3.1, 3.2 - formal and informal sources of the presidents power Flashcards
What part of the Constitution outlines presidential powers?
article 2
what formal powers are outlined in article 2 of the constitution?
- commander in chief
- negociate treaties
- appoint government officials, ambassadors and juctices
- to grant pardons
- to require in writing the opinion of each executive officer
- state of union adress
what presidential power is in article 1 of the constitution?
the power to veto legislation
give an example of when the role as ‘head of state’ was significant.
After 9/11, Bush was seen ad the face of america
give examples of policies that were intoruduced based on presidents electoral mandate.
- obama- ACA 2010
- bush- no child left behind 2001
- biden- inflation reduction act 2023
approximately how many appointments does the president make to federal posts?
what are the congressional checks on presidents power?
- authorise federal appointments
- overide a presidential veto with a 2/3 majority
- ratify treaties
- congress has the sole power to declare war
- congress has the power of the purse
what are the presidents informal powers?
- power of persuasion
- cabinet
- executive orders
- executive agreement
- signing statements
- executive priviledge
give some examples of trumps executive orders.
- ‘muslim ban’- ban on immigration from certain muslim majority countries
- 2017 executive order to withold funding from sanctuary cities
- executive order to reverse DACA was blocked by the supreme court
give an example of a significant executive agreement.
2021- biden rejoined the paris climate agreement, reversing donald trumps withdrawl
what are the methods of powers of persuasion?
- through their vice president
- through cabinet
- through relationships with party leadership
- through offering perks and photo oppertunities to members of congress
- bully pullpit
give an example of when the ‘power of persuasion’ was significant in contributing to the passage of legislation.
- biden and his contacts (as an ex congress person)
- obama worked closely with speaker of the house nancy pelosi
give an example of presidents working with congress/party leaders in order to pass legislation.
Biden has worked closely with Chuck Schumer (senate majority leader) in order to aid in the passage of the american rescue plan
give an example of when a presidents endorsement of a congress person up for re-election played a significant role.
- donald trump put his support behind candidate ted cruz of texas in the 2018 mid terms
- cruz was facing significant competition, and this supported aided in his campaign
give a significant example of a presidents use of the bully pulpit
- Donald trump used twitter to directly call out congresspersons who opposed his health care reform plan
- trump was highly effective at mobilising suppport from voters- as a threat for congresspersons
give an example of a member of trumps cabinet who was able to have significant impact.
Jeff Sessions (attorney general) helped to implement the ‘zero tolerance policy’ which lead to the seperation of families at the US- mexico boarder
how often does the cabinet meet with the president, how does this compare to EXOP?
- cabinet meets on average 1 a month with the president
- EXOP have access to the president on a daily basis
what is the national security council (NSC)?
- provides advice to the president on national seccurity issues
- significant role in managing the response to crisis
give a recent example of when the NSC was significant.
- the NSC has been significant in providing Biden with key inteligence regarding the conflict in isreal gaza
give a less recent example of when the NSC was significant.
- NSC was critical in the planning and execution of obamas raid that resulted in the death of Osama bin laden in 2011
what is the OMB? what are its functions?
the office of management and budget
- helps the president develop the federal budget to send to congress
- reviews the regulation proposed by executive agencies
- oversees exective agencies
give an example of when the OMB was significant.
- under bush the OMB played a significant role in the financial crisis
- particularly in managing the troubled asset relief program
what are the roles of the white house office.
- advisors
- administration
- liason to congress