3 TEST Flashcards
What is DNA ?
The instruction manuel that tells each cell of your entire body what to do.
Where is DNA found ?
In every cell of your body
Where does DNA come from ?
It comes from your mom’s egg and dad’s sperm ( 23 chromosone each)
What are the four chemical units of DNA?
A (Adenine), G (Guanine), T ( Thymine), C ( Cytoisne)
How to extract DNA from a sample ?
1 : Collect the cells
2 : Break the cell membrane ( Lysis buffer)
3: Digest proteins ( with a protease) to realse the DNA
4: Precipitate the DNA ( with Alcool)
5: Determine the concentration of DNA obtained
What is the DNA fingerprinting process ?
1 : Extracting DNA 2 : Cutting and orAmplifying the DNA 3: Seperating the fragement with electrophoresis 4 : Visualizing the fragement the DNA 5 : Making a match
Why is DNA fingerpriting useful?
- Food identification
- Identifying human remains
- Proving a prisonner didnt do a crime
- Studying relateness between people
What is the job of a forensic document examiner ?
Determine the source or authenticity of a document ( a will, lottery ticket, check etc)
What are the factors that may affect handwriting ?
Position, writing instrument, time
What is a non requested samples ?Avantages and disadvantages ?
Samples written by the person that already exsist and are authenthic. Avantages : alreayx exist, cannot be altered.
What is a requested sample ?
Samples written by the person that are demanded with similar writing instrument, similar paper, words found on the document, if cursive, same thing. Advantages : Authenticity is immediate
Disadvantages : Changes in handwriting can occur due to stress, they may attempt to change their handwriting.
What is looked when comparing two document ?
- Form of the letters
- Content
- Line features
- Margins and format
What are the Methods of forgery?
freehand simulation, tracing, disguised writing
What are evidences that a document may have been forged ?
Drawing previous, forger’s tremors, speed, hesitation, unusual pen lift, patching and retouching,blunt beginning an ending
What are the most common alteration to a docuemen t?
- Erasures
- -Obliterations ( in fire)
- Alteration
- Overwritting
How to see alterations ?
Microscopes, naked eye, UV,
Oblitaration : reflecting light
UV, microsope for Aliteration
Indentation what is it and how to find it
Marks left when writting on a paper on top of it. Using ESDA, Oblique light. Go see in the notebook if you read this, page 84
Why would people analyze ink and paper
To find out if pages were added etc. They check the chemical analysis of both, and for INk, they use TLC or a microsope.
Hardware vs software ?
Hardware is components and software is programs
Hardware components ?
Cpu : processor of the computer
ROM : used to start the boot sequence and configure a computer’s components
BIOS : basic input output system
RAM : temporary info, always changing info stored on it
HDD : stores windows, programs, data files permanent record
how a comptuer works ?
Once you power up your computer a series of steps will be undertaken.
1-Power is delivered to the motherboard and all of the hardware throught the power supply
2- A power-on self-test (POST) is performed by the flash ROM
3- The flash ROM tests the motherboard to ensure that the hardware is there and follows a programmed
boot order.
4- The HDU
(usual boot device) is sent control. It locates the first sector of its disk (master boot record),
determines its layout (partition(s)), and boots an operating system.
S- You now have your desktop in front of you
6- Double click on an icon on the desktop (Excel) to open it. The CP_ locates Excel on the HDD and
loads it into RAM via the system bus and sends the output to the monitor through the video controller on
Using the keyboard, you type information which is stored into Lion
Printing the document means the data is taken from RAM, processed by the CPU, put in a printable
format and sent through the system bus to the external port where the printer is connected.
Saving the document means the data is taken from RAM, processed by the CPU, passed to the
HDD through the system bus and written to a portion of the HDD
elec devices on a crime scene :
- Each devices will be photographed
-Before the equiment is seized, they have to decided if they perform a live acquisition of the data, perform a system sthudown, pull the plug from the back of the computer
Cellphones will be turnet off and battery removed, place in a Faraday bag and turned off
ele devices at the crime lab
Devices will be examined in an isolation chamber
Devices will be switch to read only mode
Data will be extracted
Original device will go to evidence to be examined fro anything else ( fingerprints, dna etc)
-Analysis of the extracted data will begin : they look at the data, swap file data, temporary files, slack space, unallocated space, defragmenting, deleted files
Where to find evidence on the computer and online ?
Computer :the data, swap file data, temporary files, slack space, unallocated space, defragmenting, deleted files
Online : Internet cache, internet cookies, internet history, bookmark and favorite places, chat conversation, instant messags, email exchange, IP adress
What is the definition of toxicology ?
the study of the negative effect of chemical products in humans and animals. The dose is what differentiates a remedy from a poison
What is the role of a toxicologist ?
1 : Determine the state of inebriation of an indiviual implicated in an accident
2: Determine the cause of death of an individual by poison
3 :Asses wheteher rugs were implicated in a criminal’s actions.
What is the difference between intoxicants and poisons ?
Intoxicants : not toxic unless big doses ( oxygen, air, alcool)
Poison : toxic even small quanatities ( arcenics, cyanide)
What is biotranformation / metabolites?
a process in which a drug ( heroin) transformmed into another chemical ( morphine) inside the body.
Metabolites is the chemical results that are formed for the body to eliminate the drug. generally done in the liver, but also kidneys, lungs. It is why sometimes drugs cannot be found in a body
Where does go enter, concentrate and exit ?
Entry : stomach contentm tissues around injection site
Concentrated : brain, liver
Exit : urine, breath, stools
Sources of drugs and metabolites ?
Blood, urine, stomach content, vitreous humor, liver, hair, insects, bone and bone marrow
Correlation between concentration and actual effects
Blood : Concentration correlate with effect. Most effective to determine concentration at TIMEOFDEATH
Urine, stomach content do not correlate.
Liver : can show presence of drugs if blood doesnt, not accuate timeline
Hair : absorbs heavy metals, good for intoxicating timeline(ex: long term vs short term poison)
Name presumptive tests and confirmatory tests
Presumptive : Color tests, ELISA, TLC, GC, UV
Confirmatory tests : GC, Infrared spectroscopy
What are the different blood levels
Normal, therapeutic, toxic, lethal ( LD50, kills 50% of population with that dose.)
Most abused drug, legal limit 0,08, deep coma 0.30 death over 0.40
Alcohol content in your lungs correlates to blood levels
In a corpse, the vitreous humor can help determine the alcohol blood level 1-2 hours before death
Breathalyser test
Opiates : heroin, fentanyl, morphine and codeine. Makes us sleep, pain relief. Produce euphoria, lethargy, coma and death.
Very addictive
Suppres the respiratory center of the brain (death by asphyxia) Marquis test used.
Barbiturates : sleeping pills, truth serum, suprees respiraation can lead to coma and death.
Color test used for barbituates
Most common are amphetmines (speed), cocaine
increase alertness, supress appetite, lessen fatigue
Continued uses create irritability, anxiousness, aggressive behaviour, parnoia, fatigue and depression
Body can get use to the dose, highly addictive
Urine tests, immunoassays and color tests for cocaine
Marijuana : THC gives psychotic effet, 2 to 6 %, hashish (oil) 12 %
Causes euphoria, sedation, impaired judgement
Link to schizophrenia
Urine test positive up to 2 months after use. Also if passive exposure
Cacti : Tests using TLC or GC
Mushrooms : Color tests, TLC GC
Other : LSD, PCP, color tests and urine tests are used
Date-rape drugs
GHB, ketamine, Ecstasy causes sedation, compliance, poor judgement, amensia
Detected with GC / MS
Household products
Glue, gasonline, moth balls, paint thinners, laughing gas.
Causes euphoria, vomiting, coma, death
Permanent demage to the brain, liver, heart, kidneys
Excreted tourght the lungs, difficult to find
Muscle growth, hair loss, liver damage
Cyanide = damage the working cells
mushrooms, = severe damage to liver
insulin, = drop in sugar
heavy metals, = damage kidneys, liver and brain
What to with drug liquid, powder, stains found?
Weight test, presumptive testing, confirmatory testing
Methods to find a missing corpse ?
- Checking out the scene from the air (thermal imaging)
- Searching for byproducts of decay
- Measuring electrical conductivity of the ground
- Measuring magnetic properties of the ground
Difference between cause and mechanism and manner?
cause : the reason the person died
mechanism : the actual change in the body that causes the person to die
Manner : The ultimate reason why the death took place
What are the four manner of death
Natural, accidental, homicidal, suicidal
What are the three time of death ?
Legal TOD : The time at which the body was found or prononced death
Physiological TOD : the time at which the persons vital functions stopped
Estimated TOD : The ME’s best guess as to when the death happened
What are the three ways to determine TOD ?
Rigor mortis, Algor mortis, Livor mortis
Rigor mortis
stiffening of the muscles, takes 8-12hours to stiffen, then stay stiff for 18 hours. Less acurate
Algor mortis
Loss of body heat, temparature Rectally, Liver
Livor Mortis
Pooling of blood, producing a dark discoloration, can help determine TOD, can show if the body was moved after death
After 8 hours, lividity becomes permanent
The time the insect arrived at the body can be estimated by looking at their stage of development
other ways and important info
degree of tissue decomposition
These methods will be different for a sunken body
The ME must take information from many methods to properly estimate TOD
Functions of a forensic pshyciatrist
- Test for a suspect for mental illness
- Assess his sanity
- Establish his state during the crime
- Evalute him for signs of deception
- Determine individuals competency to stand trial
- Profile perpetrators and victims
What are the steps to do a psychiatric assessment?
1: Evalutes the general health of the patient (stroke, heart disease, tumours )
2: Looks at the use of presription or illicit drugs which can alter behaviour
3: looks at medical, work and military records and criminal records if any
4: sometimes request blood work, egg, mri, ct scans
What are the three psychological testing
1- Personality inventory ( determine personality, attitude, behaviour etc)
2-Projective testing to evalute an individual’s personality and thought process
3- Intellectual and cognitive testing
What are the questionning techniques
- He will ask questions in a relaxing manner
- more interseted in the motivation than the actual events
- might use hypnonsis, easily faked
- truth serum
How to recognizing lying suspect
Dissortion, deception, exaggeration
Malingering : suspect attempts to make physical or mental defect appear worse
What clues to determine a suspect is lying :
- Signs of nervousness such as sweating, dialeted pupils, tremors of hans
- Reading body language
- Neuro-Linguistic programming ( reading eye movement )
What are two other lying technique ?
- Eyewitness testimony
- False confession
Determining competence and sanity : difference between competence and insanity
- if a person understands the charges that have files agaisnt him (mental illness, neuroses, psychoses)
insanity : a legal term, not medical
Difference between mass murderer, spree killer and serial killer
Mass murderer : Kill more that 4 people at the same place
Spree killer : Kill more than 1 person in more than 2 locations
Serial killer : Kill more than one person at different times and locations, cooling off periods in between
What are the 3 different types of offenders ?
Organized : sophisticated, planning average or higher intelligent
Disorganized : act impulsively
Mixed : both
Victims categories
High risk ; prostituion, drug use, living in the street
Medium risk :between high and low
Low risk : Stay close to home and work, steady jobs and many friends etc
MO vs Signature
Signature : A personnal touch not linked with the actual death ( post mortem mutilation, souvenirs etc)
MO : Tool or strategies to cause the death, same location, using a van etc.