3- people Flashcards
what are the advantages and disadvantages and sustainability for a tall structure?
+ - clear lines of communication
- managers tend to have only a few people to be responsible for
- opportunities for people to gain promotion
- -subordinates may feel too controlled by their line manager-
- workers may only talk to immediate colleagues and may be less sympathetic or supportive
s- tall structures suit large organisations
-tall structures suit non creative businesses
what are the advantages and disadvantages and sustainability for a flat structure?
+- managers tend to delegate responsibility to workers they have responsibility for
-workers are likely to talk to a wider range of colleagues
- there are not always clear lines of communication
- managers may have a large number of workers to over see
- promotion opportunities limited(lack of motivation)
s- flat structures are suitable for creative businesses
-good for smaller businesses
define functions
the different types of work that need to be done in business
examples of functions
define human resources
the workers employed by a business
define identifying human resource needs
the act of thinking about the purposes of human resources and how many and what types of workers will be needed
define a personnel plan
a plan detailing the employees a business needs- how many whether they will be full or part time workers the skills they should have and when they will work
what are the things a business needs
what how much production method when functions budget
define subordinates
workers that a line manager is responsible for