3. Red Cells 1 Flashcards
what is anaemia?
Reduction in red cells or their haemoglobin content
Overall a reduction in haemoglobin
Not a diagnosis- it’s the result of something
Job is to find out why they are anaemic, not that they are anaemic
there is multiple aetiologies, what are they?
Blood loss
Increased destruction (haemolysis)
Lack of production
Defective production
where are RBCs made?
bone marrow
Eventually lose the nucleus
Reticulocyte is immature RBC and you do get some in the peripheral blood, and if you have to compensate for loss of RBC then you get more reticulocytes in the peripheral blood

where does red cell breakdown occur and what is their life span?
Occurs in the reticuloendothelial system - Macrophages in Spleen, liver, lymph nodes, lungs etc
Normal red cell lifespan 120 days
what is the process of red cells breaking down?
Globin = Amino acids –reutilised
Haem = Iron-recycled into haemoglobin, Haem – biliverdin -> bilirubin
Bilirubin - bound to albumin in plasma
From red cell breakdown - unconjugated

Mature red blood cell- “erythrocyte”
what 3 things make up a red blood cell?
Congenital Anaemias:
Genetic defects described - what areas can they affect?
In red cell membrane
In metabolic pathways (Enzymes)
In haemoglobin
Congenital Anaemias:
Most reduce red cell survival - Result in _________
Carrier states often “______”
Prevalence _______ geographically
silent (Often autosomal recessive conditions, not always though)
what is Hereditary Spherocytosis?
Most common forms autosomal dominant
Defects in 5 different structural proteins described - Ankyrin, Alpha Spectrin, Beta Spectrin, Band 3, Protein 4.2
Red cells are spherical - Cells lose biconcave disc structure
Removed from circulation by the RE system (extravascular) - Lifespam is reduced as recognised as being abnormal
Phenotype we describe but the genetic abnormality varies between family

what is the clinical presentation of Hereditary Spherocytosis?
Clinical presentation-variable (Variable as depending on what structural protein is affected):
- Anaemia
- Jaundice (neonatal – more sevre)
- Splenomegaly
- Pigment gallstones
what is the treatment of hereditary spherocytosis?
- Folic acid (increased requirements)
- (blood) Transfusion
- Splenectomy (main site of destruction of these cells) if anaemia very severe
Red Cell Metabolism Disorders:
Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) (G6PD protects cells form free radicles and oxidative damage)
Protects red cell proteins (Haemoglobin) from oxidative damage:
- Produces NADPH - Vital for reduction of glutathione
- Reduced glutathione scavenges and detoxifies reactive oxygen species
what is G6PD Deficiency?

G6PD deficiency is a genetic disorder that most often affects males. It happens when the body doesn’t have enough of an enzyme called glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD). G6PD helps red blood cells work. It also protects them from substances in the blood that could harm them
Commonest disease causing enzymopathy (a disorder that results in missing or defective enzymes) in the world - Many genetic variants
Cells vulnerable to oxidative damage
Confers protection against malaria - Most common in malarial areas
X Linked - Affects males, Female carriers

what is the clinical presentastion of G6PD deficiency?
Clinical Presentation - Variable:
- Variable degrees of anaemia
- Neonatal Jaundice
- Splenomegaly
- Pigment Gallstones
what are Triggers to haemolysis in G6PD deficiency?
Acute illness eg.DKA
Broad (Fava) Beans “Favism”
what is the structure of haemaglobin?
2 beta and 2 alpha chain
4 haem molecules
Main function is gas transfer, Carries oxygen

what is the function of haemaglobin?
Gas exchange:
- O2 to tissues
- CO2 to lungs
Normal adult haemoglobin:
Adult haemoglobin (HbA) composed of haem molecule and what else?
- 2 alpha (a) chains
- 4 alpha genes (Chr16)
- 2 beta (b) chains
- 2 beta genes (Chr 11)
Normal Adult Hb:
- Hb A (aabb) – 97%
- Hb A2 (aaδδ) – 2%
- Hb F (aaγγ) – 1%

Haemoglobinopathies - wht are they?
Inherited abnormalities of haemoglobin synthesis
Reduced or absent globin chain production - Thalassaemia (alpha α, Beta β, delta δ, gamma γ)
Mutations leading to structurally abnormal globin chain - HbS (Sickle cell ), HbC, HbD, HbE, HbO Arab……
What are areas with high prevalence of haemoglobinopathies?
Countries where malaria was or is

Nearly all haemoglobinopathies are autosomal ________
_______ gives resistance against serve malaria disease
1 in 4 chance of having affected child
1 in 2 chance of being a carrier or “trait”

Sickle cell disease:
Sickle haemoglobin (HbS) composed of haem molecule and what?
- 2 α chains
- 2 β (sickle) chains - Point mutation
Mutations on both beta chains (carrier if only on one)

what are the Consequences of HbS Polymerisation?
Narrowed vessels and plugs causing vasal occlusion which causes the damage

what is the presentation of sickle cell?
Painful Vaso-occlusive crises - Bone
Chest Crisis
Stroke (sickling in the brain)
Increased infection risk - Hyposplenism
Chronic haemolytic anaemia - Gallstones, Aplastic crisis
Sequestration crises - Spleen, Liver

Sickle cell – painful crisis
what should be done?

•Severe pain - often requires opiates:
- Analgesia should be given within 30 mins of presentation
- Effective analgesia by 1 hour
- Avoid pethidine
- Hydration
- Oxygen - Given oxygen to prevent further sickling
- Consider antibiotics