30 Week Exam Flashcards
Russian Revolution
Vladimir I Lenin leads a violent overthrow of Czar Nicholas II’s rule and establishes a communist government.
Russian Revolution Causes
- Peasants were denied basic human rights
- Food and fuel shortages
- Heavy military losses in World War I
“Peace, Land, and Bread”
Lenin’s promise for the Russian people
Lenin’s 1920s “New Economic Policy”
Lenin introduced some elements of capitalism to stimulate agricultural and industrial production
A very nationalistic, non-democratic form of government. The state is supreme and there is little individual freedom
Benito Mussolini
The fascist leader of Italy before and during WWII. Aligned Italy with Germany and Japan (the Axis Powers)
Adolf Hitler
The fascist leader of Nazi Germany. Believed in the superiority of the “Aryan” race and wanted to expand German land. Caused World War II and the Holocaust.
Rise of Fascism in Germany
- Awful economy caused Germans to look for a strong political leader
- Hitler promises undo the Treaty of Versailles and to restore Germany to greatness
Totalitarian Government
A one-party system of government with total control of all parts of life. Uses intimidation and terror to control people.
Nazi Party
- Hitler’s party
- Wanted to expand German territory throughout Europe
- Very racist
The Holocaust
The organized murder of 6 million Jewish people and other minorities. A genocide.
The intentional mass killing of a race or culture of people. A human rights violation.
Causes of WWII
- German aggression
- Failure of the League of Nations
- Appeasement
Britain and France kept allowing Hitler to take lands because they did not want another war.
Munich Conference
Meeting between Hitler and English and French leaders. England and France pursue appeasement and allow Hitler to take Austria and Sudetenland
Start of World War II
Germany invades Poland in September 1939 using blitzkrieg (lightning war).
D-Day Invasion
June 1944. The invasion of the European mainland by the Allies. Important advantage to Allies.
Results of World War II
- Germany is divided up by the Allies and occupied
- German leaders are tried for war crimes at the Nuremberg Trials
- United Nations created
- Cold War begins
United Nations
A global organization meant to promote peace and prevent future wars
Nuremberg Trials
Nazi leaders are tried for crimes against humanity (carrying out genocide)
Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
The U.S. drops atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This forces Japan to surrender, ending WWII.
Japanese imperialism
Japan needed more raw materials to industrialize. Become aggressive and take over Korea and parts of China.
Pearl Harbor
An attack by the Japanese that forced the U.S. to join World War II on the Allies’ side
Cold War
A 50-year struggle between the United States (democratic and capitalist) and the Soviet Union (totalitarian and communist). “Cold” because they never directly fought.
Communist satellites
Eastern European countries that were dominated by the Soviet Union
Truman Doctrine
The U.S. gave $400 million in economic and military aid to contain communism in Western Europe.
Marshall Plan
The U.S. gave $13 billion to Western Europe to help them rebuild after WWII.
The policy used by the US in which it attempted to stop the spread of communism.
Berlin Wall
A wall built by the Communists dividing the German city of Berlin. Separates democratic West Germany from communist East Germany.
Berlin Airlift
Event in which the US, Britain, and France flew in supplies to people of West Berlin after Stalin set up a blockade.
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
A military alliance between the United States, Canada, and democratic nations of Western Europe.
Warsaw Pact
A military alliance between the Soviet Union and other Communist nations of Eastern Europe.
Arms Race
The United States and Soviet Union competed to build up the largest supply of nuclear weapons.
Cuban Missile Crisis
The US found that the Soviet Union was building missile bases in Cuba. The crisis ended when the Soviet Union agreed to remove the missiles.
Korean War
Communist North Korea invades South Korea. The U.S. supports democratic South Korea to contain the spread of communism.
Vietnam War
A conflict between Communist North Vietnam led by Ho Chi Minh and democratic South Vietnam. The U.S. sends troops to South Vietnam to contain communism.
Fall of Communism (1989)
- The Berlin Wall comes down
- Anti-communist protests in Eastern European lead to transfer of power to democratic leaders
- Gorbachev’s reforms weaken the control of the. Soviet Union
Mikhail Gorbachev
Last leader of the Soviet Union. Makes reforms (glasnost and perestroika) aimed to make the Soviet Union more democratic and capitalist. Leads to the fall of the Soviet Union.
Political reform by Gorbachev. Allowed more freedom of speech and openness in the government.
Restructuring of the economy to make it more efficient and less communist. Allowed some private ownership and free markets.