3. Proteins Flashcards
What is the structure of an amino acid?

Why are proteins complex compared to polysaccharides?
- Side groups on amino acids vary from one amino acid to the next
- A protein is made up of about 20 different amino acids, each with a different side group
- Polysaccharide is usually made up of the same repeating monosaccharide units or combo of a few different units

Which amino acids have carbon rich side chains making them HYDROPHOBIC?

Which amino acids are hydrophilic or polar and therefore interact well with water?

What pH’s do the charged amino acids interact at?

What is the primary structure of proteins?
The pimary structure of a protein is the linear sequence of amino acids as encoded by DNA
What are the two types of secondary structure that proteins have?
Alpha helices or beta sheets

How is the alpha helix stabilised?

How are beta sheets stabilised?
Beta sheets are formed when hydrogen bonds stabilize two or more adjacent strands

What is the tertiary structure of the protein?

Why are the charged amino acids important for structure in proteins such as ubiquitin?

How do membrane bound proteins make use of charged amino acids to inform their shape?

What are three factors the native structure of a protein depends on?
- Repulsive and attractive forces
- Interactions among the amino acid side groups of proteins
- The environment the protein is in.
Which levels of protein structure are disrupted when the protein is denatured?
- Protein denaturation refers to changes in the secondary and tertiary structure of the protein, while the primary structure remains unchanged.

What are some of the forces that stabilise protein structure?
- Hydrophobic interactions
- Electrostatic interactions
- Van der Waals interactions
- Hydrogen bonds
- Ionic interactions
- COvalent bonds or chemical cross links
- Disulfide bonds
What happens to a protein when it is denatured?
- Undergo physical and chemical changes
- Lose its biological activity
- Lose solubility
- Increase tendency to aggregate
What happens to an enzyme where it is denatured?
- Loss of enzyme activity
- Changes in reaction rate
- Changes in affinity for its substrate
- Changes to its optimum pH or temperature to funciton
In what ways is protein denaturation beneficial for food processing?

What are denaturants?
Factors that contribute to the changes in the environment surrounding the protein which result in disruption of interactions that stabilise the secondary and tertiary structure.
What are three physical denaturants?
- Temperature induced
- Sheer induced
- High pressure induced
What are the three chemical denaturants?
- pH induced
- Organic solvent induced
- Salts and other additives
How does temperature act as a denaturant?
- Both high and low temp can cause proteins to denature, and the denaturation temperature of a protein is unique to the protein
- Thermal stability of proteins is determined by the amino acid composition
- Hydrophobic amino acid residues (Val, Ile, Leu, Phe) provide for higher stability than proteins with more hydrophilic amino acids
- Some proteins also denature at cold temperatures, usually reverisble
How can mechanical sheer acts as a denaturant?
Denaturant of food proteins can results from exposure to mechanical shear forces generate by processes such as shaking, whipping, mixing, sonicaiton, vortexing, flow through conduits, centrifugation, and texturisation.
What are the sources of food proteins?

What proteins are sourced from plants?
Gliadin, horedein, karifin, secalin, and zein are PROLINE and GLUTAMINE rich storage proteins found in wheat, barley, sorghum, rye and corn respectively
How can plant proteins contribute to allergies?
- These proteins are known to contribute to intolerance and allergenicity in certain individuals
- the choice of the processing of food can amplify the allergenicity of some of these proteins
- Eg. although dry roasting can impart flavour to peanuts, it can augument immunoreactivity and amplify the formation or unveiling of new allergenic epitopes in peanut proteins
What broad categories of factors are there that influence funcitonal properties of proteins?
- Intrinsic properties of protein
- Extrinsic factors coming from the food system
What are the intrinsic properties of food proteins that affect funcitonal properties?

What are the external properties that influence the functional properties of proteins?

How does the characteristic of soy protein influence its use in bread?
Soybean proteins have neither gliadin nor glutenin, the unique proteins of wheat gluten. As a result, soy flour cannot be incorporated into bread without the use of special additives that improve loaf volume.
How do we get from soybeans to soy products?

What four groups of proteins does soybean contain?
- Storage proteins
- Enzymes and enzyme inhibitors ( >1% of the total protein) involved in metabolism
- Structural proteins including both ribosomal and chromosomal
- Membrane proteins
What is soy protein isolate?
- When you acidify defatted soybeal meal to pH 4.5-4.8 you prepare SPI and whey
- SPI includes the mahor soybean isolation proteins
- Classified into four categories 2S, 7S, 11S and 15S which sediment at different gravitational forced when solution is subjected to a centrifugation.
What is the basic 7S globin structure from soybean?

What is the basic 11S globulin structure from soybean?

How does a protein gel form?
- When partially unfolded proteins develop uncolied polypeptide segments that interact at specific points to form a 3D cross linked network
- Partial unfolding with slight changes in secondary structure is required for gelation
- heating, treatment with acids, alkali can contribute to partial unfolding of the native structure
What interactions result in the formation of a protein gel?
- 3D protein network forms because of protein-protein and protein-solvent (water interactions)
- These interaction and gelation are accelerated at high protein concentrations because of more intense intermolecular contacts
- Higher amound of cross linking provides fluidity, elasticity and flow behaviour of gels

How is tofu formed?
- Tofu is a bean curd made by coagulating soymilk
- Washed soybeans are ground with water. Then soymilk is obtained by filtration before or after heating
- Ca induced and heat induced gelling mechanisms are used to form tofu. Salt coagulants are added while heating the soymilk to achieve this

What is happening in this picture?

- 7S and 11S proteins exist in the solution, and soy milk is made up of proteins and oil globule in the aqueous solution
- Then salts are added, may decrease pH
- The oil globules interact with the proteins and pH change partially denatures the protein exposing hydrophobic groups that interact with oil globules
- Coagulation forms the network
How can a good emulsion differ?

What is an emulsion made up of?

How do proteins prevent coalescence of foams and emulsions?
- They have an amphipillic nature so they place themselves at the air-water and oil-water interface.
- partial unfolding of the proteins enable it to interact with both oil and water

How does the composition of soy protein affect its emulsification properties?
- more 7S has better emulsifying properties than fraction with 11S
- Better emulsifying properties of 7S globulins give higher rate of diffusion to the interface
- Disulfide bonding in the 11S globulin may inhibit unfolding and decrease interactions at the oil/water interface
how does the stability of emulsions prepared with mature or immature beans compare?
- The stability of emulsions prepared with soy isolate from mature beans was higher than those from immature ones. This was due to the increased 7S fraction in the mature soybeans.
- Preparing blends of soy proteins and caseins or whey protein diminished the undesirable off-flavor of soy protein.