What is cyclotron radiation?
For a non-relativistic electron, the radiation from the electron is not beamed and observer sees emission of radiation that varies sinusoidally. The spectrum of this radiation is Fourier transform of the time variation of this emission, giving a delta function at gyrofrequency.
What does the synchrotron emission from a single electron look like?
A series of sharp pulses separated by the period corresponding to the reduced frequency
What does the cyclotron emission from a single electron look like?
A smooth sine wave
What is the energy spectrum determined by?
The width of the peak not the interval between peaks.
(The Fourier transform of the sharp peak gives an effectively continuous distribution, resulting in a continuum energy spectrum.)
What is the width of the peak determined by?
Beaming and shortening of pulse
What are the beaming and shortening effects?
- Beaming effect means emission only seen between points A and B during which time electron has moved through angle 1/y
- Pulse is shortened because electron travelling close to c so it almost keeps up with the emission from point A as it travels to point B
Why is the synchrotron radiation many orders of magnitude higher than non-relativistic gyro-frequency?
Because of beaming and shortening
What gives rise to the synchrotron energy spectrum?
The Fourier transform of the individual time series
What are the observable signatures of synchrotron radiation that allows us to distinguish it from other emission mechanisms?
- The power law spectrum that is produced at most energies and the value of its slope
- Synchrotron self-absorption at low energies in compact sources
- The polarisation of the radiation
What is the electric vector of an accelerating charge?
It’s at a maximum anti-parallel to the direction of the acceleration, which is perpendicular to the direction of motion for a charged particle in a B field.
Define high linear polarisation
Since radiation is strongly beamed along the direction of particle motion, most photons that are observed are from electrons with velocities directly toward observer so have closely aligned electric vectors
What does the small beam width give?
A spread of frequency
What does the intensity and polarisation depend on?
The viewing angle
When is emission 100% linearly polarised?
When we look edge on
When is a high degree of polarisation at the source not observed?
When the magnetic field at the source is tangled preventing any coherent polarisaiton and when the radiation passes through plasma on the way to the observer. If the plasma is non-uniform, Faraday rotation occurs which washes out polarisation