3. Tener (to have) - Present tense - regular Flashcards
Yo tengo
I have
Tú tienes
You (informal) have
Él tiene
He has
Ella tiene
She has
Usted tiene
You (formal) have
Nosotros tenemos
We (masculine) have
Nosotras tenemos
We (feminine) have
Vosotros tenéis
You all (informal masculine) have
Vosotras tenéis
You all (informal feminine) have
Ellos tienen
They (masculine) have
Ellas tienen
They (feminine) have
Ustedes tienen
You all (formal) have
I have
Yo tengo
You (informal) have
Tú tienes
He has
Él tiene
She has
Ella tiene
You (formal) have
Usted tiene
We (masculine) have
Nosotros tenemos
We (feminine) have
Nosotras tenemos
You all (informal masculine) have
Vosotros tenéis
You all (informal feminine) have
Vosotras tenéis
They (masculine) have
Ellos tienen
They (feminine) have
Ellas tienen
You all (formal) have
Ustedes tienen