3 Sensors Flashcards
The first requirement for remote sensing is a source of energy
– This energy is in the form of electromagnetic radiation.
– Any object with temperature above 0 k emits EM energy.
– EM radiation travels through vacuum and mediums.
– It interacts with materials, i.e. atmosphere and earth surface.
– The energy reflected or emitted from earth’s surface reaches the sensor.
Remote Sensor
A device that captures EM energy, quantify it as digital values and records it.
– The source of energy can be external or with the sensor.
– It might record different parts of EM spectrum.
– The sensor is mounted on a platform.
Passive sensors:
- gammaray spectrometer
- multispectral scanner (visible domain)
- imaging spectrometer (visible domain)
- satellite line camera (visible domain)
- aerial camera (visible domain)
- video camera (visible domain)
- thermal scanner (optical domain)
- passive microwave radiometer (microwave domain)
active sensors:
- laser scanner (visible domain)
- radar altimeter (microwave domain)
- imaging radar (microwave domain)
Platforms used for remote sensing (based on their altitude)
• Ground-based platforms
– laboratory, Hand-held, tripod, vehicles, towers, Drones
– Up to ~50 m
• Airborne
– Balloons , Airplanes, Helicopters
– Up to ~50 km
• Space-borne
– Rockets, satellites, shuttles
– ~100-37000 km
Space-borne platforms advantages
✓ Stable platform
✓ Rapid data acquisition
✓ Globally uniform quality
✓ Regular revisit
Space-borne platforms disadvantages
✗ High cost of satellite systems
• Landsat 8 launched in 2013 cost 855 million USD.
✗ The process of develop -> build -> test -> launch can take several years.
• 10 years for Landsat 8.
✗ Chance of failure
• Landsat 6 failed to reach orbit.
Space-born platforms thingy (1/2)
• Satellite orbits
– An orbit is a curve path that an object in space takes around another object due to gravity.
– A small object orbit around Earth when its speed is balanced by the pull of Earth’s gravity.
– A satellite in a stable orbit is in an equilibrium between the Earth’s gravity and centrifugal force, due to its velocity.
– Satellites orbit Earth at different heights, different speeds and along different paths.
– The speed of satellite is determined by satellite’s orbit and closely tied to the satellite’s altitude.
– Satellites close to the Earth move faster relative to earth comparing to those at higher altitudes.
Space-born platforms thingy (2/2)
• A satellite’s orbit always lies in a plane that passes through the center of the Earth.
– The angle between the orbital plane and the
– equator is called the orbit’s inclination.
– Inclination of 0° is directly above the equator, and 90° crosses the poles.
• Orbital altitude
– The distance of a satellite to the Earth’s surface
– Affects the spatial coverage and level of details that can be observed by the sensor.
• Types of orbits
– Geostationary orbit (GEO)
– Low earth orbit (LEO)
Types of orbit: Geostationary orbit (GEO)
– Many satellites need to stay above a given point on earth.
– They follow the Earth’s rotation and circle the Earth from west to east.
– GEO satellites travel at the same rate at which Earth rotates.
– Only an altitude of 36,000 km and an inclination of 0° allows a satellite to stay above a certain point.
– From the earth, the satellites seem motionless.
– Examples: weather satellites and communication satellites
Types of orbit: Low Earth Orbit (LEO)
– A Low Earth Orbit is an orbit that is relatively close to Earth.
– In contrast to GEO, LEO orbits can have different inclinations.
– Each satellite orbit in LEO takes approximately 90 minutes.
– The rotation of earth provides the satellite the possibility to reach different points above earth.
– Ascending pass: when satellite travels from south to north.
– Descending pass: when satellite travels from north to south.
– LEO satellites are often on sun-synchronous orbits.
– Sun-synchronous orbits remain fixed with respect to the sun.
– The satellite passes over the target at almost the same local time.
– It keeps the angle of sunlight on the surface of the Earth as consistent as possible
Geostationary orbit (GEO) advantages and disadvantages
✓ Large spatial coverage
✓ High temporal resolution
✓ Satellite always visible from a certain point on Earth
✓ Always provide an image from the same perspective
✗ Lower spatial resolution
✗ Poor coverage of high latitudes
Low Earth Orbit (LEO) advantages and disadvantages
✓ Medium to high spatial resolution
✓ Coverage of high latitudes
✗ Lower temporal resolution
Imaging Sensors - Panchromatic films
– Analog photography
– Radiant energy is detected by silver halide crystals
– Silver halide grains turn to metallic silver when exposed to light.
– Each light ray triggers a chemical reaction of some grains.
Imaging Sensors - Charge-Coupled Device (CCD)
– A major technology used in digital imaging.
– A CCD captures light and converts it to digital data that is recorded by the camera.
– It is an array of detectors that absorb photons of light and release electrons.
– Electrons associated with each pixel flow an electric current.
– The ELECTRIC SIGNAL is sampled and quantized in a process called Analog to Digital (A/D) conversion.
Imaging Sensors - A/D conversion -> Digital Number
• A/D conversion
– Sampling: Reduction of a continuous-time signal to a discrete-time signal.
– Quantization: Mapping signal values with an approximation from a finite set of discrete values.
• The output of A/D conversion is a Digital Number (DN) which is stored by the sensor.
– DN is an integer number within a finite range.
– This fixed range defines the number of grey levels in a digitized image which is called radiometric resolution.
Imaging Sensors - Radiometric Resolution
• A higher radiometric resolution provides a higher information content.
– Older sensors stored 8-bit recordings that translates into 256 discrete values (e.g. Landsat 7).
– Modern sensors have a higher radiometric resolution (e.g. Landsat 8 stores 12-bit data with 4096 values).
- Each recorded DN is assigned to an element called pixel.
- An array of recorded DNs form a digital image.
- A single digital image is referred to as a band.
• Multispectral sensors record several bands in different parts of EM spectrum.
– e.g. MOSIS has 36 and ASTER has 14 spectral bands.
• Hyperspectral sensors record hundreds of bands.
Imagining Systems - Framing cameras
Take snapshots of an area, projected on an analog film or an array of detectors.
✓ The entire image is acquired at once.
✗ A high number of CCD arrays used to be expensive.
✗ The sensor response over the wide field of view must be consistent.
✗ Difficult to connect successive images.
Imagining Systems - Whisk Broom Scanners
– Also called across track scanners
– Use a steering mirror to reflect light onto a single detector.
– The mirror swipes back and forth to scan the target pixel by pixel.
– The forward motion of the platform is used to collect sequential scan lines.
– Multiple arrays used for multispectral imagery.
– Instead of one detector per band, several are usually used to scan more lines simultaneously.
✓ Fewer sensor detectors to keep calibrated.
✓ Precise radiometric measurements.
✗ Low exposure time for each pixel.
✗ Expensive sensor design.
✗ Needs fast moving mirror which is more likely to break or wear out
✗ Lower geometric accuracy.
Imagining Systems - Push Broom Scanners
– Also called along track scanners
– Newer and more reliable technology
– Use a line of detectors perpendicular to the flight direction.
– Each line of image is captures simultaneously
– Multiple linear arrays are used for multispectral imagery.
✓ Better geometric accuracy
✓ More exposure time, allows smaller IFOV and/or narrower bands.
✗ Cross calibration of detectors is more difficult.
Examples of passive optical sensors - Landsat
• Landsat series of Earth Observation satellites
– Landsat 1: 1972 - 1978
– Landsat 6: 1993 (failed to reach orbit)
– Landsat 9: 2021 (expected)
- Landsat 1-7 are whisk broom scanners
- Landsat 8 is a push broom scanner.
- Scanners carried by different Landsat series improved through time.
Landsat mission
- Landsat 1-5 carried sensors called Multispectral Scanner (MSS)
- Radiometric resolution of 6 bits
- Landsat 4-5 also carried sensors called Thematic Mapper (TM)
- Radiometric resolution of 8 bits
- Landsat 7 carried a sensor called Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+)
- Radiometric resolution of 8 bits
- Landsat 7 SLC-off data, Scan Line Corrector (SLC) was responsible to keep the whisk broom module aligned.
- Landsat 8 carried two sensors called Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS)
- Radiometric resolution of 12 bits
Examples of passive optical sensors - Sentinel-2
• Sentinel-2 constellation
– Twin satellites launched in 2015 and 2017
– Sentinel-2 sensors are push broom scanners.
– Radiometric resolution of 12 bits
– Free and open data
• Sentinel-2 is a constellation with twin satellites which carry sensors called multi-spectral instrument (MSI)
Examples of passive optical sensors - SPOT
SPOT sensors are whisk broom scanners
– SPOT 1: 1986 - 1990
Digital number to radiance
• Raw remote sensing images are stored as Digital Numbers (DN).
– DNs are not calibrated.
– DNs do not have any physical meaningful unit.
– Data visualization can be done using DNs.
– For quantitative analysis we need to convert DNs to physically meaningful radiance or reflectance.
• DN to radiance conversion
– Sensor dependent
for SPOT
Li = DN/10000
Li = Ai x DN + Bi
where Li = radiance DN = Digital Nunber Ai = Calibration gain value for band i Bi = Calibration offset value for band i
At sensor radiance
- The energy measured by the sensor is a mix of different radiations arrived at the sensor.
- Radiometric correction is important to improve degraded raw data.