3- Trinity Flashcards
born, generated, produced
What is an advocate?
a supporter, someone on your team
one in being with, made out of the same stuff
forever, always has been, always will be
the free help from God
Hypostatic Union
jesus’ union of two natures in one person
to make holy
Hold Spirit descended upon apostles in tongues of fire
turning away from the way we should live our lives
to convert, change, usually for better
something that is not fully explained (the trinity)
When Jesus took on human nature including body
How is God like your best friend?
he has all the characteristics of a best friend but more
is God a mystery or problem?
list 3 analogies to describe the trinity, explain one
Family: im a athletic, student, and brother (i have 3 jobs) ???
Clover: has 3 leaves in one clover, like god is three persons in one god
Head: needs brain, breath, and mouth to speak, God needs HS, Father, and Son to be God
list and explain the heresies to trinity is not. Why do we stay in between these two ideas?
modalism: 1 God acting in 3 different ways (too much unity)
Tri-theism: 3 different Gods (too much separation)
we need a balance of unity and separation
Why did the ancient society call God “Father”?Is it bad to call Him Mother?
they thought father was the source of humans
the 1st person in trinity was father/creator so he was the source of everything
What is Gods gender
he doesnt have a gender
describe the 3 analogies for Jesus
centaur: 1/2 human 1/2 divine (jesus is FULL human& FULL divine)
Avatar: Divine mind controlling human body (jesus had human will, mind, and soul
Harry Potter: 2 different people in one body 100%+100%=200% (Jesus is 2 NATURES in one person 100%+100%=200%
according to the analogy, how are we redeemed by Jesus?
he gives us a plus one
how do we encounter the holy spirit
helps us make choices inspires us god within us guides us grace in every sacrament
How are the fruits of the spirit and gifts of the spirit different?
fruits - given to us when we us them (shorter words)
gifts- everyone has them (longer words)
what are alternate names for each person of the trinity?
father- creator, mother
HS- breath, helper, sanctifier , ruah, Paraclete, advocate
son- jesus, redeemer, word