300 Essential Words Flashcards
Abstain (thes)
(to choose not to do something), abjure, abnegate, avoid, cease, constrain, curb, decline, eschew, evade, fast, fence-sit, forbear, forgo, refrain, refuse, renounce, shun, withhold
adulterate (thes)
(alter or debase, often for profit. to make impure); amalgamate, blend, cheapen, commingle, contaminate, corrupt, defile, degrade, denature, depreciate, deteriorate, devalue, dilute, lace, pollute, shave, taint, transfuse, vitiate, water down, weaken
advocate (thes)
(person supporting an idea of cuase publicly, or to support idea or cause publically), NOUN: apostle, backer, campaigner, champion, counsel, defender, exponent, expounder, lawyer, pleader, promoter, proponent, proposer, upholder. VERB: advance, advise, argue for, back, be in corner, bolster, champion, defend, encourage, favor, further, get on bandwagon, promote, push, recommend, tout, uphold, urge,
Anomaly (thes)
(Deviation from what is normal), aberration, abnormality, departure, deviation, eccentricity, exception, incongruity, inconsistency, irregularity, oddity, peculiarity, rarity, unconformity, unorthodoxy
antipathy (thes)
(strong dislike, disgust), abhorrence, allergy, animosity, animus, antagonism, aversion, avoidance, bad blood, contrariety, distaste, dyspathy, enmity, eschewal, evasion, hate, hatred, hostility, ill will, incompatibility, loathing, opposition, rancor, repellency, repugnance, repulsion
Apathy (thes)
(uncaring attitude, lack of interest) aloofness, detachment, disinterest, dispassion, disregard, dullness, emotionlessness, halfheartedness, heedlessness, indifference, insensibility, insensitivity, insouciance, lassitude, lethargy, listlessness, passiveness, passivity, stoicism, unconcern, unresponsiveness
Assuage (thes)
allay, alleviate, appease, calm, compose, conciliate, ease, lessen, lighten, lull, mitigate, moderate, mollify, pacify, palliate, placate, propitiate, quench, quiet, sate, satisfy, soften, surfeit, tranquilize
Audacious (thes)
(reckless, daring; or arrogant, presumptuous) aweless, bold, brassy, brave, cheeky, courageous, daredevil, dauntless, enterprising, fearless, foolhardy, gutty, intrepid, nervy, rash, resolute, risky, smart ass, unafraid, uncurbed, undaunted, ungoverned, valiant, venturesome, assuming, bantam, bold, brash, brassy, brazen, cheeky, defiant, disrespectful, forward, impertinent, impudent, insolent, rude, saucy, shameless
bloster (thes)
(to help), aid, assist, boost, bulwark, buoy, buttress, carry, prop, reinforce, strengthen, support, sustain, uphold
cacophony (thes)
(dissonance, harshness, noise)
capricious (thes)
(given to sudden behavior change) arbitrary, careless, changeful, contrary, crotchety, effervescent, erratic, fanciful, fickle, fitful, flaky, flighty, freakish, gaga, helter-skelter, impulsive, inconstant, lubricious, mercurial, moody, mutable, notional, odd, punchy, queer, quirky, temperamental, ticklish, unpredictable, unstable, up and down, vagarious, variable, volatile, wayward, whimsical, yo-yo
corroborate (thes)
(to back up information, to get the background) approve, authenticate, certify, confirm, double check, endorse, establish, justify, prove, ratify, rubber-stamp, strengthen, substantiate, support, sustain, validate, verify
deride (thes)
(make fun of; insult), banter, chaff, contemn, detract, disdain, disparage, flout, gibe, jeer, jolly, kid, knock, laugh at, lout, mock, pan, pooh-pooh, ridicule, roast, scoff, scorn, taunt,
Desiccate (thes)
(take the moisture out of) anhydrate, dehydrate, deplete, devitalize, divest, drain, dry, dry up, evaporate, exsiccate, parch, sear, shrivel, wither, wizen
Disingenuous (thes)
(insincere) artful, crooked, cunning, deceitful, designing, dishonest, duplicitous, false, feigned, foxy, guileful, indirect, insidious, mendacious, oblique, shifty, sly, tricky, two-faced, uncandid, underhanded, unfair, unfrank, wily
dissonance (thes)
(disagreement, noise, discord,) antagonism, conflict, contention, controversy, difference, disaccord, discord, discrepancy, disharmony, disparity, dissension, dissidence, incongruity, inconsistency, strife, variance, cacophony, harshness, jangle, jarring, unmelodiousness
Efficacious (thes)
(effective), active, adequate, capable, competent, effective, effectual, energetic, influential, operative, potent, powerful, puissant, serviceable, strong, successful, useful, virtuous
enervate (thes)
(to tire, to wear out), debilitate, devitalize, disable, enfeeble, exhaust, fatigue, incapacitate, jade, paralyze, sap, unnerve, vitiate, weaken, weary. NOTE: Innervate means to supply with energy
engender (thes)
(to cause to happen, to cause an action), arouse, beget, breed, bring about, bring forth, create, develop, excite, foment, generate, hatch, incite, induce, instigate, lmuster, occasion, precipitate, procreate, produce, propagate, provoke, quicken, rouse, spawn, stimulate,
Enigma (thes)
(a puzzle, a mystery), Gordian knot, bewilderment, cliffhanger, conundrum, crux, cryptogram, grabber, perplexity, problem, puzzle, sphinx,
ephemeral (thes)
(momentary, passing), brief, episodic, evanescent, fleeting, flitting, fugacious, fugitive, impermanent, short, short-lived, temporary, transient, transitory, unenduring, volatile
Equivocal (thes)
(using expressions of double meaning), ambiguous, ambivalent, borderline, clouded, disreputable, dubious, evasive, fishy, indefinite, indeterminate, indistinct, misleading, muddled, muzzy, oblique, obscure, puzzling, questionable, suspect, suspicious, tenebrous, unclear, undecided, unexplicit, unintelligible, vague, with mixed feelings
Erudite (thes)
(learned, scholarly, bookish) brainy, cultivated, educated, highbrow, knowledgeable, learned, lettered, literate, savvy, scholarly, scholastic, studious, well-read, wise up
Eulogy (thes)
(praise, acclamation); acclaim, accolade, adulation, applause, commendation, compliment, encomium, exaltation, glorification, laudation, paean, panegyric, plaudit, salutation, tribute
Fervid (thes)
(ardent, impassioned, intensely emotional, feverish)
Garrulous (thes)
(talkative), babbling, blabbermouth, chattering, chatty, effusive, gabby, glib, gossiping, gushing, loquacious, motormouth, mouthy, prating, prattling, verbose, voluble, wordy, yakkity, yakky
gullible (thes)
Ingenious (thes)
(clevel or brilliant), adroit, artistic, bright, canny, crafty, creative, cunning, deviceful, dexterous, gifted, imaginative, innovational, innovative, innovatory, intelligent, inventive, original, resourceful, shrewd, skillful, sly, subtle
Ingenuous (thes)
(honest, trustful, frank, candid, and naive): artless, candid, childlike, frank, guileless, innocent, naive, natural, open, outspoken, plain, simple, sincere, square, straightforward, trusting, unaffected, unartful, unartificial, undisguised, unreserved, unschooled, unsophisticated, unstudied, up front
laconic (thes)
(short, to the point) breviloquent, brief, brusque, compact, compendiary, compendious, concise, crisp, curt, pithy, sententious, short and sweet, succinct, terse
laudable (thes)
(admirable), commendable, creditable, deserving, estimable, excellent, meritable, meritorious, praisable, praiseworthy, stellar, terrific, thankworthy, worthy
lethargic (thes)
(lazy, sluggish), apathetic, comatose, debilitated, dilatory, dopey, dormant, draggy, drowsy, dull, enervated, idle, impassive, inactive, indifferent, inert, lackadaisical, laggard, languid, languorous, listless, moony, nebbish, phlegmatic, sleepy, sleepyhead, slothful, slow, slumberous, snoozy, somnolent, spiritless, stolid, stupefied, supine, torpid, wimpy
loquacious (thes)
(talkative), babbling, gabby, garrulous, gossipy, jabbering, multiloquent, prolix, verbose, voluble, wordy, yacking
lucid (thes)
(clear and easily understood), apprehensible, clear, clear-cut, comprehendible, comprehensible, crystal clear, explicit, fathomable, graspable, intelligible, knowable, limpid, luminous, pellucid, plain, translucent, transparent, transpicuous, unambiguous, unblurred, understandable
malleable (thes)
(pliable), adaptable, compliant, ductile, flexible, impressionable, manageable, moldable, plastic, pliant, submissive, supple, tractable, tractile, transformable, workable, yielding
Mendacious (thes)
deceitful, deceptive, duplicitous, equivocating, erroneous, fallacious, false, fibbing, fraudulent, insincere, lying, paltering, perfidious, perjured, prevaricating, shifty, spurious, untrue, untruthful, wrong
misanthrope (thes)
(person who hates others), cynic, doubter, egoist, egotist, hater, isolate, loner, misanthropist, recluse, skeptic
mitigate (thes)
(check, diminish, lighten), abate, allay, alleviate, appease, assuage, blunt, calm, dull, ease, extenuate, lessen, mollify, pacify, palliate, placate, remit, soften, soothe, subdue, tone down, tranquilize, weaken
obdurate (thes)
(pigheaded, stubborn), adamant, bullhead, callous, dogged, immovable, implacable, indurate, inexorable, inflexible, mulish, obstinate, perverse, relentless, rigid, unbending, uncompassionate, uncompromising, uncooperative, unemotional, unfeeling, unimpressible, unrelenting, unshakable, unsympathetic, unyielding
opaque (thes)
blurred, cloudy, dark, darkened, dim, dirty, dull, dusky, filmy, foggy, frosty, fuliginous, gloomy, hazy, impenetrable, lusterless, misty, muddied, murky, nontranslucent, nontransparent, nubilous, obfuscated, shady, smoky, sooty, thick, turbid
ostentation (thes)
(exhibitionism, flashiness), affectation, array, boast, boasting, brag, braggadocio, bragging, bravado, demonstration, display, exhibition, false front, flamboyance, flash*, flaunting, flourish, fuss, garishness, grandstand play, magnificence, pageant, pageantry, parade, parading, pomp, pomposity, pompousness, pretending, pretension, pretentiousness, put-on, shine*, show, showiness, showing off, showoff, spectacle, splendor, splurge, swagger*, swaggering, swank, vainglory, vaunt, vaunting, window-dressing
paradox (thes)
(contradiction, puzzle), Catch-22, absurdity, ambiguity, anomaly, catch, enigma, error, inconsistency, mistake, mystery, nonsense, oddity, opposite, reverse
Pedant (thes)
(formalist), bluestocking, bookworm, doctrinaire, dogmatist, egghead, methodologist, pedagogue, waling encyclopedia
philanthropic (thes)
(chartible, giving), altruistic, beneficent, benevolent, benignant, big-hearted, bountiful, contributing, donating, eleemosynary, generous, good, gracious, helpful, humane, humanitarian, kind, kindhearted, liberal, magnanimous, munificent, openhanded, patriotic, public- spirited
placate (def)
appease, assuage, calm, cheer, comfort, conciliate, humor, make peace, make up*, mollify, pacify, play up to, pour oil on, propitiate, reconcile, satisfy, soft-pedal, soothe, stroke*, sweeten, tranquilize, win over
pragmatic (thes)
(sensible), businesslike, commonsensical, down-to-earth, efficient, hard, hard-boiled, hardheaded, logical, matter-of-fact, practical, realistic, sober, unidealistic, utilitarian
precipitate (thes)
accelerate, advance, bring on, cast, discharge, dispatch, expedite, fling, further, hasten, hurl, launch, let fly, press, push forward, quicken, send forth, speed up, throw, trigger
prevaricate (thes)
(deceive, stretch the truth), belie, cavil, con, distort, dodge, equivocate, evade, exaggerate, fabricate, falsify, fib, garble, hedge, invent, jive, lie*, misrepresent, misspeak, palter, phony up, put on*, quibble, shift, shuffle, tergiversate
prodigal (thes)
wasteful, luxurious, profuse, a person who spends a lot, dissipated, excessive, extravagant, immoderate, improvident, intemperate, lavish, profligate, reckless, spendthrift, squandering, wanton, abundant, bounteous, bountiful, copious, exuberant, lavish, lush, luxuriant, moneyed, munificent, opulent, riotous, sumptuous, superabundant, teeming
propriety (thes)
(suitableness, appropriateness), accordance, advisability, agreeableness, appositeness, aptness, becomingness, compatibility, concord, congruity, consonance, convenience, correctness, correspondence, decorum, ethicality, expedience, fitness, harmony, justice, legitimacy, meetness, morality, order, pleasantness, properness, recommendability, rectitude, respectability, rightness, seemliness, suitability
vacillate (thes)
(to go back and forth), alternate, be indecisive, be irresolute, change, change mind, dither, fence-straddle, fluctuate, hedge, hem and haw, hesitate, hover, oscillate, pause, pussyfoot around, reel, rock, run hot and cold, seesaw, shilly-shally, stagger, straddle, sway, swing, waffle, waver, whiffle, yo-yo
venerate (thes)
(revere), admire, adore, apotheosize, appreciate, be in awe of, cherish, deify, esteem, exalt, hallow, hold in awe, honor, idolize, look up to, love, put on a pedestal, regard, respect, reverence, think highly of, treasure, value, worship
volatile (thes)
(explosive, changeable), airy, buoyant, capricious, effervescent, elastic, elusive, ephemeral, erratic, expansive, fickle, fleeting, flighty, flippant, frivolous, fugacious, fugitive, gaseous, gay, giddy, impermanent, imponderable, inconsistent, inconstant, light, lively, lubricious, mercurial, momentary, playful, resilient, short-lived, sprightly, subtle, temperamental, ticklish, transient, transitory, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, up-and-down, vaporous, variable, whimsical
waver (thes)
(shift back and forth, be indecisive), be irresolute, be unable to decide, blow hot and cold, change, deliberate, dilly-dally, dither, falter, flicker, fluctuate, halt, hedge, hem and haw, hesitate, oscillate, palter, pause, pussyfoot around, quiver, reel, run hot and cold, seesaw, shake, stagger, sway, teeter, totter, tremble, trim, undulate, vacillate, vary, waffle, wave, weave, whiffle, wobble, yo-yo
Zeal (thes)
alacrity, ardor, bustle, determination, devotion, diligence, dispatch, drive, eagerness, earnestness, enterprise, fanaticism, fervor, fierceness, fire, gusto, hustle, inclination, initiative, intensity, intentness, keenness, mania, passion, perseverance, push, readiness, sincerity, spirit, stick-to-itiveness, urgency, vehemence, verve, warmth, what-it-takes, yen, zest
Def and Synonyms
(to reduce in amount, degree or severity), allay, diminish, dull, dwindle, ebb, quell, recede, reduce, slacken, slow, subdue, subside, taper, wane
(to leave secretly), decamp, disappear, skedaddle, skip out, vamoose, vanish
(an extremely deep hole), abysm, chasm, crevasse, depth, fissure, gorge, gulf, hole, pit, void
Aesthetic/ esthetic
(concerning the appreciation of beauty), no decent synonyms
(to increase in power, influence, and reputation), acclaim, applaud, augment, beef up, boost, commend, dignify, distinguish, ennoble, expand, extend, glorify, heighten, hike, hike up, honor, hype, increase, intensify, jack up, jump, magnify, multiply, parlay, praise
(to make more bearable), allay, assuage, ease, lighten, mitigate, mollify, pacify,
(to combine, to mix together), admix, alloy, ally, coalesce, combine, come together, compound, consolidate, fuse, integrate, interface, intermix, meld, merge, mingle, network, pool, unite
(doubtful or uncertain; able to be interpreted several ways), cryptic, doubtful, dubious, enigmatic, enigmatical, equivocal, inconclusive, indefinite, indeterminate, inexplicit, muddy, multivocal, obscure, opaque, polysemous, puzzling, questionable, tenebrous, uncertain, unclear, unintelligible, vague
(to make better, to improve), alleviate, amend, help, improve, lighten, meliorate, mitigate, relieve, step up, upgrade
(something out of place in time), chronological error, metachronism, misdate, misplacement, postdate, prolepsis, solecism
(similar or alike in some way; equivalent to), akin, alike, comparable, consonant, convertible, correspondent, corresponding, equivalent, homologous, interchangeable, kindred, like, parallel, related, resembling, undifferentiated, uniform
(to annoy or provoke), alienate, anger, annoy, counteract, estrange, insult, irritate, neutralize, offend, repel, struggle, work against
(to judge a dispute between two opposing parties), adjudge, adjudicate, adjust, bring to terms, come to school, come to terms, conciliate, decide, determine, hammer out a deal, interpose, intervene, judge, make a deal, mediate, meet halfway, negotiate, parley, pass judgment, placate, play ball, reconcile, referee, settle, smooth, soothe, step in, straighten out, strike happy medium, trade off, umpire, work out a deal
(ancient, old-fashioned), ancient, antiquated, antique, bygone, obsolete, old-fashioned, olden, out of date, outmoded, pass
(intense and passionate feeling), avidity, devotion, eagerness, earnestness, feeling, fervor, fierceness, fire, gusto, heat, intensity, jazz, keenness, oomph, passion, pep talk, spirit, turn on, vehemence, verve, warmth, weakness*, zeal, zest, zing
(able to speak clearly and expressively), clear, coherent, comprehensible, definite, distinct, eloquent, expressive, fluent, intelligible, lucid, meaningful, understandable, well-spoken
(to reduce in force or degree, to weaken), abate, constrict, contract, cripple, debilitate, deflate, disable, dissipate, enfeeble, extenuate, lessen, mitigate, sap, shrink, thin, undermine, vitiate