309 Cards 10-11 Flashcards
A game in which the optimal strategy for both players involves playing more than one strategy over time. Each strategy is played a given percentage of the time.
Mixed Strategy game
A game in which both players will always play just one strategy.
Pure Strategy
A game that has a pure strategy.
Saddle Point Game
A game that has only two players.
Two-person Game
The expected winning of the game if the game is played a large number of times.
Value of the Game
A game in which the losses for one player equal the gains for the other player.
Zero-sum Game
A specific class of network models that involves determining the most efficient assignment of people to projects, salespeople to territories, contracts to bidders, jobs to machines and so on.
Assignment Model
A problem that finds the maximum flow of any quantity or substances through a network.
Maximal Flow Model
A model that determines the path through the network that connects all the nodes while minimizing total distance.
Minimal-Spanning Tree Model
A model that determines the shortest path or route through a network.
Shortest-Path Model
A specific case of network models that involves scheduling shipment from origins to destination so that total shipping costs are minimized.
Transportation Model
When there are flows-in and flows-out
Transshipment Model