3. Normocytic anemia Flashcards
Definition of normocytic anemia
Anemia with normal-sized RBCs (MCV = 80 - 100 fL)
Mechanism of normocytic anemia
Decreased blood volume and/or decreased erythropoiesis
Disease that can present with normocytic anemia
- Hemolytic anemia
a. Intrinsic defects:
i. Hemoglobinopathies
- Sickle cell anemia
- HbC disease
ii. Enzyme deficiencies
- Pyruvate kinase deficiency
- G6PD deficiency
iii. Membrane defects
- Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
- Hereditary spherocytosis
b. Extrinsic defects:
i. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
ii. Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
iii. Macroangiopathic hemolytic anemia
iv. Infections
v. Mechanical destruction - Nonhemolytic anemia
a. Blood loss
b. Aplastic anemia
c. Anemia of chronic kidney disease
d. Iron deficiency anemia (early phase)
e. Anemia of chronic disease (early phase)
Epidemiology of Sickle cell anemia
- Predominantly affects individuals of African and East Mediterranean descent
- Sickle cell anemia is the most common form of intrinsic hemolytic anemia worldwide.
Pathophysiology of Sickle cell anemia (genetics)
- Heterozygotes (HbSA): carry one sickle allele and one other (usually normal) → sickle cell trait
- Homozygotes (HbSS): carry two sickle alleles → sickle cell anemia
- Point mutation in the β-globin gene (chromosome 11) → glutamic acid replaced with valine (single amino acid substitution) → 2 α-globin and 2 mutated β-globin subunits create pathological hemoglobin S (HbS).
- Glutamic acid can also be replaced with a lysine, creating hemoglobin C.
a. Hemoglobin SC disease
- Heterozygosity for hemoglobin S and hemoglobin C
- Results in a phenotype more severe than sickle cell trait but not as severe as sickle cell disease (e.g., fewer acute sickling events)
Pathomechanism of Sickle cell anemia
- HbS polymerizes when deoxygenated, causing deformation of erythrocytes (“sickling”). This can be triggered by any event associated with reduced oxygen tension.
a. Hypoxia (e.g., at high altitudes)
b. Infections
c. Dehydration
d. Acidosis
e. Sudden changes in temperature
f. Stress
g. Pregnancy - Sickle cells lack elasticity and adhere to vascular endothelium, which disrupts microcirculation and causes vascular occlusion and subsequent tissue infarction.
- Extravascular hemolysis and intravascular hemolysis are common and result in anemia.
- Hemolysis and the subsequent increased turnover of erythrocytes may increase the demand for folate, causing folate deficiency.
- The body increases the production of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) to compensate for low levels of HbA in sickle cell disease.
Hemoglobin composition in sickle cell trait
HbA (60%)
HbS (40%)
HbF (<2%)
Hemoglobin composition in sickle cell disease
HbA (0%)
HbS (75-95%)
HbF (5-25%)
Hemoglobin composition in normal
HbA (95-98%)
HbS (0%)
HbF (<2%)
Clinical presentation of sickle cell trait
- Often asymptomatic
- Painless gross hematuria due to renal papillary necrosis: often the only symptom
- Hyposthenuria: nocturia, enuresis
- Recurrent urinary tract infections
- Renal medullary carcinoma
Clinical presentation of sickle cell disease
- Onset
a. 30% develop symptoms in the first year of life; > 90% by age 6 years
b. Manifests after 6 months of age as the production of HbF decreases and HbS levels increase - Acute symptoms:
a. Acute hemolytic crisis (severe anemia):
i. Splenic sequestration crisis:
- Splenic vaso-occlusion → entrapment and pooling of large amounts of blood in the spleen → acute left upper quadrant pain, anemia, reticulocytosis, and signs of intravascular volume depletion (e.g., hypotension)
ii. Aplastic crisis:
- Red blood cell aplasia with an acute, severe drop in hemoglobin and associated reticulocytopenia due to an infection with parvovirus B19
- Dysmorphic erythrocytes in sickle cell disease and hereditary spherocytosis are susceptible to parvovirus B19 infection, which can temporarily suppress bone marrow erythropoiesis.
iii. Hyperhemolysis: intravascular and extravascular hemolysis triggered by mild oxygen deficiency (rare)
b. Infection:
i. Pneumonia
ii. Meningitis
iii. Osteomyelitis (most common cause: Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus aureus)
iv. Sepsis (most common cause: Streptococcus pneumoniae)
c. Vaso-occlusive events:
i. Vaso-occlusive crises (painful episodes, painful crisis): recurrent episodes of severe deep bone pain and dactylitis → most common symptom in children and adolescents
ii. Acute chest syndrome
iii. Priapism
iv. Stroke (common in children)
v. Acute sickle hepatic crisis (manifests with RUQ pain, jaundice, nausea, fever, hepatomegaly, and elevated transaminase levels)
vi. Infarctions of virtually any organ (particularly spleen) and avascular necrosis with corresponding symptoms
- Chronic symptoms:
a. Chronic hemolytic anemia: fatigue, weakness, pallor; usually well-tolerated
b. Chronic pain
c. Cholelithiasis (pigmented stones)
Lab studies for sickle cell anemia
- Liquid chromatography and isoelectric focusing to quantify hemoglobin subtypes
- Sickle cell test: detects sickle cells in blood smear under anaerobic conditions
- Peripheral blood smear:
a. Sickle cells (drepanocytes) crescent-shaped RBCs
b. Target cells
c. Possibly Howell-Jolly bodies
d. Reticulocytosis
Imaging studies for sickle cell anemia
X-ray of the skull shows hair-on-end (“crew cut”) sign due to periosteal reaction to erythropoietic bone marrow hyperplasia
Complications of sickle cell anemia
Recurrent vascular occlusion and disseminated infarctions lead to progressive organ damage and loss of function.
- Spleen
a. Functional asplenia
- Increased risk of infection with encapsulated bacteria (Streptococcus pneumoniae (most common), Neisseria meningitis, Haemophilus influenzae type b, Salmonella typhi)
- Appearance of Howell-Jolly bodies in RBCs - Kidney
a. Renal papillary necrosis
Countercurrent microcirculation of kidney → hypoxic environment of renal medulla → sickling of RBCs → vaso-occlusion → renal papillary necrosis
Manifests as hematuria - Skeletal: Avascular osteonecrosis
- CNS: Recurrent strokes
- Male genitals: Priapism
- Lungs: Acute chest syndrome
- Heart: Heart failure, MI
- Eye: Retinal vessel infarction
- Liver: Hepatic sequestration, Acute sickle hepatic crisis
Definition of Hemoglobin C disease
Occurs in individuals who are homozygous for the hemoglobin C mutation (HbCC)
Definition of Hemoglobin C trait
Occurs in individuals who are heterozygous carriers of the hemoglobin C mutation (HbAC)
Pathophysiology of Hemoglobin C
Glutamic acid can also be replaced with a lysine, creating hemoglobin C.
- HbC precipitates as crystals → ↑ RBC rigidity and ↓ deformability → extravascular hemolysis
- β-globin mutation (glutamate replaced by lysine)
- HbC is less soluble than HbA and tends to form hexagonal crystals, which lead to RBC dehydration (↑ MCHC).
- RBCs have reduced oxygen-binding capacity and a shorter lifespan.
Clinical presentation of Hemoglobin C
- Hemolytic anemia (usually mild)
- Cholelithiasis
- Jaundice
- Splenomegaly
- Patients with HbSC gene mutation (one HbC and one HbS trait) have milder symptoms than HbSS patients.
Lab studies for Hemoglobin C disease
a. ↓ MCV, ↑ MCHC
b. Mild anemia
c. ↑ Reticulocytes - PBS
a. Anisopoikilocytosis
b. Target cells and microspherocytes
c. Rod-shaped RBCs containing precipitated hemoglobin C crystals - Hb electrophoresis
a. Hemoglobin C: > 95%
Lab studies for Hemoglobin C trait
a. ↓ MCV, ↑ MCHC
b. Usually no anemia or reticulocytosis - PBS
Usually normal - Hb electrophoresis
a. Hemoglobin C: ∼ 50%
Definition of Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
An acquired genetic defect of the hematopoietic stem cell characterized by a triad of hemolytic anemia, pancytopenia, and thrombosis
Epidemiology of Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
- Median age of onset: approx. 35–40 years.
2. ♀ = ♂
Pathophysiology of Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
- Physiologically, a membrane-bound glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor protects RBCs against complement-mediated hemolysis.
- Acquired mutation on the PIGA gene located on the X chromosome → GPI anchor loses its protective effect → RBC destruction by complement and reticuloendothelial system → intravascular and extravascular hemolysis
- The GPI anchor proteins involved in PNH are:
- CD55/DAF (Decay accelerating factor)
- CD59/MIRL (Membrane inhibitor of reactive lysis) - PNH can also occur in patients with aplastic anemia and myelodysplastic syndrome.