3. Triploidy and molar pregnancies Flashcards
What is diandry?
Double paternal contribution, most common type of triploidy
What are the causes of diandry?
- Fertilisation of normal ovum by 2 sperm (dispermy)
- Diploid sperm (non-disjunction of entire set of chr. in spermatogenesis)
- Normal fertilisation followed by duplication of all chr.
What is digyny?
Triploidy; double maternal contribution
What are the causes of digyny?
- Fertilisation of diploid ovum (non-disjunction at MI or MII)
- Diploid ovum due to retention of polar body in a fertilised egg
- Fertilisation of unovulated primary oocyte (2n)
- Fusion of 2 eggs
What is the diandric phenotype?
Large, cystic placenta
Symmetrical IUGR
Neural tube defects
Normal adrenal glands
High maternal hGC
Generally abort at ~12 weeks
What are the histological features of a partial mole?
Two populations of villi- small normal and and enlarged, hydropic
Irregular villi with scalloped edges
What is the digynic phenotype?
Asymmetrical IUGR
Small placenta
Adrenal hypoplasia
Usually abort at ~10 weeks
What is a hydatidiform mole?
Most common form of gestational trophoblastic disease - arise from villous trophoblast that normally forms placenta
What is a complete molar pregnancy?
Diploid pregnancy, both sets of chr. are paternally derived
75% of hydatidiform moles
No formation of fetus, leads to trophoblastic hyperplasia
What are the possible causes of complete molar pregnancies?
Fertilisation of anucleated egg by normal haploid sperm - chr. then duplicated
Dispermic fertilisation of anucleated egg
What is a partial molar pregnancy?
Triploid pregnancy caused by diandry
Abnormal fetus/embryo
What is the effect of molar/partial molar preganancies?
Overproduction of trophoblastic tissue which go on to form placenta
Excess trophoblast tissue grows into abnormal masses
What is the recurrence risk for complete and partial molar pregnancies?
Complete: 1/100 after one, 1/5 after two
Partial: 1/600
Recurrence can be same or different type
What are the 2 categories of gestational trophoblastic disease?
- Pre-malignant - complete and partial hydatiform moles
- Malignant - Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia
What are the 3 forms of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia?
- Invasive mole - usually arises from complete mole
- Choriocarcinoma - malignant, aggressive tumour of uterine wall. Usually occur when growths from molar pregnancies turn cancerous
- Placental site trophoblastic tumour - commonly follows normal pregnancy
What is FRHM?
Familial recurrent hydatiform moles
AR, predispostition to molar pregnancies - usually complete moles, diploid, biparental origin
Moles are indistinguishable from sporadic moles
What genes are mutated in FRHM? What is their role?
NLRP7 and KHDC3L genes - role in maintaining maternal imprint in ovum
What is the result of maternal UPD for the full chromosome complement?
Benign cystic ovarian teratoma