#3: Race and Gender Flashcards
What is Race?
Race is a social construct, produced through racialization!
What is a Racialized Group?
A category of people who have been singled out, by others or themselves, as inferior or superior, on the basis of subjectively selected physical characteristics like skin colour or eye shape.
What is a Majority Group (dominant):
A group with advantaged access to resources/rights in society. and can be determined by ethnicity, gender, class, disability and so on.
What is Minority Group (subordinate):
A group that is disadvantaged, subjected to discrimination, regards itself as an object of discrimination. ex. people of colour, disability, sexual orientation, and gender.
What is “White Privilege”?
White Privilege: privilege that accrues to people who have “white” skin, trace their ancestry to Europe, and think of themselves as European Canadians.
What is Internalized Dominance?
Internalized Dominance: All the Ways that white people learn they are normal, feel included, and do not think of themselves as other or different.
What does Othering mean?
Othering is the social construction of “The Other”
Example: Us. vs. Them
The Other is excluded
Racialization produces a category of “others” who are excluded based on their _____.
What is Racism?
Racism is a set of attitudes, beliefs, and practices used to justify the superior treatment of one racialized group and the inferior treatment of another racialized group.
What is Ethnocentrism?
Ethnocentrism is the assumption that one’s own group and way of like are SUPERIOR to all others (positive and negative forms)
What is a Generalization?
Ideas held about a group of people that are open to revision and can be rejected
What are Stereotypes?
Stereotypes are overgeneralizations about the appearance, behaviour, or other characteristics of all members of a group.
What is Prejudice?
Is a negative attitude about people based on characteristics such as racialization (and gender, age, etc.)
What is Individual Discrimination?
Individual discrimination consists of one on one acts by members of the dominant group that harm members of the subordinate group or their property.
What is Institutional Discrimination?
Institutional Discrimination consists of the day to day practices of ORGANIZATIONS and INSTITUTIONS that have discriminatory effects.
Interpersonal Racism ______vs.______
Explicit vs. Implicit
Institutional Racism
Systematic (Intentional) Racism
Various organizational practices that discriminate
Institutional Racism
Systemic (Unintentional) Racism
Embedded in organizational design.
Examples of Societal Racism/Everyday Racism
Colour Symbols
Democratic Racism
Tensions between equality of opportunity and inequality of condition with respect to race.
Racialized Socialization
Racialized Socialization: Social interaction containing messages and practices about the nature of racialized groups, e.g.
1) personal and group identity
2) Inter-group and Individual relationships
3) One’s position in social stratification
White “racial” bonding: drawing “us-them” boundaries.
Structural Inequality
patterns of exclusion from privilege
Functionalist Perspective
how groups interact to preserve the system: (3 A’s)
Anglo-conformity model
Functionalist Perspective
Ethnic pluralism:
Ethnic Pluralism: Coexistence of diverse racialized/ethnic groups with separate identities and cultures with a society.
Functionalist Perspective
Segregation: The spatial and social seperation of categories of people by racialization, ethnicity, class, gender, religion, or other characteristics.
Perspectives- Conflict
Class Perspective:
The capitalist class benefits from a split labour market where the economy is divided into two employment sectors:
- secure higher paid for dominant group members and
- insecure lower paid work for minority group members
Perspectives- Conflict
Internal Colonialism:
Internal Colonialism: Members of a racialized/ethnic group are conquered, or colonized and forcibly placed under the economic and political control of the dominant group, eg. treatment of Indigenous people.
Perspectives- Conflict
Genocide: the deliberate, systematic killing of an entire people or nation.
Anti-Racist Feminist Theorizing
Gendered Racism:
Interactive effect of racism and sexism in exploiting indigenous and visible minority women.
Anti-Racist Feminist Theorizing
Intersectional Theorizing:
a move toward an understanding of the myriad ways in which oppressions are linked.
The subordination of one sex, female, based on the assumed superiority of the other sex, male.
a heirarchical system of social organization in which cultural, political, and economic structures are controlled by DICK (men) lol
Biological diff between males and females
having unrecognizable genitalia or both male and female genitalia
SOCIALLY CONSTRUCTED sets of behaviours and characteristics associated with one’s sex.
The practice of putting males at the CENTER.
Gender roles:
rights, responsibilities expectations and relationships of women and men in society
Gender ideology:
ideas of masculinity and femininity that are held to be valid in a particular society and time (social basis)
Gendered divisions of labour:
the process whereby productive tasks are separated on the bases of gender.
Gender Inequality is maintained by :
______ sexism and _______sexism
individual : anti female prejudice by individuals
Institutional: discrimination engaged at the organizational level
Examples of Gender Inequality situations
Gender segregated work Wage Gap Intersectionality Sexual Harrassment Violence against Women
Contemporary Gender Inequality
Glass Ceiling:
Glass Ceiling: Invisible barrier constructed by male management to prevent women from reaching TOP positions
Contemporary Gender Inequality
Glass Escalator:
Glass Escalator: Upward movement of men in women’s occupations disproportionate to their numbers
Contemporary Gender Inequality
Double Shift:
Double Shift: Women are wage earners and also do most of unpaid household work, now recorded in the census.
Perspectives: Interactionist
Linguistic sexism:
Communication that ignores, devalues, or makes sex objects of women. (whore, slut, cunt)
Perspectives: Interactionist
Men’s and Women’s styles and contents of Language differ.
Perspectives: Interactionist
Non-Verbal Communication:
eg. men control more space than women.
Perspectives: Functionalist
Early ‘essentialist’ thinking:
Men are more suited to instrumental (ie. goal oriented) tasks. Women perform expressive (emotionally oriented) tasks.
Perspectives: Conflict
Social life is a continuous struggle in which the powerful seek to control resources
Gender Inequality results from…..?
capitalism and private ownership of the means of production
-a result of structural and historical relations.
Perspectives: Feminist
Socialist: men gain control over property and women
Perspectives: Feminist
Radical: Men’s oppression of women is deliberately supported by media and religion
Perspectives: Feminist
Liberal: Inequality is rooted in gender- role socialization
Perspectives Feminist:
Black, Indigenous, and other women of colour face inequalities compounded by __________, ________, and ______.
Continuum of Power:
Continuum of power: Ranges from domination to empowerment.
Some ways of conceptualizing power? (3 ways)
power over
power to
power with