What is the order of MS stars and how are they ordered?
Ordered by decreasing temperature.
O, B, A, F, G, K, M
How do the top end of the MS stars (O, B) differ from the lower end (M) stars?
O and B are massive, hot, blue, high luminosity stars and M stars are cool, red, low luminosity stars.
What shape does the spectra roughly match?
A black body
What is the average temperature for O, G, and M stars?
> 30, 000 K
6000 K
< or = to 3000 K
What does B-V equal for the bluest stars compared to the reddest?
B-V = -0.3
B-V = -1.5
How are colours expressed?
Difference in their magnitudes in wavelength bands
In which star are the Balmer lines weakest/strongest and why?
Balmer lines aren’t that strong in O stars as the hydrogen is almost all ionised. Balmer lines max in A stars.
What causes Balmer lines?
The transitions between the first exited state and higher energy states of the electron
What causes weakness in Balmer lines?
Reducing the temperature.
What are the most important lines in G stars? (4)
The sodium D lines, the magnesium b feature, the G band of the CH radical, and the H and K lines of singly ionised calcium, CaII.
Define the 4000 A break.
The combined effect of the Balmer limit and the CaII and K lines sharply cutting off the spectrum
What is the 4000 A break a key feature of?
Intermediate temperature stars
How are luminosity and mass related?
L proportional to M to the power of alpha
What values do alpha take for M < 0.5 solar masses, M > 0.5 solar masses, and M > or = to 10 solar masses?
Alpha = 3
Alpha = 4
Alpha = 2
Define relationship for main sequence lifetime.
τms ∝ M/L ∝ M^(1-α)