310 - Investigations Division (1 of 2) Flashcards
Who is the owner of order 310 - Investigations Division?
Chief of Investigations
Investigations: No office telephone shall be forwarded to the Communications Center before ____.
_____ will ensure that their units are in compliance with case management guidelines and time frames by conducting quality control checks.
Unit Commanders
Florida State Statute (F.S.S.) 943.0439 requires when interviewing an individual (victim, suspect, or defendant) with diagnosed autism or an autism spectrum disorder and upon his/her request or his/her parent or guardian request, detectives shall make a good faith effort to ensure that a _____, _____, _____, _____ _____ or _____ is present at all interviews of the individual.
psychiatrist, psychologist, mental health counselor, special education instructor, clinical social worker, or related professional
If an individual (victim, suspect, or defendant) with diagnosed autism or an autism spectrum disorder or their parent or guardian request requests that a psychiatrist, psychologist, mental health counselor, special education instructor, clinical social worker, or related professional be present at all interviews of the individual, who is responsible for the expense?
the person who made the request
When an individual (who has an attorney retained for him) is being questioned in a non-public area and the attorney is present at the place where the questioning is being conducted, what do we have to do?
stop questioning in order to notify the individual that their attorney is physically present and available. The individual must decide whether they wish to utilize the legal representation available to them at that time.
No persons who are subject to custodial interrogation shall be _____ to make involuntary statements or admissions.
Crime Scene: The _____ or _____ shall communicate to the ranking member at the scene the necessary coordination and control of ingress and egress at the scene;
assigned/lead detective or Detective Supervisor
Crime Scene: The _____ shall ensure that the names and appropriate identifiers of all persons at the scene are recorded;
assigned/lead detective
When the lead/assigned detective in any major case is notified by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) or The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Crime Lab that major case prints (fingerprints of the palms and fingers) are needed for comparison purposes, the lead/assigned detective will notify the _____:
Latent Print Unit Supervisor
When the lead/assigned detective in any major case is notified by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) or The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Crime Lab that major case prints (fingerprints of the palms and fingers) are needed for comparison purposes, the lead/assigned detective will notify the Latent Print Unit Supervisor: who obtains the comparison prints?
Latent Print Examiner
When the lead/assigned detective in any major case is notified by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) or The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Crime Lab that major case prints (fingerprints of the palms and fingers) are needed for comparison purposes, the lead/assigned detective will notify the Latent Print Unit Supervisor: Who is responsible to deliver the prints to the requesting lab?
Lead/assigned detective
All electronic surveillances must be authorized by a _____ and must comply with applicable F.S.S. and JSO written directives.
A clearance by _____ is claimed when an arrest cannot be made because there is some reason beyond Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office’s (JSO) control that prevents the arrest from occurring;
When a decision is made to clear a case by exception based on a decision made by the SAO, what will be listed in the narrative of the report?
the Assistant State Attorney’s name and the date he / she was contacted
When at least one person is arrested, charged with the commission of the offense and turned over to the court for prosecution. An arrestee may be turned over to the court following an arrest via a court summons served by a deputy. Arrest of a principal, aider, abettor, or conspirator, permits a clearance by arrest even _____
if charged with a lesser offense
_____ maintain the ability to set standards for electronic case file creation in their individual units beyond the minimum standards set forth in this Order.
Investigations Division Unit Commanders
Electronic case files will be reviewed for approval by a _____.
Unit Sergeant
An assigned case that has been designated for electronic case file creation shall not be removed from the detective’s active cases in DCAM’s until the_____
Unit Sergeant has reviewed the completed electronic case file for approval.
Information from the electronic case files shall be shared with other law enforcement personnel who properly identify themselves and demonstrate an official need for the information with the approval of a _____.
Unit Sergeant
Case file records will be purged, when _____
the information is no longer any value to the Sheriff’s Office,
What do you complete to purge records? who do you send it to?
Complete a Records Disposition Request
Sheriff’s Office Records Custodian in the Records Unit
When records are purged, how is it documented?
A copy of the Records Disposition Document should be retained
When will the second contact be made with victims/victim’s families?
7 to 10 days
The _____ shall keep the victim or the victim’s family (in homicide cases) and witnesses apprised on the status of the case.
lead/assigned detective(s)
Detectives, who will be off-duty for an extended period of time, such as on annual vacation, will advise _____on the status of any case that is still active.
their sergeant
The lead/assigned detective wishing to house a material witness in a local hotel will complete a _____) and submit it to his _____.
Material Witness Housing Form (P-0545
The Unit Sergeant will forward the form to the appropriate_____ for approval.
Unit Commander
Prior to making any housing arrangements, the lead/assigned detective must have received the approved Material Witness Housing Form (P-0545) via the _____
chain of command.
Once authorization has been obtained for the stay, the _____ will make contact with a representative from the hotel noting on the form with whom they spoke. The _____ shall ensure access is _______
lead/assigned detective
lead/assigned detective
restricted to hotel amenities (i.e., mini bar, pay-per-view movies, etc.).
Victim/Witness Lodging: The lead/assigned detective will make the reservation in who’s name?
a fictitious name, recording on the form the name in which the reservation is made.
Victim/Witness Lodging: The lead/assigned detective will provide the hotel staff a photocopy of the pre-approved City of Jacksonville Blanket Order. Copies of the Blanket Order are available from each _____
Investigations Division Unit Commander.
Victim/Witness Lodging: The lead/assigned detective will provide the material witness with _____ outlining the expectations governing those who are being housed, having them sign that they understand.
specific written directions
Victim/Witness Lodging: The lead/assigned detective will review the _____ of the Material Witness Housing Form (P-0545) with any of the material witnesses staying in the room. The agreement portion of the form must be signed by _____ staying in the room, prior to checking into the room.
second page
all adult parties
Victim/Witness Lodging: A copy of the properly signed and completed Material Witness Housing Form (P-0545) will be routed to the appropriate _____ with a copy forwarded to the appropriate _____ before the end of the _____.
Unit Commander,
Assistant Chief
next business day
Victim/Witness Lodging: The lead/assigned detective will transport or cause to be transported, the material witness(es) to the hotel as directed by the appropriate _____.
Unit Commander
Victim/Witness Lodging: The _____ will obtain a duplicate key from hotel staff upon check in, which will be retained by the case detective for the duration of the stay and returned to the hotel upon check out.
lead/assigned detective
Victim/Witness Lodging: During the course of the stay, the lead/assigned detective will physically check on the status of the witnesses _____.
every other day
Victim/Witness Lodging: When the lead detective checks on the status of witnesses, what will they be checking for? (2)
to ensure that no overcharges are occurring.
No illegal activity has been reported or is being committed.
Victim/Witness Lodging: The lead/assigned detective will review the status checks with his supervisor _____and note the meeting on the _____
before the end of his tour of duty
Material Witness Housing Form (P-0545).
A _____ will be formed to accomplish a specific purpose.
task force
investigative task force: The use of a task force will be approved by the _____.
Chief of Investigations
A task force may be formed to investigate homicides, sex crimes, robberies, burglaries, or any other major crime when: (3)
a. An investigation requires more resources than are normally available from an individual unit or agency;
b. A series of major crimes have occurred which have crossed the boundaries of multiple zones or jurisdictions; and
c. A crime problem is so extensive or widespread that a large-scale police operation with specific objectives is required.
The Chief of Investigations will designate a _____ who will be accountable to the Chief of Investigations or his designee for the overall operation of the task force.
task force supervisor
The _____ will have supervisory control over the task force and the assigned personnel and will establish a task force chain of command.
task force supervisor
The _____ or his designee shall, in coordination with the Police Legal Advisor, establish a written agreement between JSO and the other agencies involved in the task force. Who approves this agreement?
Chief of Investigations
Sheriff or his designee
When will the Task Force Supervisor shall evaluate the continued necessity or participation in each task force? Who will they report it to in writing?
the Chief of Investigations and the appropriate Division Chief.
Sensitive Background Investigations: The appropriate _____ will control the distribution of related records and determine what information, if any will be released; and
unit supervisor
Sensitive Background Investigations: The records will be purged _______ per the State of Florida General Records Schedule for Law Enforcement Agencies
when the information is no longer any value to the Sheriff’s Office
Adults placed in an interview room will be visually observed every ___ minutes and unattended juveniles placed in an interview room will be visually observed every ___minutes. The only exception to this requirement would be if _____ exist. At no time will the period between visual observations exceed ___ minutes, and all observations will be documented on an Interview Room Prisoner Observation Form (P-0202).
exigent circumstances
The following, at a minimum, must be documented on an Interview Room Prisoner Observation Form (P-0202): [CFA 39.01] (3)
(1) Reason for interview;
(2) Times of meals or personal breaks, if any; and
(3) Times of observation.