3️⃣P3 Motion - Investigate acceleration of a trolley down a ramp Flashcards
There are different ways to investigate the acceleration of an object down a ramp. In this practical activity, it is important to:
- make and record measurements of length and time accurately
- use appropriate apparatus and methods to measure motion
Side note -
Light gates are not used in this method- kerboodle/pmt perhaps look their methods
Method - no light gates remember
- Set up a ramp balanced on a wooden block at one end. Mark out 30 cm at the end of the ramp. Avoid making the ramp too steep, as this will cause the trolley to roll too quickly, which could make measuring difficult.
((2. Practise recording the time it takes for the trolley to travel the length of the ramp. To do this, release the trolley from the top of the ramp, start the stop clock and record the time taken for the trolley to move the whole distance of the ramp.
- Repeat this twice more and record all results in a table similar to the one below. Then calculate the mean time and record this also. Remember that these are practise results. )) - steps 2 to 3 are dispensable imo
- Next, record the time it takes for the trolley to travel the final section of the ramp. To do this, release the trolley from the top of the ramp again but this time start the stop clock when the trolley reaches the last 30 cm of the ramp.
Record the time it takes - for the trolley to travel the last 30 cm of the ramp in a table like the one shown below. These are your final results.
- Repeat this twice more, and record a mean time for the trolley to travel the last 30 cm of the ramp.
- Calculate the speed of the trolley when it was descending the last 30 cm of the ramp using the equation: speed (m/s) = distance (m) ÷ time (s). Remember to first convert 30 cm into metres by dividing it by 100 (there are 100 cm in 1 m).

It is important to record results in a suitable table, like the one below:
- what are the 5 dealings?
Run 1 (s) Run 2 (s) Run 3 (s) Mean (s) Overall speed (m/s)
Analysis - how is acceleration calculated ?
Use the result from above as the final speed and take the initial speed of the trolley as 0 m/s. Calculate the acceleration of the trolley when descending the entire length of the ramp using acceleration (m/s2) = change in speed (m/s) ÷ time taken (s). Remember that the change in speed is from 0 m/s to the calculated result.
Acceleration depends on speed and time. What happens if the trolley takes a shorter time to travel the length of the ramp?
What would happen if the angle of the ramp was different?
- skip..
Hazards + consequence + control measures, trolley
Trolley falling Injury to feet Keep feet well away from end of ramp
OCR, method 1: Using ruler and stopwatch to calculate average speed and then acceleration
- Set up apparatus as shown below. Do not set the ramp at too steep an angle as it will make measuring time too difficult.
- Release (do not push) the trolley from the top of the ramp, start the timer and record the time taken for the trolley to move the whole distance of the ramp.
- Repeat this 2 more times and calculate the mean. Record results in the table below.
- Release (do not push) the trolley from the top of the ramp again but this time start the timer when the trolley reaches the marked last 30 cm of the ramp, record the time it takes for the trolley to travel the last 30 cm of the ramp.
- Repeat this 2 more times and take an average. Record results in the table below.
- Use your results to calculate the speed of the trolley when it was descending the last 30 cm of the ramp. Speed (m/s) = distance (m) ÷ time (s)
- Use your result from above as the final speed and take the initial speed of the trolley as 0m/s. Calculate the acceleration of the trolley when descending the entire length of the ramp using acceleration (m/s2) = change in speed (m/s) ÷ time taken (s)

OCR Method 2: Using light gates and data loggers
- Set up apparatus as shown below. Keep the angle of the slope the same as it was for the first experiment
- Set up the data logger so that the acceleration of the trolley between the two light gates is recorded. If this is not possible than set them up to record the speed at each point and calculate the acceleration using acceleration (m/s2) = change in speed (m/s) ÷ time (s)
- Release (do not push) the trolley from the top of the ramp, record in the table below the acceleration of the trolley.
- Repeat 2 more times and calculate the mean acceleration of the trolley.

OCR Method 3: The effect of force on acceleration
- Set up apparatus as shown below, choose a length of string so that the mass does not touch the ground
- Set up the data logger so that the acceleration of the trolley between the two light gates is recorded. If this is not possible than set them up to record the speed at each point and calculate the acceleration using acceleration (m/s2) = change in speed (m/s) ÷ time (s)
- Start with a force of 1 N (100 g) and record the acceleration in the table below.
- Increase the force by 1 N each time and record the accelerations in the table below.
- Repeat this 2 more times and calculate means.
- Plot a graph of force against acceleration

masses may be heavy so care must be taken to not drop them. Placing a buffer at the end of the ramp or something soft for the trolley to land in is suggested so not to damage equipment.