3 Myopia-Attar Flashcards
What’s the most common symptom associated with simple myopia?
Blurred vision at a distance
Distance vision is blurred at night time (dim illumination)
Blurred vision constant or intermittent with greater distance blur occurring after near work
The primary sign of myopia is reduced….?
Unaided distance VA’s
In what type of myopia, the retinoscopy in a dark room may be shifted in the minus direction, compared to standard manifest?
What’s the definite sign of pseudomyopia?
Significantly more minus power on the manifest than on the cycloplegic refraction
What should you say to educate a child with simple myopia?
Children with simple myopia usually have an onset in childhood. The condition almost always increases in severity until the progression slows or stops in the mid to late teens. Young adults with myopia can be told that increases in myopia during young adulthood are not uncommon. In some patients the increase in simple myopia may continue into the third decade of life.
What should you instruct a patient to do with nocturnal myopia?
Patients should instructed to wear the correction for nighttime seeing under dark conditions, such as when driving at night.
What should a patient be told if they have Pseudo-myopia?
Patients should be educated that the goal of treatment for pseudomyopia is to relax accommodation. Clinicians should explain that periods of blurred distance vision occur when accommodation is not relaxed, and that blurred distance vision may occur periodically until accommodative response is reduced.
What should you say to somebody who has degenerative myopia?
Patients should be advised to have annual or more frequent eye and vision examinations, depending upon the severity of ocular changes. Patients need to understand the importance of regular retinal examination, visual fields testing, and measurement of intraocular pressure. Patients should also be educated about the causes and symptoms of retinal break or detachment and be advised to seek immediate care if they experience the onset of symptoms
What would you educate a patient with induced myopia?
Patients should be educated about the agent or condition inducing the myopia and the nature of the changes occurring in the eye. Patients should be informed as to whether the induced myopia will be temporary or long standing and, if appropriate, how to avoid the induced myopia in the future.