3. The Goods Market Flashcards
The composition of GDP
1) Consumption (C) - goods and services purchased by consumers (68% of GDP)
2) Investment (I) = nonresidential investment (the purchase by firms of new plants and new machines) + residential investments (the purchase by people of new houses or apartments)
3) Government spending (G) - the purchase of good and services by the federal, state and local governments (to provide these services to the public, free of charge)
4) Exports (X) - the purhase of goods and services by foreigners
Imports (IM) - the purchases of foreign goods and services by consumers, firms and government
Trade balance (net exports) - the difference between exports and imports ( X-IM )
Exports > Imports => trade surplus
Exports < Imports => trade deficit
5) Inventory investment - the difference between good produced and good sold (production - sales)
In any given year, production and sales need to be equal
Production > Sales => positive inventory investment
Production < Sales => negative inventory investment
The Demand for Goods
•Demand for goods (Z)
Z = C + I + G + X - IM
•Demand for goods (Z) in a closed economy (exports and imports are zero) => X = IM = 0
Z = C + I + G
↳ Endogenous variable:
1. Consumption (C) - a function of disposable income C=C(Yd) or C= c0 + c1 (Yd) = c0 + c1 (Y-T) , where Yd = Y(total income) -T(taxes-transfers)
- c0 - what people would consume if Yd=0; c0 > 0
- c1 - propensity to consume - gives the effect of an additional dollar on consumption; 0 < c1 < 1
↳ Exogenous variables:
2. Investment (I)
- I= Ī - taken as given (does not respond to changes in production)
3. Government spending (G)
The Determination of Equilibrium Output in the goods market
production Y = demand Z
- Demand for goods Z = c0 + c1 (Y-T) + I + G
- Equilibrium in the goods market Y=Z - PRODUCTION EQUALS DEMAND => Y=c0 + c1 (Y-T) + I + G => Y = [1/(1-c1)]*(c0+I+G-c1T) => Y = multiplier * autonomous spending
- Multiplier effect - an increase in autonomous spending has a more than one-for-one effect on equilibrium output (Demand ↑ => production ↑ => Income ↑ => demand ↑ => production ↑ => ….=> increase in output that is larger than the initial shift in demand)
Investment equals Saving : The alternative Equilibrium in the goods market
• Saving = Private saving + Public saving
↳ Private saving - disposable income minus consumption S = Yd-C = Y-T-C
↳Public saving - taxes minus government spending T-G
↳ T>G => budget surplus => public saving > 0
T budget deficit => public saving < 0
•Y = Z = C+I+G Y-T-C = I+G-T => S = I+G-T => I = S+(T-G) - INVESTMENT EQUALS SAVING (IS relation)
• S = Y-T-C = Y-T-c0 + c1 (Y-T) = -c0 + (1-c1)(Y-T)
- (1-c1) - the propensity to save - how much of an additional unit of income people save
Private Saving = disposable income - consumption
S = Yd - C
= Y - T - C
= I + G -T
Investment = private saving + public saving
I = S + ( T - G )
Equilibrium output
Y = 1/(1-c1) *[ c0 + I + G - c1T ]