3. Statements & Confessions Flashcards
Miranda and Custody in Georgia
Under Georgia law, a suspect who is in a police interrogation room and told he is a suspect is not in custody if he was also told that he was free to leave at anytime.
When is a statement made by an arrestee admissible?
A statement is admissible if it is:
* voluntary
* NOT made in violation of the right to counsel under Miranda or Massiah
* NOT the fruit of illegal police conduct
What is an Involuntary Statement?
An involuntary statement occurs when:
* police coercion overcomes a suspect’s will
* due to their vulnerabilities and interrogation conditions
What type of coercion can lead to an involuntary confession?
Only official coercion or compulsion will cause a confession to be involuntary.
Does a mental disease make a confession involuntary?
No, a confession is NOT considered involuntary simply because it is the product of a mental disease.
What must be true for a communication to be protected under privilege?
The communication must be:
* testimonial
* compulsory
When may a statement be found inadmissible?
A statement may be inadmissible if it is:
* Involuntary under the Due Process Clauses
* In violation of the Sixth Amendment right to counsel
* In violation of the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination
* The fruit of an illegal arrest or search
What is the Voluntariness standard?
The voluntariness standard assesses the admissibility of a confession based on its trustworthiness and the totality of circumstances.
When is a statement made by a suspect considered voluntary?
A statement is considered voluntary when it is made by a suspect of average intelligence who is comfortable in his surroundings.
What are some forms of coercion?
Coercion may take the form of:
* physical abuse
* threats
* promises of leniency
What factors can influence coercion?
Factors of coercion include the defendant’s:
* age
* sex
* education
* mental and physical health
Can the police offer false promises of leniency to elicit a confession?
No, police may NOT offer false promises of dropping charges to elicit a confession.
Can a defendant’s confession be introduced at trial if it is a product of coercion?
No, a confession that is the product of coercion may NOT be introduced at trial.
What is the Right to Counsel under the Sixth Amendment?
The right to counsel means a suspect has a right to an attorney during questioning by police.
What must the accused do to invoke the right to counsel?
The accused MUST make the request unambiguously to the interrogator.
Can police continue to question a defendant on other offenses?
Yes, the police may continue to question about other offenses even if they are factually related to the charged offense.
Must counsel be present at all questionings?
Yes, counsel MUST be present until the accused waives the right.
Does deliberate eliciting of incriminating statements without an attorney violate the Sixth Amendment?
Yes, it violates the Sixth Amendment right to counsel.
What is the Massiah Rule?
The Massiah Rule states that after formal charges have been filed, eliciting incriminating statements without an attorney violates the Sixth Amendment.
When does the right to counsel extend to a defendant?
The right to counsel extends to:
* noncustodial settings
* the beginning of the adversarial court process
Does passive listening by a cellmate informant violate the right to counsel?
No, passive listening does NOT violate the right to counsel.
What does the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination protect against?
It protects against admission of testimonial evidence, but NOT against real or physical evidence.
Who can assert the privilege against self-incrimination?
The privilege applies ONLY to natural persons and MUST be asserted to be effective.
When can the privilege against self-incrimination be asserted?
The privilege may be asserted in any proceeding where incriminating testimony can be used in a subsequent prosecution.