3: Regression Flashcards
What is a multiple regression?
The regression analysis of a dataset with multiple independent variables.
What type of relationship can exist between dependent and independent variables in a regression analysis?
The relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable(s), which is retrieved through a regression analysis, can be either linear or nonlinear.
What is the main objective in the linear and nonlinear regression?
The objective is to find the optimum values for the coefficients.
What steps does it follow?
In general, the regression analysis follows 4 steps: model selection, model fitting, model prediction, and model evaluation. (SFPE)
What is model selection about?
The choice of the model (i.e., relationship) shape. This means to decide whether the regression is linear or nonlinear, and simple or multiple.
What is model fitting about?
Finding the unknown coefficients of the chosen model.
What is model prediction about?
Estimating the target variable for some other hitherto unseen dataset elements.
What is model evaluation about?
Checking how close the model’s predictions are to the desired target values.
What is regression?
Regression is a supervised learning approach, where the given dataset is labeled (i.e., has one or more target variables). The aim of the regression analysis is to find an expectation for the relationship between the target variable (i.e., dependent variable) and the existent dependent variables within the dataset.
What is the residue?
the difference between the predicted value and the actual observation
What is the cost function in regression?
The evaluation metric for the simple regression model is the sum of the squared residues (i.e., sum of the squared errors ), which we aim to minimize.
What is the coefficient of determination (R, or its squared value R^2, ) employed for?
It is used to measure the proportion of the variance in the dependent variable that is predictable from the independent variable(s). It tells you how well the regression model fits the data. It ranges from zero to one, where a value close to one indicates a good quality of fit of the regression model.
Please give three metrics that can be used for evaluating regression models.
R Squared, RMSE, MSE, and MAE
What is the logistic regression model?
In case the preconditions aren’t met (the dependent variable doesn’t follow a binominal distributon or takle on categorical values (yes, no). Example: Loan Approval; YES & NO.
Please give range of values of a logistic function.
The values of a logistic function will range from 0 to 1.