3: The Motor Vehicle Registration System (Pt. 1) Flashcards
RA 4136
Land Transportation and Traffic Code
Any vehicle propelled by any power other than muscular power using the public highways, but excepting road rollers, trolley cars, street-sweepers, sprinklers, lawn mowers, bulldozers, graders, fork-lifts, amphibian trucks, and cranes if not used on public highways, vehicles which run only on rails or tracks, and tractors, trailers and traction engines of all kinds used exclusively for agricultural purposes
Motor Vehicle
All pneumatic-tire vehicles of types similar to those usually known under the following terms: touring car, command car, speedster, sports car, roadster, jeep, cycle car (except motor wheel and similar small outfits which are classified with motorcycles), coupe, landaulet, closed car, limousine, cabriolet, and sedan
Passenger Automobile
Any motor vehicle with a trailer having no front axle and so attached that part of the trailer rests upon motor vehicle and a substantial part of the weight of the trailer and of its load is borne by the motor vehicle. Such a trailer shall be called as “semi-trailer.”
Articulated Vehicle
Every and any licensed operator of a motor vehicle
Every and any driver hired or paid for driving or operating a motor vehicle, whether for private use or for hire to the public.
Professional Driver
The actual legal owner of a motor vehicle, in whose name such vehicle is duly registered with the Land Transportation Commission. The “owner” of a government-owned motor vehicle is the head of the office or the chief of the Bureau to which the said motor vehicle belongs.
Every person, association, partnership, or corporation making, manufacturing, constructing, assembling, remodeling, rebuilding, or setting up motor vehicles; and every such entity acting as agent for the sale of one or more makes, styles, or kinds of motor vehicles, dealing in motor vehicles, keeping the same in stock or selling same or handling with a view to trading same
Any building in which two or more motor vehicles, either with or without drivers, are kept ready for hire to the public, but shall not include street stands, public service stations, or other public places designated by proper authority as parking spaces for motor vehicles for hire while awaiting or soliciting business
The measured weight of a motor vehicle plus the maximum allowable carrying capacity in merchandise, freight and/or passenger, as determined by the Commissioner of Land Transportation
Gross weight
Every public thoroughfare, public boulevard, driveway, avenue, park, alley and callejon, but shall not include roadway upon grounds owned by private persons, colleges, universities, or other similar institutions
A motor vehicle is “parked” or “parking” if it has been brought to a stop on the shoulder or proper edge of a highway, and remains inactive in that place or close thereto for an appreciable period of time. A motor vehicle which properly stops merely to discharge a passenger or to take in a waiting passenger, or to load or unload a small quantity of freight with reasonable dispatch shall not be considered as “parked”, if the motor vehicle again moves away without delay
Parking or Parked
A foreigner who travels from place to place for pleasure or culture
All motor vehicles and trailer of any type used or operated on or upon any highway of the Philippines must be registered with the Bureau of Land Transportation for the current year in accordance with the provisions of RA 4136 (Amended by BP74)
SECTION 5. Compulsory Registration of Motor Vehicles
Applications and payments for registration shall be made either personally or by registered mail, and the date of the cancellation of the postage stamps of envelopes containing money order or check shall be taken as the date of the application and/or payment for registration: Provided, That the application is properly prepared and the payment for registration is sufficient as required by law.
SECTION 6. Application and Payments for Registration
(a) Private – Motor vehicles registered under this classification shall not be used for hire under any circumstance.
(b) For Hire – Motor vehicles registered under this classification are those covered by certificates of public convenience or special permits issued by the Board of Transportation and shall be subject to the provisions of the Public Service Act and the rules and regulations issued thereunder, as well as the provisions of this Act.
(c) Government – Motor vehicles owned by the government of the Philippines or any of its political subdivisions shall be registered under this classification.
(d) Diplomatic – Motor vehicles owned by foreign governments or by their duly accredited diplomatic officers in the Philippines and used in the discharged of their official duties.
SECTION 7. Registration Classification (Amended by BP74)
Aged Private Vehicles - refers to private passenger cars registered under E.O. 43 series of 1986.
SECTION 8. Schedule of Registration Fees
Light: up to 1600 kg
Medium: 1601 - 2300 kg
Heavy: 2301 & up
Vehicle Category
Monthly schedule is based on the last digit of the plate number.
1 – January
2 – February
3 – March
4 – April
5 – May
6 – June
7 – July
8 – August
9 – September
0 – October
1, 2, 3 – 1st to the 7th working day of the month
4, 5, 6 – 8th to the 14th working day of the month
7, 8 – 15 to the 21st working day of the month
9, 0 – 22nd to the last working day of the month
Weekly schedule is based on the second to the last digit of the plate number.
An amount equivalent to 25% of the MVUC shall be imposed on trucks and trailers for loading beyond their prescribed gross vehicle weight: provided , that no axle load shall exceed 13,500 kgs.
SECTION 9. Permissible Weights and Dimensions of Vehicles in Highways Traffic