31. Cell Death and Repair, Inflammation, Anti-Inflammatories Flashcards
What is the innate immune response?
- It is the first-line response to the presence of antigens
- It is a non-specific immune response and instead relies on conserved molecular patterns
- Consists of physical, chemical and cellular defenses against pathogens
- It is required to trigger the specific immune respones
What are some of the barriers to infection that are part of the innate immune response?
- Skin
- Mucus
- Gastric acid
- Bile salts
- Normal microbiota
What are the cells involved in the innate immune response and what are their functions?
- Respiratory burst -> Neutrophils, Monocytes/Macrophages
- Degranulation -> Mast cells, Eosinophils, Basophils
- Phagocytosis -> Neutrophils, Macrophages
- Natural killer (NK) cells
Summarise the concept of innate immune defense.
- Cells and proteins in the damaged tissue sense the presence of bacteria via PAMPs and DAMPs.
- The cells send out soluble proteins called cytokines that interact with other cells to trigger the innate immune response.
- Chemical mediators cause the local venule to exudate cells, fluid and plasma proteins to the site of infection.
- The overall effect of the innate immune response is to induce a state of inflammation in the infected tissue characterised by heat, pain, redness and swelling.
- These symptoms, which are part of everyday human experience, are not due to the infection itself but to the immune system’s response to infection and injury.
Summarise haematopoiesis.
Note: The stem cells arise from the bone marrow.
What are granulocytes?
- A category of white blood cells in the innate immune system characterized by the presence of specific granules in their cytoplasm.
- They include eosinophils, basophils and neutrophils (and mast cells, in tissues).
What is another name for granulocytes?
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs)
Which blood cells can enter tissues? What are they called there?
Note that the process by which basophils are linked to mast cells in tissues is unknown.
Which immune cells are only found in tissues (and not in blood)? How are they related to blood cells?
- Macrophages are the tissue forms of blood monocytes
- Mast cells are linked to basophils by some mysterious process
Describe the appearance of neutrophils.
- Multi-lobed nucleus joined by filaments (sausage-like appearance)
- About 10µm
- Has some granules
Describe the appearance of eosinophils.
- Bilobular nucleus
- Larger than neutrophil (easy to confuse because of multilobular nuclei)
- Very many granules
Describe the appearance of basophils.
- Simple or bilobed nucleus
- Nucleus is often difficult to see because of its most characteristic feature: a large number or coarse, purplish granules.
Describe the appearance of monocytes.
- Nucleus is kidney-shaped
- No obvious granules
Describe the appearance of lymphocytes.
- Round nucleus
- Some granules in natural killer cells, otherwise no granules
Summarise the appearance of different leucocytes.
Describe the appearance of mast cells.
They are very similar to basophils.
Are mast cells WBCs?
No, they are tissue-resident, but they are very similar to basophils.
Where are mast cells found?
In all tissues close to blood vessels and mucosae.
What do mast cells release?
- Their granules contain heparin and histamine, which are rapidly released
- They can also release LTC4, prostaglandins and cytokines (TNFa), but this release is slower
Why do we like and dislike mast cells?
In what sort of allergies are mast cells involved?
- Hay fever
- Asthma
- Food allergies
What are the effects of mast cell degranulation in the:
- GI tract
- Airways
- Blood vessels
What are the different ways in which mast cells can be activated?
- IgE binding -> Primes the mast cell for degranulation (in a sensitized state) [IMPORTANT]
- Antigen binding (once sensitized by IgE) -> Rapid degranulation, followed by sustained cytokine/chemokine release
- TLR ligand binding -> No degranulation, but cytokine and chemokine release
- Neuropeptides, C3a, C5a, venom binding -> Degranulation and cytokine/chemokine release
To what receptors on mast cells do IgE bind?
(This denotes that it is the Fc region of IgE being bound)
What is abundance of leukocytes in the blood (in cells/L)?
7 x 109 cells/L
What percentage of leukocytes are neutrophils?
What percentage of leukocytes are monocytes?
What percentage of leukocytes are lymphocytes?
What percentage of leukocytes are eosinophils?
What percentage of leukocytes are basophils?
What percentage of leukocytes are each of the types?
- Neutrophils -> 40-70%
- Lymphocytes -> 20-40%
- Monocytes -> 6%
- Eosinophils -> 3%
- Basophils -> 1%
What may elevated neutrophil counts indicate?
- Bacterial infections
- Stress
What may increased counts of each of the leukocytes indicate?
- Neutrophils:
- Bacterial infections
- Stress
- Lymphocytes:
- Mononucleosis
- Whooping cough
- Viral infections
- Monocytes:
- Malaria
- TB
- Fungal infections
- Eosinophils:
- Allergic reactions
- Autoimmune diseases
- Parasitic worms
- Basophils:
- Cancers
- Chicken pox
- Hypothyroidism
What are PMNs?
- A type of immune cell that has granules (small particles) with enzymes that are released during infections, allergic reactions, and asthma.
- Neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils are PMNs.
- For some reason, the spec calls neutrophils PMNs (almost implying that eosinophils and basophils are not, so double check this!)
Where does proliferation and differentiation of neutrophils take place?
In the bone marrow.
What drives DNA synthesis and granule biogenesis of neutrophil progenitors?
These colony stimulating factors are glycoproteins. GM-CSF is a cytokine that acts as growth factor, stimulating the production of granulocytes and monocytes in the bone marrow, with G-CSF specifically increasing neutrophil numbers
Where is the reserve pool of neutrophils?
Bone marrow (50% of the nucleated leukocytes in bone marrow are PMNs)
When are neutrophils mobilised from the reserve pool in bone marrow? What is this called?
- In response to infection
- This is called granulocytosis/neutrophilia
What is the name for decreased neutrophil count in the blood and what may cause this? What are the dangers?
Neutropenia, caused by:
- X-irradiation
- Chemotherapy
- Kostmann disease
These patients are susceptible to bacterial and fungal infection.
What is granulocytosis/agranulocytosis?
Increased/Decreased granulocytes in the blood, although typically this may be used to simply refer to neutrophilc counts, since they are the most abundant.
What happens to neutrophils that are in the blood?
They are mobilised to sites of infection.
Are neutrophils terminally differentiated?
Yes, so they do not synthesis DNA, although they do synthesis some limited mRNA and proteins.
What happens to activated neutrophils?
They undergo apoptosis and are cleared by tissue macrophages.
What are some things that may cause increased leukocyte numbers (leukocytosis)?
What are some things that may cause decreased neutrophil numbers (neutropenia)?
What lineage of haemapoietic stem cells are neutrophils derived from?
Hematopoietic stem cell -> Myeloid stem cell -> Myeloblast -> Granulocytes
What is Kostmann disease?
It is also known as severe congenital neutropenia:
- A group of rare disorders that affect myelopoiesis, causing a congenital form of neutropenia.
- SCN manifests in infancy with life-threatening bacterial infections.
- Most cases of SCN respond to treatment with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, which increases the neutrophil count and decreases the severity and frequency of infections.
What are opsonins?
Serum proteins that attach to the surface of microbes, rendering them more attractive to phagocytes.
What are some important opsonins and what part of phagocytes do they bind to?
- IgG -> Binds to Fc receptor [IMPORTANT]
- C3b (complement) -> Binds to CR3 receptor [IMPORTANT]
- Surfactant proteins A and D -> ???
- C-reactive protein (CRP) -> ???
What are the main “professional” phagocytes?
Neutrophils and macrophages
(Mast cells and dendritic cells also phagocytose, to a lesser extent)
What things can trigger phagocytosis?
- Opsonins
In essence, you can think of the phagocyte as being able to recognise conserved molecules (PAMPs and DAMPs) via the PRRs it has on its surface. However, the phagocyte can also recognise opsonins using opsonin receptors,
Describe the mechanism of phagocytosis.
- Phagocytosis is triggered by:
- PAMPs and DAMPs binding to PRRs on the phagocyte surface
- Opsonins (like IgG) binding to opsonin receptors (on the phagocyte)
- A suggested mechanism for engulfing the pathogen is the zipper mechanism, where the binding points are used to gradually move the cytoplasm around the pathogen
- Engulding occurs via pseudopods that move around the bacterium to create a phagosome. This process is dependent on actin remodelling.
- The phagosome then fuses with a lysosome and granules, which enables digestion of the bacterium by a variety of mechanisms.
What cellular process is phagocytosis dependent on and how can this be experimentally demonstrated?
- Pseudopods around the bacterium to create a phagosome.
- This process is dependent on actin remodelling, which can be experimentally demonstrated by cytochalasins.
- These are fungus-derived products that block actin polymerisation, so that formation of a phagosome is inhibited.
What are some problems with phagocytosis?
- Regurgitation while feeding -> Can damage local cells
- Frustrated phagocytosis (exocytosis) -> Release of toxic agents into the environment when the phagocyte fails to engulf its target
- Surface phagocytosis
- Bacteria evasion of phagocytosis
What is frustrated phagocytosis?
If a phagocyte fails to engulf its target, toxic agents can be released into the environment.
Describe the formation and events in a phagolysosome.
- The phagosome fuses with a lysosome
- It is also further acidified by activation of a V-ATPase on the surface
- This eventually leads to digestion and destruction of the pathogen inside
What are the main killing mechanisms used by phagocytes following phagocytosis?
- Oxygen-dependent antibacterial mechanisms -> Using oxidising radicals and halides to kill the pathogen
- Oxygen-independent antibacterial mechanisms -> Using enzymatic and non-enzymatic mechanisms to kill the pathogen
What important event takes place after a phagocyte takes up a pathogen?
Respiratory burst
What is the respiratory burst and why is it required?
- Following uptake of pathogens for phagocytosis, the oxygen demand of phagocytes increases.
- The oxygen burst is used largely to generate NADPH from glucose via the pentose phosphate pathway. The NADPH in turn can be used to generate reactive species that kill pathogens.
Describe how the respiratory burst works.
- Upon uptake of a pathogen, oxygen is used to rapidly generate NADPH from glucose via the pentose phosphate pathway.
- The NADPH in turn can be used to generate superoxide (O2-), which then forms hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) via breakdown. These are then used in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS):
- Superoxide and hydrogen peroxide can react with each other to produce hydroxyl radicals
- In neutrophils, hydrogen peroxide can react with halide ions to oxidise them, which is catalysed by MPO (myeloperoxidase) in the phagolysosome.
- The NADPH is also used in the generation of nitric oxide (NO) (see other flashcard).
Give some experimental evidence for the respiratory burst.
- The importance of oxygen-dependent killing mechanisms can be demonstrated by culturing bacteria with neutrophils, both in the presence and absence of oxygen.
- Faster culture growth is seen in the deoxygenated experiment.
What enzyme is used to catalyse the reaction of hydrogen peroxide with halide ions to oxidise them (in neutrophils)?
MPO (myeloperoxidase)
How do ROS (reactive oxygen species) generated in the respiratory burst kill pathogens?
They are powerful oxidising agents, and lipid oxidation is particularly effective for breaking down cell membranes.
What is chronic granulomatous disease?
- Individuals have a defect in the phagocyte NADPH oxidase enzyme that catalyses the reaction of NADPH with O2 to produce superoxide.
- The symptoms include a higher susceptibility to and frequency of infection, as well as the development of granulomas (collections of macrophages) in various tissues, both of which are due to the reduced immune capacity of phagocytes.
- Treatment involves antibiotic use to manage infection, and cure is currently only possible via use of hematopoietic stem cell transplant.
What are some oxygen-independent killing mechanisms in phagocytes?
- Proteases
- Phospholipases
- Nucleases
- Lysozyme
- Cationic proteins (BPI & ECP)
- Lactoferrin
- Defensins (Anti Microbial Peptides – AMPs)
How are lysozymes involved in defense mechanisms in phagocytes?
Lysozyme breaks down the peptidoglycan in the cell wall of bacteria.
How are cationic proteins involved in defense mechanisms in phagocytes?
Modify cell membranes, such as BPI (bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein) which acts on lipopolysaccharides.
How is lactoferrin involved in defense mechanisms in phagocytes?
Lactoferrin reduces the amount of iron available for bacterial use, which is significant because iron is an essential ion for bacterial growth. It can also bind to LPS and thus lead to cell lysis.
What are antimicrobial peptides and what is their function in phagocyte defence mechanisms?
- Peptides (AMPs) of fewer than 50 amino acids that are an evolutionarily conserved part of the innate immune response
- Primarily target the cell membrane and create transmembrane channels, meaning that they have broad specificity within bacteria and other pathogens.
- They are not affected by antibiotic resistance of a bacterium.
- Experimentally, the broad specificity of AMPs can be demonstrated by an in vitro assay.
Give an example of AMPs (antimicrobial peptides).
LL-37 and defensins
Describe how NO is synthesised in phagocytes and how this works as part of the defense mechanism.
- NADPH (from the respiratory burst) here is also used in the generation of nitric oxide (NO), which is a substrate (along with superoxide), for the production of more reactive nitrogen species.
- Nitric oxide synthase 2 is inducible mostly in macrophages (by inflammatory mediators).
- Reactive nitrogen species have broad antimicrobial action by reacting with transition-metals in proteins (e.g. haemoglobin or cytochrome c) or the amino acids in a protein.
What are NETs?
- Neutrophil extracellular traps
- Neutrophils have a short lifespan (relative to macrophages), but before and during apoptosis they leave an extracellular net of DNA and histones, with proteins such as MPO bound to them.
- These bound proteins have antimicrobial properties, so the net functions to kill pathogens outside of cells.
Give some experimental evidence for how some pathogens can escape NETs.
(Zychlinsky, 2009):
- These may include prevention of formation of the NET by catalase and digestion of the NET by endonuclease, along with some protection provided by the bacterial capsule
- Studies of this rely partly on observation of NET formation in vitro and comparisons between the resistance of known bacteria to neutrophils and NET.
What are some positives of NET formation?
- Rapid (10-120mins) -> Faster than apoptosis
- Active against a wide range of pathogens
- Trap bacteria locally to prevent spread
- Work even when the neutrophil is dead
How can neutrophils cause host tissue damage?
- ROS (reactive oxygen species)
- Degranulation (especially elastase)
- Activate cascades (e.g. caogulation and complement)
Conditions involving tissue damage relating to neutrophil activation include: emphysema, septic shock and ARDS.
Compare monocytes and macrophages.
Note that macrophages are derived from blood monocytes.
What are some functions of neutrophils?
- Phagocytosis
- Degranulation (of anti-microbial agents)
- Production of NETs
- Mediation of inflammation (via release of cytokines)
What are some functions of macrophages? How do these compare to neutrophils?
- Phagocytosis and killing
- Control of inflammation -> Via cytokines and interferons
- Antigen presentation
Tissue maintenance:
- Tissue homeostasis via scavenger receptors
- Tissue remodelling
- Apoptotic cell clearance
- Tissue repair (e.g. in wound repair)
Compare the functions of neutrophils and macrophages. How do they work together?
- They have overlapping function, in terms of phagocytosis and release of cytokines.
- However, neutrophils can also degranulate anti-microbial substances and release NETs, while macrophages can also perform tissue maintenance and antigen-presentation.
- Neutrophils are rapidly recruited, but are short-lived and act via enzymatic responses that are short-lasting, making them more numerous in acute inflammation.
- Macrophages are slowly recruited (they are initially monocytes in the blood) and act via changes in gene transcription that have more lasting effects, so they play a larger role in chronic inflammation.
Are all macrophages derived from blood monocytes?
No, some tissue resident macrophages are derived from myeloid precursors in embryonic life and proliferate in situ throughout adult life.
Describe the two origins of macrophages.
- Embryonic yolk sac derived tissue macrophages (long-lived, self-renewing)
- Macrophages that are formed by bone marrow-derived monocytes that infiltrate the tissue
Describe the two functional types of macrophages and what the function of each is.
- Tissue resident (e.g. Kupffer cells) macrophages (mostly arising from embryonic yolk sac) -> Mediate homeostasis, repair and remodelling
- Infiltrating monocytes that become inflammatory macrophages -> Antimicrobial functions
Do macrophages have a rigid phenotype?
- Macrophage gene expression is very plastic and hence so is their phenotype
- We know that a wide range of cytokines act on monocytes to give multiple macrophage types M0, M1, M2 in our in vitro experimental systems
- In vivo we now appreciate that monocytes can differentiate into many different cell types including myeloid-derived dendritic cells (mDCs), Tumour Associated Macrophages (TAMs) and myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSCs)
Give some examples of different tissue macrophages.
Describe the two ways in which the phenotype of macrophages can be determined.
- Macrophages can differentiate during development to give various types of resident macrophages
- They can also respond to environmental signals, including cytokines, transcription factors and epigenetic changes
Note that the diagram shows the resident tissue macrophages as being derived from bone marrow (presumably via monocytes). This used to be the dominant theory, although we now know that most come from embryonic yolk sac, so I’m not sure why this is drawn this way.
What is macrophage polarisation?
A process by which macrophages adopt different functional programs in response to the signals from their microenvironment:
- M1 macrophages -> Promoted by IFN-γ and have a more classical pro-inflammatory and pro-immune role
- M2 macrophages -> Promoted by IL-4 and IL-13, and have a more anti-inflammatory role and suppress immunity
What are some examples of diseases in which macrophages are implicated?