3 - odontogenic cysts Flashcards
odontogenic cysts
inflammatory cysts - 3
all other developmental
periapical (radicular) cyst
residual periapical (radicular cyst)
buccal bifurcation cyst
developmental - dentigerious, eruption, primordial, OKC(NBCCS, Gorlin syndrome), gingival (alverolar) cyst of the new, pof the adult, lateral periodontal cyst, calcifying odontogenic cyst (gorlin cyst)
inflammatory cyst
most common cyst of the jaws overall
periapical cyst
aka radicular cust or apical periodontal cyst
originates due to inflammatory stimulation of the epithelial rest of Malassez (PDL; clusters of residual cells of HERS)
periapical cyst
aka radicular cust or apical periodontal cyst
most common cyst of the jaws
periapical cyst
aka radicular cst or apical periodontal cyst
tooth test vital/nontial
asymptomatic; if 2nd infected or large size may get swelling and pain
non-vital tooth
radiographic features
round to ovoid radioluceny at apex
loss of lamina dura
may develo on lateral aspect of the root, presumably due to the presence of a lateral canal in the area “lateral radicular cyst)
periapical cyst
aka radicular cyst or apical periodontal cyst
plain radiographs cannot differentiate btw a periapical cyst and _
and periapical granuloma
cyst has stratified squamous epithelial lining
granuloma - no cyst lining; inflamed granulation tissue surrounded by fibrous tissue
periapical cyst uni or multilocular
histopathologic features
inflamed granulation tissue or fibrous CT lined by non-keratinized stratified squamous epi
periapical cyst
aka radicular cust or apical periodontal cyst
if no cyst lining is seen it is a “periapical granuloma”
periapical cyst tx
extraction with curettage
radiographic follow up to confirm healing
some believe large cystic lesions cannot be resolved with conventional endodontics - experienced clinicians have successfully used nonsurgical root canal therapy
if the radiolucency fails to resolve - the lesion often can be managed successfully by nonsurgical endo retreat!!
larger lesions - endo, marsupialization, decompression, or fenestration - maybe biopsy
periapical cyst
aka radicular cyst or apical periodontal cyst
excellent, but if cyst is not removed it may persist as a residual cyst
once the source of the inflammation is removed the infection resolves and the bone heals - if comes back or stays = residual cyst
inflammatory cyst
most often represent a periapical cyst which had not been removed with the extraction or resolved with endo
well defined radiolucency in the site of a previous extraction or endo tx tooth
residual cyst
tx for residual cyst
tx - enucleation, excellent prognosis
inflammatory cyst, usually children
mandibular molars
localized swelling buccal aspect of alveolar process +- pain
possible foul taste
Flat V-shaped extension of enamel into the bifurcation of a molar
buccal bifurcation cys
radiographic features
may be difficult to detect
may have well-defined radiolucency in the furcation. SUPERIMPOSED over the roots
buccal bifurcation cyst
apicies typically tipped to lingual cortex (occlusal radiograph)
may see proliferative periostitis - single or multiple subperiosteal layers of bone formation
inflamed granulation tissue or fibrous CT lined by non-keratinized startified squamous epi - like periapical cyst
need the radiograph
apicies typically tipped to lingual cortex (occlusal radiograph)
may see proliferative periostitis - single or multiple subperiosteal layers of bone formation
buccal bifurcation cyst