?
The sit and reach test
Describe the ‘sit and reach test’ protocol.
The test requires a sit and reach box, slider (not available on all boxes).
The individual adopts a sitting position on the floor with their legs straight. Shoes should be removed and feet be flat against the sit and reach board. The slider (if available) should be set to 14 cm to be in line with the toes.
The individual reaches forward and pushes the slider as far as possible. The score is recorded in centimetres.
What fitness test would be used to measure ‘muscular endurance’?
Abdominal curl conditioning test (sit-up bleep test).
Describe the ‘abdominal curl conditioning test (sit-up bleep test) protocol.
The test requires partners for each participant, CD of the test (NCF abdominal conditioning test), and a gym mat.
The individual lies on the mat in a sit up position, partner supports ankles. The participant sits up on the bleep and down on the bleep (staying in time). The test is maximal - how many sit ups can you do in time with the bleeps. It is also progressive - the bleeps gets faster. The score is how many sit-ups you complete.
What fitness test would be used to measure ‘power’ (Explosive strength/ anaerobic power) test.
Vertical jump test (sergeant jump test)
Describe the ‘vertical jump test’ (sergeant jump test) protocol.
The equipment needed: a wall ruler, usually 2m. Feet flat, stand and push the wall ruler with the fingertips as high as possible. This provides the individual’s ‘zero point’.
Apply chalk (or something to mark) to the finger tips. From a standing position, the individual jumps as high as possible marking the ruler with the chalk. The observer records the height jumpered in cm.
What fitness test would be used to measure ‘reaction time’?
The ‘ruler drop’ test.
Describe the ‘ruler drop’ test protocol.
The equipment needed is a meter ruler. One person holds the metre rule at the zero point (vertically). The individual being tested places their thumb and index finger of their dominant hand around the ruler (not touching it) at 50cm. Without warning the ruler is released. The individual being tested must react to the drop and catch the ruler as fast as they can (with their thumb and index finger). The score is to be recorded in cm - how far from 50cm the individual caught the ruler. Results are then compared to norm data.
What fitness test would be used to measure ‘maximal strength’?
One rep max test
Describe the ‘one rep max’ test protocol.
The equipment required for performing one rep max testing are: appropriate weights/ resistance machines - usually a bar bell or bench press machine.
Lift a weight once using the correct technique. If completed, attempt a heavier weight until the heaviest weight the individual can possibly lift once is discovered.
If a weight cannot be lifted a lighter weight should be used to calculate the maximum weight that can be lifted.
What fitness test would be used to measure ‘strength’?
Handgrip dynamometer test
Describe the ‘handgrip dynamometer’ test protocol.
The equipment needed for the handgrip dynamometer test is a handgrip dynamometer. The dynamometer should be held in the individual’s dominant hand. The arm should be at 90 degrees with the elbow against the body. The grip can be adjusted to suit the individual. The individual squeezes with maximum effort and then records the score.
What fitness test would be used to measure ‘speed’?
30m speed test
Describe the ‘30m speed test’ protocol.
The equipment needed for the 30m speed test are: two cones 30m apart, tape measure, stopwatch. Using a flying start (with the individual starting running before the start mark) the individual is timed running 30m as fast as they can. The score is measured in seconds.
There are benefits to carrying out fitness tests, however outline two limitations of fitness testing.
- Tests are often not sport specific and can be too general. For example, the ruler drop test is not something that is carried out in any sport.
- They do not replicate movements of activities - very few sports involve direct running of 20m up and down in a straight line like the multi-stage fitness test.
- They do not replicate competitive conditions required in sports - major sporting events are performed under extreme pressure. Many of the tests can be retested/retried.
- Many of the tests have questionable reliability. As most tests are maximal, the individual must try their hardest in the test to gain an accurate score, thus motivation levels must be high. It is also possible the individual’s partner may score wrongly.
- The tests must be carried out with the correct procedures and protocols, otherwise scores will not be accurate.
Identify what the term ‘SPORT’ means.
Progressive Overload
What are the four basic principles of ‘Overload’?
What does ‘Specificity’ mean?
Specificity refers to the fact that training should be specific to the needs of an individual and the demands of the sport that they take part in. For example, a sprinter is likely to do more anaerobic, speed and power work as they are all important for that activity.
Training should also be specific to the muscles used and energy demands of the activity (aerobic/anaerobic).
What does ‘Progressive Overload’ mean?
They can be discussed separately, however ‘overload’ is simply working harder than normal. By doing this te body with adapt and improve. However, progression refers to the fact that the overload should gradually be increased as the body adapts.
The progressive overload on the body may mean gradually running further or lifting heavier weights. Training should sensibly overload the body, as if it progresses too quickly, then an individual may suffer an injury.
What does ‘Reversibility’ mean?
Reversibility simple states that if an individual stops or decreases their training level, then fitness and performance are likely to drop. Muscle strength and cardio-vascular endurance can drop quite quickly if training is stopped altogether.
What does ‘Tedium’ mean
Tedium refers to boredom. Training should be altered and varied to prevent an individual from suffering from this.
What do you understand by the term ‘quantitative’ in relation to fitness testing?
A measurement which has been quantified as a number, e.g. time in seconds, or goals scored. There is no opinion expressed (qualitative). It is a fact. It is often the case that quantitative scores in fitness tests can be compared to national averages.
What does the principle of ‘freqency’ refer to?
This is how often someone trains. Normally training should take place three or more times a week. As fitness increases, the length of time spent training may well increase.
What does the principle of ‘intensity’ refer to?
This is how hard you train: how fast you run/ how heavy the weight is that you are lifting, etc. As fitness increases, the intensity should be suitably increased.
What does the principle of ‘time’ refer to?
This is how long you train for. As fitness increases, the length of time spent training may well increase.
What does the principle of ‘type’ refer to?
What type of training is being used, e.g. continuous training. The training type must remain suitable to gain the specific fitness benefits that are required.
Name the different types of training you can use to vary a training programme.
- Continuous training.
- Circuit training.
- Fartlek training.
- Interval training.
- Static stretching.
- Weight training.
- Plyometric training.
What is ‘circuit training’?
Circuit training is a flexible form of training in that it can be organised in a way to train many different components of fitness or to train specific aspects. This can involve different exercises / stations that work different muscles alternatively.
e.g. a circuit training programme could be organised to train various components of fitness required by rugby players (speed, power, strength, etc).
Explain what benefits an athlete would get from using ‘circuit training’?
- Exercises that are being used can be either simple or complex to suit difficulty.
- The circuit can be manipulated to train different things, e.g. repeated contraction of a muscle/ muscle group to train muscular endurance.
- It can be varied to suit fitness level / age.
- It is an easy way to monitor and alter - progressive overload can be applied by altering the work/rest ratio.
Explain what disadvantages may arise when using circuit training.
- An appropriate amount of space is required
- It may require specialist equipment, e.g. a medicine ball, benches.
- It is difficult to gauge an appropriate work/rest ratio at the start.
What is ‘continuous training’?
Continuous training involves any activity that can be sustained without rest or repeated over and over - e.g. running, walking, rowing and swimming. Continuous training is used to improve cardio-vascular endurance and involves working at a constant rate or intensity.
This is often referred to as ‘steady state exercise’.
Explain what benefits an athlete would get from using ‘continuous training’?
- It can be done with little or no equipment, e.g. simply go for a run.
- It improves aerobic fitness.
- Running can be done virtually anywhere.
- It is simple to do - keep doing the same movement over and over.
Explain what disadvantages may arise when using continuous training.
- It can be boring/tedious.
- It can cause injury due to repetitive contractions.
- It can be time consuming.
- It does not always match the demands of the sport, e.g. in basketball the players do not run at one speed continuously.
What is ‘fartlek training’?
Like continuous training, fartlek training is generally used to improve cardio-vascular endurance. It is more varied than continuous training as the sped and intensity is varied. It is also known as ‘speed play’ and normally involves running.
Fartlek involves: the speed altering (sprint, jog, walk, jog, sprint; exercises can be incorporated; completed on different terrains.
How do you calculate maximum heart rate?
220 minus your age
Example for a 16 year old: 220 - 16 = 204
How do you calculate aerobic training zone?
60-80% per of maximal heart rate
(Example for a 16 year old: 60-80% of 204 = 122-163 beats per minute).
What is ‘interval training (high intensity interval training, HITT)?
Interval training is the name given to any type of training that involves alternating periods of work with periods of rest. It usually involves periods of intense exercise (working hard) coupled with periods of rest or low intensity exercise.
Time working and rest can be altered, 2:1 work to rest ratio is often used (e.g. 30 seconds work, 15 seconds rest).
Explain what benefits an athlete would get from using ‘interval training’?
- It burns body fat and calories quickly.
- It can be altered easily to suit the individual.
- It can be completed relatively quickly.
- It can improve the anaerobic and aerobic energy systems.
Explain what disadvantages may arise when using interval training.
- Extreme work can lead to injury.
- High levels of motivation are needed to completed the work.
- It can lead to diziness and feelings of nausea.
What is ‘plyometric training’?
Plyometric is a type of training that is used to increase power (strength x speed). It typically takes the form of bounding, hopping, or jumping but can include medicine ball work, ‘jump and clap’ press-ups and box work.
The aim of plyometrics is to use your body weight and gravity to stress the muscles involved.
What is ‘static stretching’?
There are many forms of stretching but the most common is that of static stretching. Static stretching is when a stretch is carried out and held (isometric contraction). It is an excellent way to increase flexibility - the range of movement at a joint.
What does ‘static stretching’ involve?
- Stretching to the limit.
- Holding the stretch (isometrically) for approximately 30 seconds.
- Avoiding over-stretching as injury can occur.
- Using the correct technique, e.g. avoid dangerous stretches such as straight-legged toe touches.
What are the advantages of ‘static stretching’?
- It increases flexibility (the range of movement at a joint).
- It can be done by virtually everyone.
- It is relatively safe.
Explain what disadvantages may arise when using static stretching.
- It can be time consuming to stretch the whole body.
- Some muscles are easier to stretch than others.
- Over-stretching can cause injury.
What is ‘weight training’?
Weight training can be used by anyone and can involve the sue of free weights, resistance machines or any object which can safely be lifted.
The beauty of weight training is that is allows individuals to use and therefore train individual muscles/ muscle groups and can be designed to suit an individual’s needs.
What safety guidelines should be followed when weight training?
- The exercise should be completed correctly using the correct technique, e.g. the back should not be bent when picking weights up’.
- If free weights are being used, a ‘spotter’ should be used to help in the initial lift, putting the weight down or to assist if the individual starts to struggle to lift the weight.
Explain what benefits an athlete would get from using ‘weight training’?
- It can easily be adapted for different fitness aims, e.g. muscular strength or muscular endurance.
- It is relevant to all sports, due to the various exercises that can be completed.
- It is relatively straightforward to carry out - you simply need something to lift.
- Strengh gains can occur if training is completed correctly, when progressive overload occurs.
Explain what disadvantages may arise when using ‘weight training’.
- Heavy weights can increase blood pressure.
- Injury can occur if weights are too heavy or incorrect technique is used.
- Calculating one rep max requires high levels of motivation.
When weight training, what is ‘one repetition’?
One repetition (or rep) is completing one lift of the weight (up and down).
When weight training, what is ‘one set’?
One set is the completion of a number of repetitions.
How can you ensure you are lifting the correct % weight when training specific components of fitness (Strength/power training and muscular endurance)?
Perform a one rep max lift, then work out the percentage specific training need.
Strength / power training
- This involves lifting over 70 per cent of your one rep max with approximately three sets of 4-8 reps.
- E.g. if a one rep max for bench press is 100kg then the individual may well lift a 70kg barbell, completing 3 sets of 6 reps (to improve strength).
Muscular endurance
- This involves lifting below 70 per cent of your one rep max with approximately three sets of 12-15 reps.
- E.g. if a one rep max for bench press is 100kg then the individual may well lift a 50kg barbell, completing 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
When training, identify three safety principles should you consider?
- The training type and the intensity used should match the training purpose, e.g. training for aerobic sports may well use continuous training at 60-80 per cent of maximal heart rate.
- A warm up and cool down should be completed prior to and after training.
- Over training should be avoided, e.g. appropriate weights should be lifted.
- Appropriate clothing and footwear should be worn which protect/support and allow movement.
- Taping/bracing should be used as necessary to protect and support areas of weakness.
- Hydration should be maintained with fluid intake.
- Stretches should not be overstretched or bounce.
- Technique used should be correct, e.g. lifting technique.
- Appropriate rest should be given in between sessions to allow for recovery.
- Spotters should be used when weight training if heavy weights are being attempted.
What is High Altitude training?
High altitude training involves carrying out training at high altitude, i.e. high above sea level. High altitude training is a form of aerobic training, i.e. it trains the aerobic energy system and can improve a person’s cardio-vascular endurance.
How is high altitude training is carried out?
The athlete trains at a high altitude, where there is less oxygen in the air and therefore oxygen carrying capacity is reduced. The body compensates by making more red blood cells to carry oxygen.
So when the athlete returns to sea level, they are able to carry more oxygen because they have a higher level of red blood cells (oxygen carrying capacity within the blood).
Who would benefit from altitude training?
Endurance athletes: e.g. Marathon runners
Athletes that work aerobically - i.e. athletes that sustain exercise over a long period of time.
Identify two limitations of altitude training.
- It can be very difficult to complete training. Some people find it too hard and actually train less than if they were at sea level.
- This means that fitness can actually be lost.
- Some athletes can suffer from altitude sickness - a feeling of nausea.
- The benefits are lost quite quickly - i.e. when returning to sea level, red blood cell count starts to decrease again back to normal.
What are the three training seasons?
- Pre-season (also known as preparation)
- Competition season (also known as peak/playing season).
- Post-season (also known as transition)
What are the aims/objectives of pre-season?
- To improve general and aerobic fitness.
- To improve specific components of fitness, specific to their sport.
- Develop technical aspects of their game in preparation for the season to start.
What are the aims/objectives of competition season?
The aim is to maintain fitness levels. The performer should be at peak fitness and will aim to maintain this. They may well also work on specific skills used in their sport.
What are the aims/objectives of post-season?
The aim is to rest and recover from the season. Many performers also continue some light aerobic training so that fitness levels do not drop too far.
What are the four aspects which make a good warm-up?
- Gradual pulse raising activity
- Stretching - of all relevant muscles
- Skill-based practices/familiarisation activities
- Mental preparation - starting to get focused, using techniques to control arousal, e.g. deep breathing.
By completing a warm up, what benefits would the individual gain?
- Body temperature increases.
- Stretching increases flexibility/ range of movement.
- Gradual increase towards ‘competition pace’.
- Psychological preparation.
- Movements similar to what is used within competition.
- Less chance of suffering an injury.
- Increased amount of oxygen being carried to the working muscles - helping with the production of energy.
What aspects should be included within a cool down?
- Maintain elevated breathing and heart rate, e.g. walk, jog.
- A gradual reduction in intensity, e.g. jog to light jog to walk.
- Stretching of all main muscles used in the activity.
What are the benefits of completing a good cool down?
- It allows the body to start to recover after exercising.
- It helps with the removal of lactic acid, carbon dioxide and waste products.
- It can help to prevent the delayed onset of muscle soreness, sometimes referred to as DOMS.